Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

stop referring to anyone dying as going to Belize..... its corny. Only Mike took a trip to Belize and that was basically just to keep Jesse's fragile mind at ease.

stop referring to anyone dying as going to Belize..... its corny. Only Mike took a trip to Belize and that was basically just to keep Jesse's fragile mind at ease.

:lol: It's not that serious

Speaking of Belize, for those who didn't see the reddit thread, it was great
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yo guys i just got off the phone with my good friend vinny G (we go way back), turns out that there was more foreshadowing than we thought 

so walt, mad at the nazis, charges into their hideout guns blazing only to find out that they are all out (getting icecream). confused at the nazi's whereabouts, he runs to his car to meet up with his family and come back later when they are back from shopping. turns out he left the keys in the ignition and the car wont start up, just as he pounds the wheel in frustration the nazis pull in and manage to capture him (he leaves the gun in the trunk). before the nazis kill him he tells them that they may need to reconsider and informs them that he knows about "the hole in the ground under the tarp" flashback to him knocking on the trapdoor and shooting jessie below his left eye. now that walt is their only meth cook they are forced to keep him and since todd likes walt more than jessie they see it as a reason to celebrate. in order to celebrate their new partnership walt pours each member his favorite drink, "super fancy tequila on the rocks". after they all drink their drinks one nazi asks why the ice cube doesnt like like a normal ice cube to which walter replies "this isnt ice cube" suddenly each cube explodes, destroying the right half of everyones face except for walt and......todd??? turns out todd, having studied/worked under walt, figured it out and switched out his "ice cube" for an actual ice cube. he quickly takes walt down and before killing him (it was nothing personal, sorry for your loss) he takes one more victory sip to which he chokes on the ice cube and walt moves to save him but chooses not to. finally victorious walt pumps his fist in the air and does a victory lap around the room, mid way through the lap he trips over a rug and bangs his head on one of the meth cooking containers. camera fades to black as walter loses consciousness.
stop referring to anyone dying as going to Belize..... its corny. Only Mike took a trip to Belize and that was basically just to keep Jesse's fragile mind at ease.

Someone piss in your cherios this morning?..You is extra sensitive today aren't ya fella..

Go Belize yourself
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I know I said I want going to get into predictions but I wouldn't be surprised if the M60/ricin are both complete misdirection. Sure they'll play a part but it would be total VG to have it work out in a way we didn't see coming
at what point do you guys think Walt became a bad guy?

btw, going back to seasons 1 and 3 (spoilers here on out...i guess)

but i completely forgot Walt killed someone in the first episode, and then again in the third one. for whatever reason i always remembered the first time he killed someone as being the time he ran over those dudes and popped them.
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This marathon bringing back so many memories.

It's the little things though. This is probably my 4th or 5th time re-watching these eps and I'm laughing a whole lot more. Sky trying to buy the car wash from Bongdan, the Resident Evil/Left For Dead argument with Skinny Pete and Badger, the look on Walt's face like he won when he found out Jesse killed Gale, Saul's ideas for how to get the car wash., etc. :rofl:

Anyway felt these needed to be posted when I came across them.

Jane, as Wonder Woman, tying off with the Lasso of Truth

Breaking Bad, Tiny Titans style

Walter & Jesse in a spoof of Hostess Pie ads

Walt and Jesse accidentally mix Chemical X into their ingredients and create the Power Puff Girls.

Wolverine Vs. Mike

Breaking Bad as drawn by Jeff Lemire.

Jesse Pinkman & Juggernaut- “I’m the Juggernaut *****!”

Lex Luthor as Heisenberg.

“To me, my Meth Heads” Walt is Professor X

Jesse, Badger, Skinny Pete and Combo as the Teen Titans. Maybe Jane is Wonder Girl?

Jesse is Johnny Quest. Walt is Benton

The Cousins as the Wonder Twins

Pinkman and the Brain

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