Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I normally HATE fantasy type movies...ie Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings (hated them)....but the visuals in this are worth the $10. Definitely see it in 3d.
Real talk, if you're gonna watch this, you have to see it in IMAX 3D... or at the very least Digital 3D, or don't watch it at all. As corny as thissounds, this is an EXPERIENCE. The way the 3D works in this movie is different than any previous 3D film. It's not a gimmick where things fly out at you,instead it's meant to create a sense of depth to the scene. SMH at all you dudes who think a bootleg is going to give you anything close to an experience.And this is coming from someone who thought the trailers and previews looked cheesy and underwhelming. GO SEE IT.
Originally Posted by wuSHUMast3r

Real talk, if you're gonna watch this, you have to see it in IMAX 3D... or at the very least Digital 3D, or don't watch it at all. As corny as this sounds, this is an EXPERIENCE. The way the 3D works in this movie is different than any previous 3D film. It's not a gimmick where things fly out at you, instead it's meant to create a sense of depth to the scene. SMH at all you dudes who think a bootleg is going to give you anything close to an experience. And this is coming from someone who thought the trailers and previews looked cheesy and underwhelming. GO SEE IT.
It's my favorite cinema experience of all time
On Friday, Avatar wrangled a stellar estimated $27 million on approximately 7,000 screens at 3,452 sites (including $3.5 million from its midnight start). The picture's 3D presentations at 2,038 sites accounted for 58 percent of the gross.

Avatar's first day stands as the third highest-grossing ever for a December release. It slots behind The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King's $34.5 million and I Am Legend's $30.1 million (and ranks 33rd among all movies), although several other December pictures were greater in terms of attendance. Among other comparable titles, Avatar had a far more prodigious beginning than the King Kong remake, another long, computer-generated spectacle, and its first day was about the same as Star Trek from earlier this year.


Good opening day for the movie, most of the word of mouth and reviews have been fantastic, so it shouldn't have a huge drop off in the following weeks.
movie amazing. It honestly was to me our generations Star Wars. Technology wise, it was nothing i ever seen before. And as for the 3d, it didnt hurt my eyesonce. I was on another planet for 2 hours and 45 min.

I saw it in imax 3d btw.
movie was amazing. saw it in real 3d at gold class cinemas. great experience.

movie was long but the visuals were amazing. good, fun storyline with alot of action. think its a movie anyone could watch. not your typical sci-fi movie, moreof a adventure kind of movie.
Awesome movie! The digital effects are absolutely phenomenal. Great story w/ an epic battle. Throughout the move I kept thinking of how euro-americans invadedthe land of the Native Americans and the colonialism of the world.

Just pissed that I didnt see it in imax 3D.
Just finished watching. Walked into the theaters sometime yesterday.

...Never-the-less this was worth every last second I was in there.
Was anybody
before watching the movie. I was wondering if it will makethe experience that much better.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Copped imax tickets for next weekend (sold out for this weekend) reserved middle seats
40$ for 2
Visuals better be worth it!

--You wont be disappointed.
--Best visuals and effects I've ever seen in a film. No lie.
Weekend estimated pulled in 73 million domestically, with 159 million foreign.

Which is good considering a lot of the northeast was under snow so people weren't going to the movies, the drop-offs between Friday and Saturday werepretty big in that area.
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