Beer > Hard Liquor/mixed drinks...who's with me on this?

Beer now that im older. Get drunk too fast with liquor and i like remembering what i did the night before. Theres nothing like being out at the park bsing withthe guys while holding an ice cold beer.
I've def grew to appreciate the taste of a good brew and trying differ lagers/ales etc.

But if I'm trying to get drunk I have to do a few shots before because ...

A: I have a high alcohol tolerance so even after 5 beers im fine
B: all that liquid would have me in and out the bathroom every 5 min
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I've def grew to appreciate the taste of a good brew and trying differ lagers/ales etc.

But if I'm trying to get drunk I have to do a few shots before because ...

A: I have a high alcohol tolerance so even after 5 beers im fine
B: all that liquid would have me in and out the bathroom every 5 min
That's me all day. 3-4 shots of vodka beforehand, and THEN the beers. I don't know what it isabout beer, though. That %%@! runs right through me.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Depends on the day.

I get down with both on the regular. It also depends on my mood.

Im goin with "equally appreciated".

it also depends on the situation an what kind of liquor, if you're mixing it with anything, and so on.
I agree with the OP. Not a big fand of the hard stuff or mixed drinks. Give me a beer and I am good to go.
nope. not with you. I have no problems with beer, I enjoy it. But there's no way you're going to convince me that any brew is better than crown+coke.
It depends on my setting.

If I'm at a:

college party - beer
social circle w/ close friends - beer
lounge/restaurant - liquor
college road trip - both
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

I'm only 19 and I much rather prefer BEER over any alcohol! I can drink a couple beers to get me going, then drink a couple more to keep going on and on. Just a shot of hard liquor can make me feel like I want to vomit. I think my body has had too much of it already. Beer ftw! And shotgunning

This. 100000%.

I'm 19 and I've had bad experiences with hard liquor. Pre-gaming my @%* off in the dorms TOO much results in me either:

-Getting slapped by hot broads
-Me not getting to the bar

I'll have a shot or 2 of whatever my boys wanna do, but other than that, strictly beer.

Keystone Light when I wanna get drunk
I enjoy beer much more but It takes so much for me to get in the zone lol. Usually I start with vodka shots, and finish the night off with some blue moon, dosequis, or labatts.
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