Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Let me time travel to tomorrow night and see if there was an episode this week.

(It's a Monday night show, bro. 
Kim gon' go eventually?

- Howard being a straight jerk to her.

- Partnership talk, which would never happen at HHM.

- No more being 'punished' by Chuck.
No it's a routine to scam the wealthy yet naive.
I understand that, but they had the idea is what I'm saying.

Like, they came up with the idea in 2002??

Correct me if I'm wrong but there wasn't a popular dedicated dating site yet, if they legit did that they'd probably be rolling in more cash than Breaking Bad Saul.

AOL messageboards and Craigslist don't count
You new to the show?
I understand the scam aspect I'm talking about the actual idea.

That's like a dude saying "Listen, I have a genius plan to create a touch phone that uses apps and can download and play music..." in 2003.  Seems like the idea would have been more profitable than the scam. Unless dating websites took off before then, I honestly don't know I was too young for that ish back then.
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Originally Posted by Silverbackhoney
Originally Posted by DarthSka
You new to the show?
I understand the scam aspect I'm talking about the actual idea.

That's like a dude saying "Listen, I have a genius plan to create a touch phone that uses apps and can download and play music..." in 2003.  Seems like the idea would have been more profitable than the scam. Unless dating websites took off before then, I honestly don't know I was too young for that ish back then.
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