
Originally Posted by acidicality

Finally I'm talking to the girl
(in person)....only's finals week and school's out. FML.

[715] What did I tell you? I told you to swoop in on her several weeks ago! You've manned up too late.

[banned Luong1209] Go get 'er! [/banned Luong1209]
NTL, if Psycho-T gets drafted by the Warriors, I'll never post in the Warriors Season threads again.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

NTL, if Psycho-T gets drafted by the Warriors, I'll never post in the Warriors Season threads again.
Didn't the Blazers win like 15 straight games?
Id be down for either of those trades.

Got back a little while ago from seeing The Hangover........must see movie. Period. Non-stop
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se


better late than never i guess...

i guess so...i'm ending it on a high note
...just gottatry to stay in contact over the summer, and have things continue developing in the fall...if it's meant to be, it'll happen...she's not my onlyoption.

Too bad Luong is behind bars.

Hella random Q, but Luong is a Chinese last name, right?
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

NTL, if Psycho-T gets drafted by the Warriors, I'll never post in the Warriors Season threads again.
Didn't the Blazers win like 15 straight games?


Originally Posted by dland24 anyone else pissed off that NOW Michael Pietrus can sink clutch free throws?
pete had a great game. those free throws he missed for us hurts, but we were gonna lose anyways

i'll continue to cheer for him and foyle though! roommate (who lives in the living room) is piss drunk with other dudes right now
...i got finals to study for too.
Originally Posted by dland24 anyone else pissed off that NOW Michael Pietrus can sink clutch free throws?
I sent an profanity laced email as he sunk both to my friend. It summed up my feelings pretty well.

I do appreciate that SportsGuy has noted the "deer in the headlights" look that essentially sums up Pietrus' tenure with us.
Ok are happy for Pietrus. I am too. But you cant tell me that him sinking free throws in crunch time didnt make you flash back. And you cant tellme that it doesnt frustrate you that he drilled both.
I'm not happy for him. I hope they Magic lose the finals and hope it's his fault when they lose.

Though its nothing new to watch former warriors do well when they're just that, a former doesn't take the sting out.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

So summer is coming up and I want to do some reading over the summer. Are there any sports books that you guys would recommend?
I also plan on reading some sports books this summer and here's what I plan on picking up this summer once my summer school is over.

Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates
Josh Hamilton: Finding the Strength to Come Back <--- I actually picked this up months ago, but only read the first chapter.

Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling
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[h2]Will Jrue Holiday work out for the Warriors? Something to monitor[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on June 10th, 2009 at 6:00 pm | Categorized as College basketball, NBA, Warriors

ESPN's Chad Ford did a mock draft today, and he had the Warriors using the No. 7 pick to select UCLA guard Jrue Holiday, which makes a lot of sense on the face of it.

Bigger-than-normal PG play-maker, can defend shooting guards, and that means Holiday has a chance to team up well with Monta Ellis in a fast Warriors backcourt.

I'd say, all outside issues being equal, Holiday and Memphis' Tyreke Evans and Louisville's Terrence Williams are the most likely options for the Warriors at 7, given their needs and Don Nelson's interests.

Holiday might be the rawest of them all (a freshman like Evans, but Evans played the point at Memphis, while Holiday played off the ball because Darren Collison was the UCLA point; Williams is a senior)…

But Holiday also seems to be the most skilled. One NBA executive told me Holiday was going to be a very good point guard, maybe the best of this draft class, but the team that drafts him is going to have to wait for a year or two while Holiday learns the position.

Anyway, these three guys are all bigger guards who have a shot to be NBA point guards and one or two of this group should be there for the Warriors at 7.

We've still got more than two weeks, with tons of twists and turns certainly to come. So if anybody wants to guess Holiday to the Warriors, yep, hard to argue that one. All outside things being equal.

However… I've noted a time or two over the last few weeks that Holiday's advisor/agent Dan Fegan could possibly come into play in the Warriors' decision-making and vice-versa, the Warriors could enter the thinking of the Holiday Camp.

And I cannot help but notice this interesting schedule quirk:

* EARLIER TODAY: The Knicks, sitting one spot behind the GSWs and also looking for a perimeter play-maker, worked out Holiday and Davidson's Stephen Curry;

* TOMORROW: The Warriors are scheduled to work out Syracuse's Jonny Flynn and Brandon Jennings, the prepster who went to Italy for a year-both smaller, explosive point guards;

* FRIDAY: The Kings, drafting 4th, are scheduled to work out Flynn, Jennings AND HOLIDAY.

You notice a little absence here? Why isn't Holiday working out for the Warriors in this roundelay?

(You could also ask why Curry hasn't yet worked out for them, but he's not as ideal a physical fit for the Warriors. And of course, there's plenty of time for both Curry and Holiday to work out.)

OK, there could be easy rational explanations.

I realize that Holiday was on the other coast today and it's a long flight to get back here for an intense work out, if he wanted to, with Flynn and Jennings at the Warriors HQ.

Maybe Holiday's camp just wanted a day in between, which meant he skipped the Warriors and goes straight into the Sac work out with the same guys.

But I think it's notable that Holiday worked out in NY, which has the 8th pick, and so far has not worked out for the Warriors at 7 and is working out in Sacramento one day later, with two players who are scheduled to work out with the Warriors tomorrow.

That seems a little… different.

Whether that's by schedule weirdness or by Holiday/Fegan's choice or by the Warriors' choice, I have no idea. And in the next two weeks, nothing says Holiday can't zip up-publicly or secretly-for a Nellie Looksee.

But it's interesting. It's possible that the two sides are avoiding each other, at least for now, which possibly could lead to the Warriors not getting a good look at Holiday, a player who seems to fit a lot of what they want (except the he's-too-young-for-an-old-coach thing).

I'm going to get all sorts of yelled at for noticing this, which is never a bad thing, I always figure. Come get me, TC Firehouse!

[h4]1 Response to "Will Jrue Holiday work out for the Warriors? Something to monitor"[/h4]

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    Bob Fitzgerald says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    You're better than that, Tim.

    I sure stink, but you're better than that.
Originally Posted by daprescription

1 Response to "Will Jrue Holiday work out for the Warriors? Something to monitor"

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    Bob Fitzgerald says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    You're better than that, Tim.

    I sure stink, but you're better than that.

Originally Posted by KL9

Originally Posted by daprescription

1 Response to "Will Jrue Holiday work out for the Warriors? Something to monitor"

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    Bob Fitzgerald says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    You're better than that, Tim.

    I sure stink, but you're better than that.

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by KL9

Originally Posted by daprescription

1 Response to "Will Jrue Holiday work out for the Warriors? Something to monitor"

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    Bob Fitzgerald says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    You're better than that, Tim.

    I sure stink, but you're better than that.

That's pretty funny.
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