batman trilogy >..............

Funny thread, but yeah, it's not really comparing like with like -as someone else pointed out, it's apples to oranges.

But since we're on the subject, then LOTR >>> 


*untouchable jc: Fantastic avatar! 
Godfather 3 was a disappointment in comparison to the first two.. But when the first two are considered two of the greatest films of alltime, that's a tough act to follow. It's a decent/good movie on its own.

However the strength of the first two carry any deficiencies of the third and as great as Nolan's Batman has been, its not better.
Godfather 2 on its own is better than Nolan's trilogy

Come at me
I think Godfather and Godfather II are better than the Batman trilogy. Godfather III should've never been made. I'd also take Star Wars and LOTR over Batman.

I hope the third Kill Bill movie will be awesome as the other two. It would be one of my all-time favorite trilogies.
What about Mission Impossible Trilogy? Trilogy of the Dead? Mighty Ducks? Toy Story? Evil Dead?

damm you guys sound like a bunch of flamboyant fan boys
hating on Bruce Wayne game
really stars wars is gay mane.

^thank u


$100, foambs, and a snapback that these two dudes are in high school mane.

LOTR's is the best trilogy.


I'm not a huge LOTR fan by any means, but why is this laughable? As a series they took home 17 Academy Awards (a record for any series of movies)
Spider-man 3 had elements and a casting that didn't work. X3 is an insult to film and by Brett Rattner.

Spiderman 3 is absolutely UN watchable , it ruined the rest of the series for me and I thought the second one was phenomenal, I watcHed it at midnight when it came out & the only thing that stood out from watching it was that face Toby Maguire makes when James Franco dies , the whole Effin theater bursted out in laughter.

I'll give the new Batman movies the nod for best super hero trilogy but I'll still take the original starwars as my favorite trilogy Emipre strikes back it's one of my favorite movies, its hard to choose between God father and Batman they're just way different, id look at which series I'd be more likely to sit down and watch over again, when ever God father 1 &2 are on amc while I'm scrolling through the guide I'll stop and watch it 9 times out of 10 , 3 isn't great but not as bad as people say just a different feel all together...with Batman I could care less about begins, TDK I'll watch over and over , tdkr was good but felt like it was missing something bane was just a glorified pawn and I kept thinking about what it would've been like with the joker reaking havoc in Gotham after bane released the prisoners , it could've been the greatest ever but I guess we have the Olsen twins to thank for that
I will say this. I'm a huge comic book fan (I've posted my collection on here several times, and started the official thread) but TDK is soooooo played out to me, it almost snooze worthy at this point
Sooooo no one mentions Fist Full of Dollars, A Few More Dollars and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?


And people like The Matrix Trilogy? It should have stop after the first one
I agree 100% with OP. TDK is in general one of the greatest movies of all time.

I only liked the first Godfather anyways.  
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i cant really respect what a lot of yall are saying because most of you think Scarface is the GOAT because trick daddy said so
I don't count Godfather as a trilogy because of the time gap. And also, no Robert Duvall, no trilogy.

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