Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I think there is something to having to wait/building up expectations for certain types of shows/episodes

Vs being able to run through an entire season or series in a matter of days or weeks

Shows like Seinfeld, Curb, etc don't really fall into that . Talking more the Wire, Sopranos, GoT types
Whenever you put people on to ill shows and watch it with them, like 70% of the time it don't hit like you expect it to. Like damn no reaction to that scene? Internet talked about it for a month.
As far as hype shows turning people away b we cause everyone is talking about them at the time is not obligated to engage with that fan base at all.

I've always kept my circle particularly tight because I too am prone to being turned off by the hype. Sometimes I avoid looking to engage with other fans online on purpose.

A good example for me is rick and morty. I enjoy that show but had no exposure to the fan base and how utterly toxic it was until my brother asked me to try and get him one of those mcdonalds promo posters a few years ago. Ever since, if I find out someone's a fan that I don't already know, I say absolutely nothing. I'm not going to let others' toxicity ruin my enjoyment of something.
Nah not stoners. It's not the entire fan base of course but there's a sizable chunk that act like they're the smartest person in the room and they're the only ones who truly 'get' the show. They also use this false sense of mental superiority to justify acting like a********. They see rick as a paragon of virtue who is to be imitated rather than as the toxic character he is.

They can also be super entitled and there were tons of videos of them treating mcdonalds employees terriblely (throwing food, throwing fits on the register counter, threats) because they ran out of the posters.

Like I said, a piece of the wider fan base, but loud and toxic. You only have to meet one to make you want to avoid saying you're also a fan in public.
I never watched Breaking Bad in its entirety.

I watched a super cut of the whole series condensed into movie form.
Nah not stoners. It's not the entire fan base of course but there's a sizable chunk that act like they're the smartest person in the room and they're the only ones who truly 'get' the show.

You kinda described the hardcore fanbase of any show/genre.

I got you though.
Nah not stoners. It's not the entire fan base of course but there's a sizable chunk that act like they're the smartest person in the room and they're the only ones who truly 'get' the show. They also use this false sense of mental superiority to justify acting like a********. They see rick as a paragon of virtue who is to be imitated rather than as the toxic character he is.

They can also be super entitled and there were tons of videos of them treating mcdonalds employees terriblely (throwing food, throwing fits on the register counter, threats) because they ran out of the posters.

Like I said, a piece of the wider fan base, but loud and toxic. You only have to meet one to make you want to avoid saying you're also a fan in public.
This is so on point. 🤣

I never watched Breaking Bad in its entirety.
I’ve never caught an episode, ever. I’m eyeing the dvd set at a local thrift store though.

Edit: Just scooped them right now. They were half off so I just got each season for $1.50 🔥
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