Call of Duty: Ghost | OT | Xmas Gun Camo LIVE for X360, ONE and PC, PS4/3 on 12/18

I still don't see why people want S&D back. S&R plays the same just a small twist which makes the game a bit more fun IMO. I honestly never play S&D, I don't have the patience for it.

I do think that a respawn timer should be added to Blitz since it replaced CTF.
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I've actually just started to play S&R that stress when your the last one standing always gets to me.

I definitely enjoy Ghost, but like everyone else I do think it needs it fixes. I'm still overall pleased with the game though.
^ Yeah one of my boys plays on 3 :wow:. We always bash him for it but he plays just fine. Last week we were playing S&D and he was the last one left so we were all spectating him. He actually turned on someone, we were going nuts :lol: :lol:.

Ive been playing on 3... maybe thats why I always die and my k/d ratio is terrible :lol:

Gonna up it to 5 and see how it goes.
^ i doubt that. i used to play on a 2-3 back in bo1. bumped it up to 5 in bo2 because of the close quarter combat and smg dominance. ghost is ar heavy with mid-to-long-range combat (except strikeout and tremor), so you should be allright with 3.

I still don't see why people want S&D back. S&R plays the same just a small twist which makes the game a bit more fun IMO. I honestly never play S&D, I don't have the patience for it.

I do think that a respawn timer should be added to Blitz since it replaced CTF.

:lol: welp there you have it. i like snd because of the no respawn. if i wanted to collect tags id play kill confirmed where dudes be campin tags 24/7. there is also dudes baiting and dying knowing they will be respawned by teammates. dont get me wrong both snd and snr should be in the playlist.
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I've always played on 4 and never had a problem on any cod

Getting rank 1 on da weekly charts almost every damb week in domination in bo because treyarch uses a better leaderboard system with the spm.

I'm pretty terrible nowadays might have like a ~2kd I haven't played seriously in a couple years. I think bo2 and mw3 I logged maybe like 2-3 hours total combined. Ghost is kind of fun maybe cause I haven't played in a while.
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It was my sensitivity lol

I went from gaming on my ps3 n 23 inch led monitor to a 46" plasma and xb1 so i shoulda tried more configs...

Went 23-8 my first game on lvl 10 sensitivity.... dominated all night

Then bumped it to 13 to split the difference n struggled.. so weird with the bigger screen it jus cant handle that. All my freinds are gunna be happy... no motion sickness play hah

Stickn with 10 n gunna keep the game cuz inknow eventually ill get the itch to play for like a week straight. Esp round xmas when errbody gets their systems
is there an active X1 clan? im trying to get involved in clan wars and such. PM me if there is or just add my GT

L Bodysnatcha L
peeSN_id for anyone that plays on ps4 add me. ill send an invite to the NT clan as well. COD account is needed. its free so DL the app to your phone
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Im all the way back like booty crack. Game winners with my pistols when im on a 15 kill streak. This is how i roll on COD. games acceptable again hah
Glad to see your enjoying the game now.  Now if they would just fix the broken spawn system.
Im all the way back like booty crack. Game winners with my pistols when im on a 15 kill streak. This is how i roll on COD. games acceptable again hah

Glad to see your enjoying the game now.  Now if they would just fix the broken spawn system.
I've learned to stop sprinting when I spawn :lol: it has helped.

I'm so used to just sprinting after I spawn though so it's still a struggle :smh:
^ u will get used to it. this cod is all about pacing your movement. thats why u should always put stalker on assault rifles and walk + ads when approaching chokepoints and turning corners :smh: i had to get rid of stalker just to put on blast shield, incognito. thermal scopes and ied suck

that new wolf skin you can buy for Riley is dope

:smokin are dogs visible on oracles. like trough walls?
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^ i doubt that. i used to play on a 2-3 back in bo1. bumped it up to 5 in bo2 because of the close quarter combat and smg dominance. ghost is ar heavy with mid-to-long-range combat (except strikeout and tremor), so you should be allright with 3.

Yeap.. you right. I just suck :lol:. I mean in BO2 I was decent... had a good K/D ratio.. but in Ghosts Im just basura. I struggle to get 6 kills and my deaths will be at like 15 lol.

At first I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off and I'd get blasted all day. Then I slowed it down a bit bein cautious around corners and what not... but then I'd get blasted from the back. Pisses me of so bad :smh:. I need to find that median then I think I'll be ok again.

Ive never been good at sniping. Who's got dem elite tipssss
/\ tips.

Honey badger + grip close quarters or vector with silencer and grip

Remington for most maps. . Any config will suffice

Use off the grid. Quickdraw and dead silent as perks till u get dece. At least then u wont jus be getting hunted all game and will stand a chance running into sumone. Once i did that i jus started learnin maps.

Sniping is easyyyyy on this game. Buy the L115 and put a thermal on it
Anyone on PS4 or ps3 mind helping me get rescue kills so I can get my gold? All you gotta do is run around with a riot shield
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Realized that if you not playing with those turtle beach headphones, you already playing with a handicap. Cats know I'm coming from yards away smh. Will cop
Yeah gaming headsets are a MUST. Either Turtle Beach or Astros. I can't believe I played all of MW2 without them. I'm hating the fact that Microsoft changed the damn connector for chat and it won't be available till Q1 of 2014. Currently I'm wearing my chat headset underneath my gaming head set so I'm only using one ear :x :smh:

iwhipmyheadovv iwhipmyheadovv No prob. Accept when you get a chance.
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Realized that if you not playing with those turtle beach headphones, you already playing with a handicap. Cats know I'm coming from yards away smh. Will cop

Even with the perk? Can't remember the name of it right now but it helps a lot. Can't believe I played without it in past COD. But I've also completely eliminated sprinting from my movement pattern...has done nothing but hurt me if I don't have the ADS perks.
Realized that if you not playing with those turtle beach headphones, you already playing with a handicap. Cats know I'm coming from yards away smh. Will cop

Even with the perk? Can't remember the name of it right now but it helps a lot. Can't believe I played without it in past COD. But I've also completely eliminated sprinting from my movement pattern...has done nothing but hurt me if I don't have the ADS perks.

the soundwhoring is ridiculous in ghost. i always play without sound and i can see people really listening in the killcams smh. even with the dead silence perk dudes will be able to hear you. activision shouldnt have made a deal with these headphone companies. this is ruining the game.
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Realized that if you not playing with those turtle beach headphones, you already playing with a handicap. Cats know I'm coming from yards away smh. Will cop

Even with the perk? Can't remember the name of it right now but it helps a lot. Can't believe I played without it in past COD. But I've also completely eliminated sprinting from my movement pattern...has done nothing but hurt me if I don't have the ADS perks.

the soundwhoring is ridiculous in ghost. i always play without sound and i can see people really listening in the killcams smh. even with the dead silence perk dudes will be able to hear you. activision shouldnt have made a deal with these headphone companies. this is ruining the game.
Now that I think about it yeah this happens a lot when I watch kill cam :lol: I'm like you with the volume usually pretty low

I'm thinking how the **** did he know I was coming.. I got that ghost perk that hides you from uav.. No idea they have a deal with headphone companies :smh:
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/\ tips.

Honey badger + grip close quarters or vector with silencer and grip

Remington for most maps. . Any config will suffice

Use off the grid. Quickdraw and dead silent as perks till u get dece. At least then u wont jus be getting hunted all game and will stand a chance running into sumone. Once i did that i jus started learnin maps.

Sniping is easyyyyy on this game. Buy the L115 and put a thermal on it

Good looks! Boutta do all this right now
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