Bathroom/Bathtub cleaning help!!

I just used some bleach and baking soda to clean mine. Literally less than an hour ago. Caked that **** on.

Mold in the caulk is tricky.

Will report my results shortly.
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I really appreciate all the help. I will be getting Comet to clean it.
For those who are bashing me, back off. I simply needed some help so I won't be wasting money on wrong supplies.
And it got that way because I was simply negligent and lazy. Jeez
Could be more work than necessary and if it's a rental, it's not really your job to do it but it might be worth it to scrape that caulk off and re-caulk.

The grout definitely looks like it could use a good cleaning too. Might be a good idea to mention it to your landlord and if they're smart, they'll be proactive and address it or they could end up with bigger problems down the road in terms of water if there are any gaps.

Keep in mind that's all if cleaning doesn't do the trick. Caulk needs to be reapplied after time ad grout should be sealed. Maintenance is key.
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