Dressing Better Vol 2.0

The connection grows wider :lol:

Guys, feel free to start a new challenge so we can throw it on the blog. It's been a while.
white pants challenge!....lol


NO I don't have white pants :lol: Nice fit my man

We should just do a spring style challenge, something broad like that to get these going again
Serg, I knew that combo would look good! :pimp: A grey waistcoat is very versatile. It could easily be the 3rd piece to a 2 piece navy suit.

Thanks man, I really liked how it looked and yes I thought the same thing after the fact about wearing it with a navy suit! Thanks for the advice man, perfect example of what this thread is about.

I took better pictures today outdoors while waiting for my wife to get out of class:

Serg thanks again for the code i just ordered somethings ive been putting off for too long. I cant wait till i move out to my new apartment so i can have room to revamp my wardrobe for lack of better wording.

No problem man, any time!
NO I don't have white pants :lol: Nice fit my man

We should just do a spring style challenge, something broad like that to get these going again
Spring style sounds pretty cool. Expect a fit pic tomorrow fambs. Going out with a big crowd for my girls birthday. Rob, hope you showed your girl a nice time tonight. That present should score you some big brownie points :smokin
The connection grows wider :lol:

Guys, feel free to start a new challenge so we can throw it on the blog. It's been a while.

I think the first one should be doing a budget based challenge. Establish on the blog that this isn't a bunch of dudes spending hundreds and hundreds on an article of clothing.
The connection grows wider :lol:

Guys, feel free to start a new challenge so we can throw it on the blog. It's been a while.

I think the first one should be doing a budget based challenge. Establish on the blog that this isn't a bunch of dudes spending hundreds and hundreds on an article of clothing.
Completely down for this.

and Elkin, you just got put on big homie :pimp:
NO I don't have white pants :lol: Nice fit my man

We should just do a spring style challenge, something broad like that to get these going again
Spring style sounds pretty cool. Expect a fit pic tomorrow fambs. Going out with a big crowd for my girls birthday. Rob, hope you showed your girl a nice time tonight. That present should score you some big brownie points :smokin

Unfortunately I didn't. :frown:

She goes to school in NY but will be back for the weekend. :wink:
NO I don't have white pants :lol: Nice fit my man

We should just do a spring style challenge, something broad like that to get these going again
Spring style sounds pretty cool. Expect a fit pic tomorrow fambs. Going out with a big crowd for my girls birthday. Rob, hope you showed your girl a nice time tonight. That present should score you some big brownie points :smokin

Unfortunately I didn't. :frown:

She goes to school in NY but will be back for the weekend. :wink:

Also, question guys. My senior ball is this friday and the plan is black suit, white shirt, grey bowtie. Plan was to just wear black shoes but I remembered that the theme is Alice in Wonderland. Thought popped up about wearing a pair of burgundy shoes in accordance. Is this too out there? Black trousers and burgundy shoes? Either way, which of these would you guys think will work best with my get up:

Also, question guys. My senior ball is this friday and the plan is black suit, white shirt, grey bowtie. Plan was to just wear black shoes but I remembered that the theme is Alice in Wonderland. Thought popped up about wearing a pair of burgundy shoes in accordance. Is this too out there? Black trousers and burgundy shoes? Either way, which of these would you guys think will work best with my get up:

"Ball" makes me think super formal and black captoes (with some extra shine at the toes ;)). Maybe black wingtips if you wanna stand out a bit. I would have to see the burgundy shoes with the outfit for me to pick those though.
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Also, question guys. My senior ball is this friday and the plan is black suit, white shirt, grey bowtie. Plan was to just wear black shoes but I remembered that the theme is Alice in Wonderland. Thought popped up about wearing a pair of burgundy shoes in accordance. Is this too out there? Black trousers and burgundy shoes? Either way, which of these would you guys think will work best with my get up:

I've never seen burgundy with black but I still think you should still stick with black on black.
NO I don't have white pants :lol: Nice fit my man

We should just do a spring style challenge, something broad like that to get these going again
Spring style sounds pretty cool. Expect a fit pic tomorrow fambs. Going out with a big crowd for my girls birthday. Rob, hope you showed your girl a nice time tonight. That present should score you some big brownie points :smokin

Unfortunately I didn't. :frown:

She goes to school in NY but will be back for the weekend. :wink:

Also, question guys. My senior ball is this friday and the plan is black suit, white shirt, grey bowtie. Plan was to just wear black shoes but I remembered that the theme is Alice in Wonderland. Thought popped up about wearing a pair of burgundy shoes in accordance. Is this too out there? Black trousers and burgundy shoes? Either way, which of these would you guys think will work best with my get up:

another vote for black captoes.

and learn how to tie your shoes correctly people!

We’re going to guess that, at some point in your young life, there was a lot of talk of bunnies running around trees and through holes… and that’s the very last time you gave any real thought to the way you tie your shoes. Understandable, but there’s a 50/50 chance you didn’t learn the right knot. Ever had your shoelaces untie themselves? That means you’re doing it wrong. Time to step it up with a new method:

First things first, look down at your shoelaces. If the knot is sitting nice and flat, with the ends of the bow extending out to the sides of your shoe gracefully, don’t change a thing. You’re perfect just the way you are. But if you’re anything like the droves of people out there whose shoelace bows wind up twisted and confused, with one end pointing up at your ankle and the other pointing down at your toes, you’re doing it wrong (sorry). You’ve got yourself a granny knot, but unlike your saintly Grams, it’s not something you want in your life. The knot actually loosens itself with each step you take, hence those flailing laces.

Luckily, there’s a simple fix. Next time you’re tying your shoes, just reverse the direction when creating the second loop (you’ve got the first loop held between the index finger and thumb of one hand, and you’re bringing the other end of the lace in to finish things up). Right now, you either pass it over your thumb (if you start off by crossing your laces left over right) or you pass it under your pinched fingers (if you cross right over left) to cinch things up. Whichever way you’ve done it in the past, just do it the other way from now on. It may feel awkward at first, but stick with it, because now you’re using a reef knot. It’s the shoelace bow equivalent of the square knot, and the tautness of your laces actually tightens it as you walk.

So yes, there’s a wrong way to tie your shoes. But now you know the right one, and as a wise man once said, “knowing is half the battle.”


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Yeah, I've done the opposite knot before in the past. I honestly do not care about it enough to do it everytime. To each his own. >D
Thanks to all that helped voted! The winner gets a pair of pants so sadly I can't share with everyone :lol:

Any challenge is fine with me. I just want to get the participation up again, not that it was really down to begin with.

Thread is moving! Gotta catch up on the CPU.
Speaking of white pants, anyone have any recommendations for a good pair (in slim, straight fit)? I bought the dockers alpha version but I could see the outlines of the pockets on the front and back so I returned them. Probably doesn't help that I have dark skin either.
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