DC vs. Marvel

I like Marvel more...

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Marvel! Only a fan of Batman when it comes to D.C. The stories for the Marvel characters or far better than those for D.C. Characters.
we talking companies as a whole or just main lines... causeVERTIGO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MARVEL
Marvel without a doubt but after Civil War it went down hill.
Thor will always be my favorite
i thought it was just a test screen or something.
so there isn't going to be a Marvel vs Capcom 3?
oh my that would be amazingly awesome.
honestly just having another copy of the second one would make my day, can't find it anywhere though.
in stores that is
Both are two very different worlds. DC is leans more towards fiction than anything. They have God-like figures and many many different parallel universes.Marvel is fictional as well, but they don't have stuff like the latter.
Marvel has over a 1000+ plus parallel worlds it just uses them for humor, the only series that takes advantage of that is Exiles. DC only has 52 (less afterFinal Crisis) and actually uses them to tell really grand metafictional stories. And Marvel has tons of god-like beings - you have three actual gods assuperheroes for cripes sake.
I enjoy marvel characters better, but major DC movies are better than most of the marvel ones.
I 've always like the Marvel stories better but right now the current Batman movies (Batman Begins, Dark Knight) are the best of the superhero movies thusfar.
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