Eminem on Over and Beamer Benz...put your thiZz face on

Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Overrated. All this yelling and not saying anything. Whatever. I'm beginning to like Em less and less. You're one of the most successful rappers ever and all you still want to talk about is about angst. Even LinkinPark grew up...

Linkin park was much better before they "grew up"
That's the truest statement ever. Old Linkin Park is the best. Meteroa and Hybrid Theory are far greater than the Transformers songs they've been putting out.
at this
yea i hate the new linkin park...

but i hate the new em even more... i hear the lyrics on this joint but why the +#%$ does he have to deliver them like that? that choppy !!# flow is annoying... ur supposed to ride the beat not bounce around on it like u on crack...

he did sound alot better over bbb tho but i cant listen to that yelling... i dont care what he's saying... he need to go join mop wit that bull...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

but i hate the new em even more... i hear the lyrics on this joint but why the +#%$ does he have to deliver them like that? that choppy !!# flow is annoying... ur supposed to ride the beat not bounce around on it like u on crack...

he did sound alot better over bbb tho but i cant listen to that yelling... i dont care what he's saying... he need to go join mop wit that bull...

Originally Posted by Tha Flashy One

ain't no way that Fab killed it more than Em... all fab talks about his "swag" ain't nobody wanna hear about it...

I dont believe fab mentioned swag on that track homie an who wants to hear em on the same bs over an over not I 
What I find hilarious is there is more people in HERE that are NOT FANS criticizing Em. It really cracks me up. Does Eminem bother you that much for you to express your disdain for him? The music forum talks more about what they DON'T like than what they do. And Linkin Park...really? You really just made me use this ignore feature for the time...? But yeah he bodied "Over" somethin mean man...the flow wasn't choppy as TIME said...it's more that he's bouncing around, slowing down here, turning it up there. Pretty ill to me but I can see how people might not like it....but the people that don't like it around fans to begin with so you're opinion means NOTHING.
how someone who makes beats and produces music thinks em isnt riding over perfectly is hysterical ... you have no clue about the elements of music ...
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

how someone who makes beats and produces music thinks em isnt riding over perfectly is hysterical ... you have no clue about the elements of music ...
i never said he was off beat or anything but his flow doesnt really match the beat... its hard to explain to idiots... sorry

like rick ross... he rides the beat... ti rides the beat... kanye... lupe... etc... em tries his hardest to not ride it while not going off beat... i dont listen to music to hear how technical somebody's flow can be...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

i never said he was off beat or anything but his flow doesnt really match the beat... its hard to explain to idiots... sorry

like rick ross... he rides the beat... ti rides the beat... kanye... lupe... etc... em tries his hardest to not ride it while not going off beat... i dont listen to music to hear how technical somebody's flow can be...
well i do ... considering it's music ...
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