DC vs. Marvel

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

ps... gave you kudos just from the fact that you were trying...... gtgt work now i'll be back on later........suggestion for the time being: know your facts! i'll come back and see what nonsense you put on

This kid is unbelievable
, the hell you talking about i'm trying?? Well what can I say, you're a Marvel lover and there's nothing wrong with that.

Don't work too hard now though.....
what? can't read? i said YOU'RE TRYING. you just go and post random stuff like batman smarter thanevery character in marvel... he's not even smarter than some of DC's character....
that's right i am a marvel lover......but i come here with the respect of DC characters too! and i won't front... i read some of DC's sith too! soi know a little bit about them and their limitations.
I liked marvel up until I started reading the infinity series and dudes started wiping out universes with their eyebrows.

They've got interesting characters but I'm not into their stories much.

DC characters can be as interesting and tend to be more fleshed out.

Overall though I can't rock with over half the cast having reality bending powers at will.
I like both

I like Marvel for their better artwork but sometimes they make characters too powerful. Its like Dragon Ball Z x 1000000

I like DC because of the Joker. One of the few villains in the comic book world that don't reply on powers but rather smarts and intelligence
Originally Posted by DakMode

Originally Posted by RFX45

I find plenty of DC Characters interesting outside of Supes and Bats.

Flash (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog)
Green Lantern (Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick)
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Superboy Prime
John Constantine
The Question
Swamp Thing
Green Arrow

Those are all just on the top of my head.

u sure about those???
I definitely agree with RFX45. Especially on Superboy PRIME. Ain't no Marvel character outthere can see SUPERBOY PRIME, NO CHARACTER!!!

A few more DC Characters that ROCK:


and I didn't even mention Batman's villains neither.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

superman prime is just too powerful

dude be killing green lanterns left and right

is this arc over? kinda wanna see who offs (beats)him

had to edit...just incase klips wanted to say something
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

superman prime is just too powerful

dude be killing green lanterns left and right

is this arc over? kinda wanna see who offs (beats)him

had to edit...just incase klips wanted to say something

That arc with him and the Lanterns is over. He is currently in the Legion of three Worlds arc. I really can't see anyone beating S-Boy Prime anytimesoon....
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

superman prime is just too powerful

dude be killing green lanterns left and right

is this arc over? kinda wanna see who offs (beats)him

had to edit...just incase klips wanted to say something
Read up on "The Sinestro Corps" story arc. Its part of the Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps (crossover), which leads into the Legionof Three Worlds. As far as I'm concerned, ain't nobody going to beat Superboy Prime.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

superman prime is just too powerful

dude be killing green lanterns left and right

is this arc over? kinda wanna see who offs (beats)him

had to edit...just incase klips wanted to say something
Read up on "The Sinestro Corps" story arc. Its part of the Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps (crossover), which leads into the Legion of Three Worlds. As far as I'm concerned, ain't nobody going to beat Superboy Prime.
Another reason why Superman sucks so bad that even his evil counterpart is made to be way too strong, give me a break already. This is startingto get pointless now you guys backing up Superman like this, it's just as sad as how Shaq has the Superman logo on everything he owns. Superman of todayis such a boring character to read about, I really would have understood this argument better if you guys were talking about Batman or even Green Lantern butthe point I was going towards back then with my rebuttle against what Falcon is that Superman is being phased out or has been phased out as the top face incomics for a while now and you can blame that solely on DC.

And as for the Green Lantern the best character out of that series has to be Sinestro cuz Kyle Rayner sucks cuz if he didn't their wouldn't be any needto bring Hal back into the picture to the extent it's been. I think they tried to help Rayner's character by making him into ION which only add'sto why he's not a good character. Sinestro>Hal>Guy>Alan>Kyle.

Batman>Flash>Martian Manhunter>Green Lantern>Wonder Woman>Aquaman>JSA>JLA>Superman>Hawkman....cuz no one ever really liked Hawkmanto begin with.
You def got Flash and Green Lantern mixed up
Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick were all FLASH
Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog were Green Lantern

RFX45 wrote:
I find plenty of DC Characters interesting outside of Supes and Bats.

Flash (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog)
Green Lantern (Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick)
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Superboy Prime
John Constantine
The Question
Swamp Thing
Green Arrow

Those are all just on the top of my head.
Originally Posted by illistwun

You def got Flash and Green Lantern mixed up
Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick were all FLASH
Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog were Green Lantern

RFX45 wrote:
I find plenty of DC Characters interesting outside of Supes and Bats.

Flash (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog)
Green Lantern (Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick)
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Superboy Prime
John Constantine
The Question
Swamp Thing
Green Arrow

Those are all just on the top of my head.

LOL, I just caught that. Green Lantern with Flashes' real names and vice versa.
Marvel has a mojority of better comics, but Batman is the best character in comics. Batman vs. Joker is best comic book fued.
Originally Posted by DakMode

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by DakMode

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Easy choice: DC

Superman can single handedly beat ALL heroes and villains of Marvel.

Heck, even Batman who is the super genius of all the superheroes can beat all the members of Marvel.


u extra trippin

I ain't trippin, you heard me kid.

sorry dude, dont get ur super panties in a twist
dude is trippin

superman is NOT seeing everyone

batman alone can pull out that kryptonite tipped box of bullets
load up that all lead 45.
and unload a kryptonite clip in supermans head
and its over

and im a marvel fan. so i can easily say the same for the punisher. or pretty much anyone with a brain whos not too shook to put a bullet in someone

and with all these people saying the dc storylines are better
fill me in on one story other than the watchman thats really that serious??
fill me in on one story other than the watchman thats really that serious??
Are you talking about graphic novel or story arc of a major DC title?

By memory, here is a few:

Infinite Crisis (Superboy Prime will whoop any Marvel character)
The Sinestro Corps story arc
Hush story arc
Death of Superman (everybody knows this one)

I'm sure people can add a few more that I could be possibly missing.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

fill me in on one story other than the watchman thats really that serious??
Are you talking about graphic novel or story arc of a major DC title?

By memory, here is a few:

Infinite Crisis (Superboy Prime will whoop and Marvel character)
The Sinestro Corps story arc
Hush story arc
Death of Superman (everybody knows this one)

I'm sure people can add a few more that I could be possibly missing.

Add Kingdom Come, The Dark Knight Returns, Swamp Thing, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Identity Crisis. . .

Great arguments.
Honestly in terms of characters development marvel has a unique way of reaching out to people and conectin with them.
but in many ways dc has some better stories and use their full range of characters (From the godly to the down in the dirt ones) in many diferent situations
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