DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Just watched it today. It's no better or worse than all the Age of Ultron, Thor, Iron Man, etc. movies that get hyped up and receive good ratings despite shwarma jokes and dance off routines. Basically it's a comic book movie aimed for 12 year olds that you only watch for free to kill time, just like all the rest (besides TDK)
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That's yet to be seen but I think it'd be best he wasn't even directing anymore.

But we'll see if he really knows how to fall in line for the better of the movie.

On the other hand, Johns needs to prove himself as well. As far as movies go only thing I know he was involved in was the GL movie. Talking a good game is one thing but it's been time to show and prove.

True. Time will tell. Kevin Feige had his fair share of experiences before getting it right: FF, Hulk (2003), Elektra..
I know what you were referring to
Oh ok I was like damn why son comin at me
^ I never understood why Joker was so beloved, but that video helps frame it well. The interplay between colors (Batman = darkness/good vs. Joker = colors/evil) is also very nice.

Nolan put it simply: "immovable object, unstoppable force"
He's overused to hell and back, but there are honestly very few comic book villains as great as the Joker.
Batman has a bunch of great villains who all deal with specific antagonistic aspects of his psychology/mythology

Probably wasn't even intentional but it just works out that way
that really is some of the most misleading information put out there is what these articles "think" a movie need to make a profit.

According the to bookkeeping released the last Harry Potter movie LOST money

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