Being Cordial to Random People

Being cordial is easy. All you have to do is pretend to be a nice person, then people will treat you as such.

On a related note:
Many black ppl that i've encountered give excellent daps.
Idk what it is, but i think race plays a part in it.
I have an asian friend who I've known for 2 years. His daps are awkward as hell.
Meanwhile I could go to a gas station and a random black dude will dap me so perfectly that I question if I know him or not.
Anyone else notice this?

Nah, you're just racist :lol:
Being cordial is easy. All you have to do is pretend to be a nice person, then people will treat you as such.

On a related note:
Many black ppl that i've encountered give excellent daps.
Idk what it is, but i think race plays a part in it.
I have an asian friend who I've known for 2 years. His daps are awkward as hell.
Meanwhile I could go to a gas station and a random black dude will dap me so perfectly that I question if I know him or not.
Anyone else notice this?

Nah, you're just racist :lol:

He's right and its not racist, whenever a black guy daps someone from a different race its always awkward, ain't nothing wrong with that either.
for the dap sometimes im unsure of whether a handshake or dap is more appropriate so i might go for what i think is right and they go for the other so i quickly switch but that throws it off and as a result = awkward handshake/dap
I ignore random people. Avoid all eye contact when walking by people I dont know.
Its the way I prefer it.

This. I'll only acknowledge them if they say something to me or some ****. But usually I just do me and look straight.
for the dap sometimes im unsure of whether a handshake or dap is more appropriate so i might go for what i think is right and they go for the other so i quickly switch but that throws it off and as a result = awkward handshake/dap

Step your reflex game up.

Im way too nice to random people :smh:

but then again i was raised to be nice and respectful to everyone including those who arent. I tried to change my ways but i cant. It seems rude not to be cordial/nice
On a side note who is doing that weak *** fist bump after shaking hands. U know who you are. Some random ppl will always give that wet noodle handshake and then hold out their fist afterword :lol: that gets the :stoneface: from me every time
On a side note who is doing that weak *** fist bump after shaking hands. U know who you are. Some random ppl will always give that wet noodle handshake and then hold out their fist afterword :lol: that gets the :stoneface: from me every time

Thats an LA/Socal thing, I've noticed.

We dont do that in the Bay Area, but when I moved to LA for a year, I learned that that was how they dap.
the problem with giving daps is not about being black or not but everyone is different doing the snap while dapping compared to regular dap... i do the regular dap but always get caught off guard :smh:
I talk to everybody, especially at work all the cleaners and janitors, security everybody being cordial comes in handy too, building even simple small talk relationships with people is beneficial
I'm nice towards people I don't know. Especially cashiers, fast food workers. Wouldn't say im talkative though.
I'm extremely well-mannered around strangers. Hold doors, say please and thank you, speak loudly and clearly, eye contact, smile, you name it.
That shy **** is no excuse. I'm as introverted as they come but I still aknowledge people, particularly those you see on regular basis or when you make eye contact with someone. When I was in NY both times though, I was surprised how little people spoke to each other though, not even like a "good morning," everyone was just on the train mugging each other and letting doors close in each other's face.

well i am from the tristate so this does make some type of sense :lol:

You literally run into thousands of people on a daily basis in NYC hence the mean mugs on the train. In more intimate environments NYers are cordial.
Being an introvert doesn't mean you are more prone to being shy/awkward around strangers.

Being shy and awkward means you are more prone to being shy/awkward around strangers.

Stop propagating the stereotype that introverts are losers who don't talk to anyone. You can gain the attention of an entire room as an introvert, if you want to.
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Being cordial is what you are supposed to be. It shows you're a civilized human being. It costs you nothing.
I speak to random people all the time. It seems rude not too. Southern ways I guess...
I had a professor back in college from Manhattan who told us people in NY would cross paths walking, subway, elevators, etc without ever speaking to one another :smh:
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Some days More than Half the time strangers/people are mugging if I look at them as we walk pass by so I just ignore most people those days.

Like this Mexican guy yesterday looked like he wanted to fight the second we made eye contact walking down the street. Then the walk by home theres this old Asian guy I see sometimes walking and the moment he sees me from like 50 feet away he'd start walking with his arms swinging hard back n forth, mugging and looking at me dead in the eye like he was trying to fight. He does this every time.

Other than that its easy for me to talk to most strangers if they start the convo. I'm a lot more talkative compared to when I was back in high school. I just met somebody I hadn't seen since HS today and this guy couldn't stop talking about himself the whole time and gave me no room to talk and then by the end of the convo he says I'm still quiet like in HS lol
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Reading the responses in here, I think a lot of you underestimate the power of a smile. It's so simple, so effortless, and has a ton of benefits.
Some days More than Half the time strangers/people are mugging if I look at them as we walk pass by so I just ignore most people those days.

Like this Mexican guy yesterday looked like he wanted to fight the second we made eye contact walking down the street. Then the walk by home theres this old Asian guy I see sometimes walking and the moment he sees me from like 50 feet away he'd start walking with his arms swinging hard back n forth, mugging and looking at me dead in the eye like he was trying to fight. He does this every time.

Other than that its easy for me to talk to most strangers if they start the convo.

This too OMG you have no clue dude. I think its cuz I'm small and cats want to try me :stoneface:

I usually look aways because I ain't trying to end up fighting for no damn reason :stoneface:

Do you look away or do you stare back????
If you see them everyday day they aren't random people :rolleyes

Being cordial or greeting someone is fine with me ...the small talk or convo that sometimes comes after is where I find difficulty :lol:

I loathe small talk especially if it's about something I have no interest in
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