Christmas/ End of year bonuses.

Jun 27, 2007
My company gives me two weeks cash.

Niketalk, what does your company pay, if anything?
Get 10-15% of my salary for that year; we'll see. Last year we also got a random 10% fall bonus.
We'll get two weeks pay, but since that's taxed at 50% they also give us a 500 dollars visa gift card. Also there's an actually gift they give out each year. Last year we got Apple TVs. We got a deal with Apple, so we're thinking that this year we're getting iPad Minis. They never tell us what were getting until the company Christmas party.
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12% of my salary will be bonused out for 2013...

But they don't give it out till tax return season. :frown:
Military use to give out bonuses but I heard that was wayyy back
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Depends on what the yearly numbers look like and how well I performed. I don't get my bonuses until March though.

Here are my bonus numbers from the last 2 years:

1st year: $80,000 including signing bonus of $10,000
2nd year: $110,000 including completion of 2-year program bonus of $20,000

This years bonus (projection): $160,000 including signing bonus of $20,000

Taxes kill me every year though. New York State takes about 30% of bonus :smh:
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I work for government. We don't get bonuses but we get our holiday pay and uniform allowance soon. It's taxed heavy tho.
We do get an annual raise but it's never anything noticeable.
i rather have a raise over end of year bonus

they cant lower your hourly rate in the future but they can easily lower a bonus and claim the year wasnt as good

also, it's possible that the extra $$ you get from the raise can be more than the bonus but that depends on the situation
We do get an annual raise but it's never anything noticeable.
i rather have a raise over end of year bonus

they cant lower your hourly rate in the future but they can easily lower a bonus and claim the year wasnt as good

also, it's possible that the extra $$ you get from the raise can be more than the bonus but that depends on the situation

No doubt and I hope I didn't come across as ungrateful because I am but we all know it is always good to have a little extra in the check specifically for the holiday seasons to help off set the cost of gifts, traveling and help people pay for purchases in cash instead of charging credit cards.
Most likely seeing a couple hundred but we get a Quarter Bonus every 3 months so I wouldnt be expecting much as its spread out into 4
I got $1000 after being with my place for about a month so I think this year will be pretty good
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