"C&C" Retro 7s To Release In 2015 (06/20/15 $250)

Yup. Just trying to help people out and make sure people don't cave and pay resell/consignment prices.

Phone orders start being accepted tomorrow (48 hours after launch).
Yup and rep + thank you.

I really want to get my hands on the White Ranger 7s, and really want to skip out on paying re-seller fee for them.  
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Nah it was cogars or bust for me. I was literally squirmin in my chair wen i got em in my cart. Tried to checkout n got the oos message. Congrats tho man. treat them badboys right

This feeling, I had the exact same feel with the 11 lows 
Picked up both pairs in a uk size 10 (us size 11)  This was my first time trying to get a sneaker on release too :smile:
Gents, for anyone still looking for champagnes, court side sneakers (in Canada) still has some left and since they don't sell em online, their owner was doing PayPal invoice for them last night via Twitter.

@crtsdsnkrs: Canadian retail plus ship. DM me. http://t.co/YzmSVruSmo

Came out about $280 shipped to the USA. Beats resale IMO. Can't hurt to try and see if they have pairs left.
so while waiting for 10AM to come, i decided to call eastbay and see whats up. the girl told me they dont have any cigars left.  so no-go on EB for cigars. didnt even inquire about the power ranger 7s.
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so while waiting for 10AM to come, i decided to call eastbay and see whats up. the girl told me they dont have any cigars left.  so no-go on EB for cigars. didnt even inquire about the power ranger 7s.
that's strange because I just called and ordered 3 pair of Cigars, sz 11.  free shipping too

I called 866-302-9437

she said she had a lot of sizes left but inventory was going fast
so while waiting for 10AM to come, i decided to call eastbay and see whats up. the girl told me they dont have any cigars left.  so no-go on EB for cigars. didnt even inquire about the power ranger 7s.
She lied to you. I called and they have plenty of sizes. The 1st rep hit me the "they out of stock". Called back with a different rep and they got sizes
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so while waiting for 10AM to come, i decided to call eastbay and see whats up. the girl told me they dont have any cigars left.  so no-go on EB for cigars. didnt even inquire about the power ranger 7s.
She lied to you. I called and they have plenty of sizes. The 1st rep hit me the "they out of stock". Called back with a different rep and they got sizes
damn those reps.... not even gonna try again. dont wanna run into reps lieing and then having to call back and wait in line again, maybe multiple times. im not gonna play that game. gonna call NTNY. they usually keep it straight with me.
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that's strange because I just called and ordered 3 pair of Cigars, sz 11.  free shipping too

I called 866-302-9437:image/png;base64,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

she said she had a lot of sizes left but inventory was going fast
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