Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Are there any more government buildings with the flag flying, Or just in Charleston?
It's pretty much my state flag. Won't be this time next year but it is at the moment. I live in MS.  

Been seeing a lot of arguing over nothing in this thread. I'm sure dozens of people could list things they do or have done to help out in their community but those things have nothing to do with why 9 lives were lost and countless lives changed.
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Fox news is Fox news but I only caught this cause Complex posted it.

This lady made my blood boil man.... How could she arrived at that conclusion? She really pissed me off

How can she live with herself saying garbage like that.
Those blacks they speak with on Fox News are either laboratory grown genetically modified negros
or under black cover agents, a la Rachel Dolezel
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Can't even click play.

I'm good. In the context he used it, people need to chill the f out.
Can't even click play.

I'm good. In the context he used it, people need to chill the f out.

Just sounds like more of the right being upset about getting confronted with racism.

Nothing he said was crazy nor is it cause for anyone to be upset or call him "Rapper in Chief"

Even if she wasn't black, that woman should be ashamed of herself
Those blacks they speak with on Fox News are either laboratory grown genetically modified negros
or under black cover agents, a la Rachel Dolezel

Word... I've always wondered where they find them at. But, your theory may be more accurate. I only see them when it's time to discuss black issues. Like they got them stored in a shed somewhere.
White Man Talks Sh*t About the 9 Murdered Victims in Charleston Shooting and Gets Smacked by a Black Man!
White guy was talking **** to black Muslim father about the 9 black people murdered and that the charleston shooting was nothing, and that we should go back to Africa in a threatening voice and demeanor and gets super smacked black guy was minding his own business when a white male start talking smack from his 3rd floor apartment building then he comes down stairs to start even more trouble steps on the black guys feet and the black guy smacks him not only did the white guy threatened to whoop him up he tries to play victim after the smack -WS
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White Man Talks Sh*t About the 9 Murdered Victims in Charleston Shooting and Gets Smacked by a Black Man!
White guy was talking **** to black Muslim father about the 9 black people murdered and that the charleston shooting was nothing, and that we should go back to Africa in a threatening voice and demeanor and gets super smacked black guy was minding his own business when a white male start talking smack from his 3rd floor apartment building then he comes down stairs to start even more trouble steps on the black guys feet and the black guy smacks him not only did the white guy threatened to whoop him up he tries to play victim after the smack -WS

Countdown to some shuck and jive brotha saying "You cant react like that! Thats what they want you to do! Forgive and be the bigger man".
isis and al Qaeda are American made extremist terrorist group that the US makes know qualms about stopping
the kkk are American made extreme terrorist that the US lets run free. We worried about dudes that are playing in the sand yet here they are using tax payer money and benefits as well as forming up militias underground
isis and al Qaeda are American made extremist terrorist group that the US makes know qualms about stopping
the kkk are American made extreme terrorist that the US lets run free. We worried about dudes that are playing in the sand yet here they are using tax payer money and benefits as well as forming up militias underground

I swear whenever I say this about Isis and al Qaeda ppl hit me with the :rolleyes these types are part of the problem unwilling to explore truth cuz they're too busy being in denial. It's like they're too sensitive to face reality :smh:
I turn my back on the devil...the devil can't do nothing...

theres alot of behind the scenes going on for the victims families,

i went to a hotel where the FBI setup their command center and they have a bunch of the families staying there under strict security.

they were taking down "claims" for victims families not sure what this meant.

biggest threat to national security  is homegrown terrorists like militias and other extreme right wing groups ATM,

but some people seem to believe donald trump about mexicans and other immigrants being more dangerous.
Yahoo comments always let me peer into how some white fsmb really feel.

Dudes looking for every excuse in the book not to call this a racist act.

Even going as far as to bring up murders in Baltimore and Chicago...

What thig I can't seem to wrap my head around with these bigoted racist jerks.

Is how they think black people are taking over the country?

There's literally 4x as many white people as black people.

Try still hold majority on almost every important position that drives this country

And hey hold all the wealth.

***** are they talking about?
What thig I can't seem to wrap my head around with these bigoted racist jerks.

Is how they think black people are taking over the country?

There's literally 4x as many white people as black people.

Try still hold majority on almost every important position that drives this country

And hey hold all the wealth.

***** are they talking about?

Anything less than all white isnt satisfactory to them. Obama being Pres was like blowing up a gas tanker on already burning fire. Ironically, Obama is far from a "magical negro" that grants black folk all their wishes, but as far as their ignorant minds are concerned, he is.

They LITERALLY feel as if black people are beneath them. They site crime rates and whatever else they get their hands on, but in reality it's straight up about them feeling better than us. Again, ironic because the first humans came from Africa, but whatever.
What thig I can't seem to wrap my head around with these bigoted racist jerks.

Is how they think black people are taking over the country?

There's literally 4x as many white people as black people.

Try still hold majority on almost every important position that drives this country

And hey hold all the wealth.

***** are they talking about?
This probably relates to obama becoming president. I don't know if you were around in the bmore thread but someone posted a link to a social media page that showed white people in grief and sadness when president obama won the re-election in 2012. Bunch of facebook and twitter posts talking about some fictional war on white people, how we (blacks) and pres obama have plans to take over America and turn it against what the founding fathers stood for lol. Some white people, but mostly conservative, republican whites really have their heads up their *****. During campaigns  they ask the 2016 republican representatives  "To take back America and make this country great again" like... wtf does that even mean 
. Just admit to you being un-easy about a half black man running our country. Just say you want a good ol white man to be the face of our nation. 
Fox news is Fox news but I only caught this cause Complex posted it.

This lady made my blood boil man.... How could she arrived at that conclusion? She really pissed me off

How can she live with herself saying garbage like that.


That was the pits[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
The one thing I find funny about the "no spin" "fair and balanced" network that Fox claims to be is when they start getting that work from the opposing view, they will not let them talk and then they will continue with the irresponsible rhetoric.
I swear they are just master trolls but it's scary so many of their viewers and constituents believe this farm filth[emoji]128512[/emoji]
Salutes to that brotha though, he held it down[emoji]128526[/emoji]
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I love how they got a black woman to spew that nonsense :rofl:,they already knew no one else could get away with that type of garbage :lol:.

Of course they won't address the real substance in what he actually said and only tall about the word as if they've all of a sudden become the moral arbiters of the defense of that word :lol: :stoneface:
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