Delonte West sleeping with Lebrons mom?!?!?

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I honestly have NO REASON to make this up (hell, I WISH it was false).  I was at my lil sister's junior olympic volleyball tourney down in Columbus this weekend  and one of the higher ups in the organization has a daughter on her team.  I was there all weekend chilling/chatting with him on and off (because there is nowhere to sit other then in lounge chairs that you bring in to these GIANT facilities) and eventually "popped the question."  He said it was true, didn't want to go into detail, and just shook his head.  I'm not giving his name, because that wouldn't be right.
I don't care if you believe me or not.  I'm just telling you what a credible source told me.

Also, after he confirmed this, I called a buddy of mine who does marketing for the CAVS.  He said it's true as well...

I originally said, it's not even hard to believe...AT ALL.  Knowing what Gloria is like (she walks around high as @@%+ ALL the time/plus she's a known groupie) and pairing that with Delonte.  Misery loves company... 
for some reason I hope you're not lying and this is all true
I was there actually, I'm calling bull, what team were they on?


someone's card was just pulled....

How did his card get pulled? If the dood mentioned a volleyball tourney and it really existed, I don't see how he can be making the rest of the story up.
How did his card get pulled? If the dood mentioned a volleyball tourneyand it really existed, I don't see how he can be making the rest of thestory up.

I NaSmatic I and I were talking about this on twitter.  He can confirm I was at the volleyball tourney in C-Bus from my tweets and that that is exactly where I found out...

Like I said, it is indeed true.  Whether or not it fully comes out publicly to the masses who knows, but it's true...
^ I dunno. I think it might be out in public right now. Unless you mean, when is Kang gonna rip Delonte's cornrows out.

but yea...LeBro...ya momma...

The truth is that none of the characters in this story had said anything about the topic, yet fans are talking about everywhere about whether this information could be true or not. According to Terez Owens, this might not be the first time Gloria James might be in this situation:
I'm still calling ducktales.

Lets take time to think about this.

This story surfaced from a 'my uncles friends dog-walker' source. 99.9% of fabricated rumors begin with this. Secondly, if this contractor knew Mr. Dan Gilbert very well, I would imagine he would've been the first to know which would of lead to immediately shooting down the rumors before they arose via PR.

BUT now it's such a disgusting rumor for either, Lebron's PR, Cavaliers PR, or even Delonte's PR to bring up or even shoot down that their probably avoiding the whole thing. Why say it/bring it up? It will discredit your whole focus as an NBA player/team and at the same time feed into the whole media thing.

That's just my opinon though. With the Cavs claiming to be as close as they were; like family - I don't see Delonte steeping that low.     
I forgot that was NIKE
I was wondering when I saw that tweet "who is this guy, why is he talking to higher ups in the Cavs FO?"
Nike, lemme get this right, higher up dude on the Cavs just started talkin to a random dude at a volleyball tourney?  In this day and age?  He didn't worry about you havin twitter, blogs, facebook, myspace, hisspace, everyone else's space and he just started confirmin stuff?  He must not value his job, cuz he could get clipped for leakin that type stuff and he liable to end up getting blamed if Bron walks, they could use him as the excuse of letting Bron's business get out and all that.  Least, that's what I would do if I were Ferry. 

So you sure about this guy? 
this is sooooooooooooooo wrong and disgusting if this rumor is indeed true. if you're delonte, what in god's name are u thinking?

you're going behind a teammates back and %*+%#@! his moms... not only that, your team is in a crucial situation vying for a championship with all the right pieces and u blow your chances by banging your teammates mom?

not just anyones mom, LEBRON JAMES MOM? who looks exactly look lebron with long hair? smh....

%%%%$ despicable and straight nasty. no one is gonna want d.west on their team is this is true.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Nike, lemme get this right, higher up dude on the Cavs just started talkin to a random dude at a volleyball tourney?  In this day and age?  He didn't worry about you havin twitter, blogs, facebook, myspace, hisspace, everyone else's space and he just started confirmin stuff?  He must not value his job, cuz he could get clipped for leakin that type stuff and he liable to end up getting blamed if Bron walks, they could use him as the excuse of letting Bron's business get out and all that.  Least, that's what I would do if I were Ferry. 

So you sure about this guy? 

To back up Nike, my cousins friend works at the Q, and confirmed it.  Plus my mom asked me if i knew about it last week (was in FLA) and I know for a fact she don't lurk these sites so it's legit man.  It's being talked about all over town.  Hasn't hit the real news yet, which I don't quite get.  It may all come out that it was just a rumor, but that's highly unlikely  Messed up situation.  It's all on Gloria too.  LeBron is your don't have to do ANYTHING for the rest of your life, and you sleep with his teammate?...let alone Redz. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Nike, lemme get this right, higher up dude on the Cavs just started talkin to a random dude at a volleyball tourney?  In this day and age?  He didn't worry about you havin twitter, blogs, facebook, myspace, hisspace, everyone else's space and he just started confirmin stuff?  He must not value his job, cuz he could get clipped for leakin that type stuff and he liable to end up getting blamed if Bron walks, they could use him as the excuse of letting Bron's business get out and all that.  Least, that's what I would do if I were Ferry. 

So you sure about this guy? 
I'm not a random dude to him though (he's friends with my parents/family).

It's common knowledge to everyone within the organization at this point.  It's leaking all over now.  It's coming out from all angles (like I said, the people in charge of marketing know all about it and have shared it with their friends, etc.)

All I'm saying is you can believe me or not...I honestly don't care.  I was just letting my fellow NT'ers know about it.

And as far as Animal Thugs's perception of why it's ducktales, I disagree 100% (no disrespect).  If a rumor was THAT bad (trending topic on twitter worldwide and #2 most popular search on Google), I'd make sure my MOTHER wasn't getting unfairly smeared worldwide for %%%#+*+ my teammate, yet NOBODY directly involved has said a thing.

Delonte won't make the first move as far as public PR goes because that would just be wrong.
...1/2 the population probably wouldn't believe him at this point anyway.

Same goes for Bron's mom...NOBODY would believe her.  She is known to be high as #*!% ALL THE TIME.

It's not a good mix.  You have a dude who is bipolar/clinically depressed, etc. with a drug junkie/certified groupie.  None of the parties are responsible/believable even if they DID COME OUT DENYING IT.  That's why I said this ridiculous "rumor" was actually believable from the start. *shrugs*
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by CP1708

Nike, lemme get this right, higher up dude on the Cavs just started talkin to a random dude at a volleyball tourney?  In this day and age?  He didn't worry about you havin twitter, blogs, facebook, myspace, hisspace, everyone else's space and he just started confirmin stuff?  He must not value his job, cuz he could get clipped for leakin that type stuff and he liable to end up getting blamed if Bron walks, they could use him as the excuse of letting Bron's business get out and all that.  Least, that's what I would do if I were Ferry. 

So you sure about this guy? 
I'm not a random dude to him though (he's friends with my parents/family).

It's common knowledge to everyone within the organization at this point.  It's leaking all over now.  It's coming out from all angles (like I said, the people in charge of marketing know all about it and have shared it with their friends, etc.)

All I'm saying is you can believe me or not...I honestly don't care.  I was just letting my fellow NT'ers know about it.

And as far as Animal Thugs's perception of why it's ducktales, I disagree 100% (no disrespect).  If a rumor was THAT bad (trending topic on twitter worldwide and #2 most popular search on Google), I'd make sure my MOTHER wasn't getting unfairly smeared worldwide for %%%#+*+ my teammate, yet NOBODY directly involved has said a thing.

Delonte won't make the first move as far as public PR goes because that would just be wrong.
...1/2 the population probably wouldn't believe him at this point anyway.

Same goes for Bron's mom...NOBODY would believe her.  She is known to be high as #*!% ALL THE TIME.

It's not a good mix.  You have a dude who is bipolar/clinically depressed, etc. with a drug junkie/certified groupie.  None of the parties are responsible/believable even if they DID COME OUT DENYING IT.  That's why I said this ridiculous "rumor" was actually believable from the start. *shrugs*

NIKE may be right, word is spreading like wildfire. An ex Knicks trainer in my neighborhood brought it up and im sure he doesnt browse sites like media takeout hes 63
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Same goes for Bron's mom...NOBODY would believe her.  She is known to be high as #*!% ALL THE TIME.

It's not a good mix.  You have a dude who is bipolar/clinically depressed, etc. with a drug junkie/certified groupie. 
As in weed, high?
^I believe you to an extent fam.

It wouldn't even shock me that Delonte would do this, its more about Gloria. You dumb $!+@*. Cant you find some hooper out in Europe to smash?! Got damn.

Ehh. She was that lady pulling up to the Druve-Thru store in Akron in her green Ford Explorer buying a MD 20/20 and pack of Blacks everyday...
Naw Nike, you're good with me, I was just checkin to make sure is all.  If you got it from a couple folks and it's buildin steam, I'm with ya, I just wasn't sure people would want to put their necks out there like that ya know what I mean? 


Crazy @#$ story. 

What if D West just sealed Bron's fate as to not re-signing with the Cavs?  How incredible would that be? 


Just, wow. 
this whole scenario is HILARIOUS

what a $$*%*$# broad, *++%*+@ dwest DURING the most important time of the year
rumor is false...nobody is willing to name a source other than cavs insiders...i went to college in jackson, MS and i know a few ppl close to mo of my classmates is married to his wife's sister and he told me the story is not true and they dont know where the rumor started.
So those that have inside info, Bron never had an issue with this? Considering everybody knew? Damn after that Corey Fisher/Scottie Reynolds situation I would never believe 2 teammates would be in a more compromising situation.
Hmm...damn I hate having to ask my connects for uneccessary favors and questions but this one I had to:


My homegirl own's a little restaurant right in downtown Cleveland. She caters to alot of Cavaliers players, real cool with Delonte..

^I didn't want to believe it. Didn't feel like calling back home to find out but it was neccessary. Take that for what it's worth.
Ha, LeLoser's offseason starts off with him getting dunked on and confiscating the tapes and now this time it begins with him being a LeStepSon

LeGerber stays taking L's around this time of year

what do you think they are gonna name the baby? LeLonte?
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