Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

Oh see in that case it's exactly the same as what I'm paying. Thought I was saving myself some money.
im not gonna waste my time with him. he said they "keep the receipts for tax purposes," so,pointless to me if theres no receipt involved to make sure they real 
im not gonna waste my time with him. he said they "keep the receipts for tax purposes," so,pointless to me if theres no receipt involved to make sure they real 
Sounds sketchy, could have at least been making copies of the receipt something to show it's authentic.
us UK fam wont have any problem scooping these. Demands not as high.
Yeah man, in local shops here we got Sport Blue, White Infrared and Carmines still stocking good haha. The only thing is the god damn price, 140 quid aka $224 is steep imo, but what can a man do right? *gonna retire*
While that is true at least business wise it looks better to have them. Taking that into consideration this shoe game has become bigger than it ever needed to be. Fake kicks, fake tags, fake receipts, fake resellers. No longer is it for the love of the kicks it's all about the money.

I think you said exactly what's on a lot of our minds . It's not fun anymore . There was a time where it was easy to find deals after release dates . You were a sucker if you paid FlightClub , RIF ,or even Ebay prices .
Why are people still on a fake shoe witch hunt. If someone buys em early let em. Why should you lose sleep?
I think you said exactly what's on a lot of our minds . It's not fun anymore . There was a time where it was easy to find deals after release dates . You were a sucker if you paid FlightClub , RIF ,or even Ebay prices .
My sentiments exactly.  It's been a lot of fun the last 15 years, but after these, the Columbia/Legend Blue XIs and the Maroon VIs (whenever that will be) I'm calling it a day with the retros, at least until the fad of Jordans calms down a bit and the kids are onto the next "cool thing".  3 more and I'll have all I need.  From there on out, if I like a new color way I'll see what I can do but I'm not going out of my way to get anything.  

Just seems the camaraderie in forums like these has gone the way of the buffalo, in favor of hype and turnin' a buck.  That sounds way more pessimistic than I intend it to be, I'm really not hating on anyone doing their thing, but it is a new reality now for older heads.
Going to cop 3 pairs which should last me until they retro again . For me this shoe is much more important to me than the Legend Blue.
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people tripping tho all nervous & whatnot.. unless your only option is online make those phone calls do your research and put in work.

most of us will eat, these will be black friday #'s
I'm really nervous about these.

I don't wanna have to camp out for hours

I'll gladly take a raffle system.
Most stores in my area did their raffle one day on Sunday last year. This should be the biggest production run of the year . I think everyone will be fine.
How far in advance are raffles done?

Usually the week prior, raffles around my way are typically on Wed or Thurs before release. And some stores around my way do "guaranteed tickets" the Sunday prior. Best to start asking around about release procedures a couple weeks before hand..
Usually the week prior, raffles around my way are typically on Wed or Thurs before release. And some stores around my way do "guaranteed tickets" the Sunday prior. Best to start asking around about release procedures a couple weeks before hand..

On this shoe all the calls will need to be made Tues / weds so expect the raffles that Sunday.
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