Bathroom/Bathtub cleaning help!!


So you wash the dirt off of your body and let it stay in the tub and then get in the dirty tub to wash the dirt off of your body... About as bad as washing your ask before your face with the same wash cloth.


Nasty. Just clean your tub on the regular.
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Comet & a sponge will do the trick.

If that doesn't take all of it off, use Comet + a magic eraser and that will surely have it looking good as new.
Just go to the dollar store and cop some cleaner with bleach and go ham.
Magic Erasers!  I used them on the tile/grout in the shower at my mothers old house they were 
 and they look brand new now

all the scrubs and products don't come close to Magic Erasers on tile.  I clean everything I can with them, sinks, shower door glass...
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Pretty much any bathroom cleaner will remove that...Just buy anything.
The problem you have is that that is probably mold in the silicon or grout between the tiles.

A bleach cleaner will make it a lot better - if it's really bad soak paper towels in bleach and leave them pressed against it for a while.

If it's too far gone you might have to remove the silicon and reapply - make sure you get the stuff designed for damp areas as it stays clean a lot better.
Comet for real. Ironically I had to clean my bathroom and Comet literally gets it all out.
the same way we aren't allowed to ask for homework help OP shouldn't be allowed to ask for help with his chores.

ban this person immediately track his IP and tell his mother.
Used to do mold remeiation, get a guybto take ome samples.....might have to demo all that, loks just like the columbia u dorm bathrooms and they had a ******** of mold behind em
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