ESPN Page 2: Leave the scowl at home, Kobe - By Tim Keown

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

This writer probably didn't even see this happen considering it happened in Game 2 not 3. *+%+%%#. Just another hater. He is cocky, but so are half the players in the NBA. People just look for reasons to hate Kobe.

Word, dudes taking time out their day to complain about Kobe saying he can't guard me or Kobe muggn???? Its the truth, shane can't guard him. So whatif Shane doesn't say anything back, that's his problem. Its the damn playoffs, its gonna be talking its suppose to be heated, ur playing for achampionship its shud be intense. And NT dudes kill me w/ this he won't say n e thing to Ron b/c Ron is tough garbage.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife


People on NT actin like they know this stranger in his personal life


We all only know what he does ON the court and what the media portrays to us.

None of us have hung out with dude or seen him day-to-day in his personal life.

Shame on all of you who act like you know him


NT takes this too seriously

Dudes trying to analyze his personality, just watch the games....
Yeah what is that with Kobe won't say anything to Ron?

Didn't Kobe basically laugh in Ron's face and drop 31 in the second half vs Ron in Ron's building? Wasn't that after Ron threw an elbow thathe doesn't throw as he claims?

Is that, scared of Ron? I don't think so.

But, eh.
I think the only people who can really say Kobe is being fake is his family. None of the reporters, team-mates, coaches or anyone else can
rightly say he is being "fake".The fact that this reporter wrote an article about scowling is rediculous. For this reporter and all the other onesthat say that he is fake, how do they know? Do they just "sense it"? He had a life altering experience in Colorado. He almost went to jail. Ichallenge anyone to go through that and not change.
So what he scowls after made baskets? So do I.
Kobe isn't the reason I do that, Neither was Jordan.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

kob eis phony as hell ... his wife even said it ... he is teh alex rodriguez of basketball except a-rod will go down as the undisputed greatest player ever once he hits 800 home runs ...
when his wife say it? this dumb @%!$+ ******ed as hell.
So i guess the writer wants #24 to be like timmy and don't show no emotion. Go pick on K.G. when het gets on all fours and taunts players. Any athlete proor rec knows that playing with emotion is part of the game. When i shoot a jumpshot in someones grill i yell facial. When i go glass i call it. And wheni'm on d i ask them when do they thimk they are going, and i got your game on lock. The point is if you don't have any emotions you are a robot.
His peers seem to respect him for his skills, I'm pretty sure that's all he cares about. The media's perception will definitely change if he helpsdeliver a chip to LA. As for the fans and haters, not much you can do about that, you can't endear yourself to everyone.
Originally Posted by jumpmanfeva

There is such thing called sportsmanship. Plus he's a role model for kids.

David Stern?

At the end of the day, it's entertainment! Point blank.

Sportsmanship? Give me a break.
If that were the case, then what'sthe point of being competitive? What's the point of Entertainment?

Boxing anyone?
Let the man live cot damn. I know if I was that good, I would be talking trash from basket to basket every trip down. Even if I turn the ball over. Why does itbother some of you that much? Jabroni's analyzing how the man scowl's his face. Get off the man's *%**
I think a big issue that we all over look is the rape case.

That DESTROYED Kobe Bryant's image.

Please remember, Kobe WAS the NBA posterchild for tomorrow. He WAS the future. He was everything Stern could want.

A gifted athlete. Well spoken. No tatoos. A champion. Mega watt smile. Endorser. McDonalds, Addidas, Upper Deck, all of it.

He played like Mike, acted like Mike, wanted to be like Mike. He played in LA for Christ sakes.
He was Stern's wet dream.

And then it was gone.

And then Kobe had to figure out what to do. He got tats. He got an edge. He chose his words carefully. Some interviews he tried to play it off, other interviews he talked about how much he was hated. He went this way and that way. He was moody, he was fake. And we'll NEVER know who he truly is.

We've heard stories FOR YEARS about how introverted he is. Wasn't it Brandy who said all he wanted to do was watch tape of himself?

The guy LIVES basketball. He's obviously cocky and spoiled. He had a red carpet in front of him from his junior year on, and then he messed up. Part of him prolly wants to get it back to where he was before the case, part of him prolly wants to be who he is AFTER the case. We have no idea.
On point with the synopsis of how it all crumbled. My only contention would be that before the rape case, I don't remember the league beingKobe's; I remember people talking about whether the league 'belonged' to Iverson, T-Mac, or Kobe, with Duncan and Garnett being outsidepossibilities limited by lack of playoff success (Garnett) and lack of flash (Duncan).
When Bron came on, Stern got that second chance. Great kid, big smile, funny, commercials that are classic due to Nike marketing and Bron's charm just comes out clean on screen. Talented, works on his game, going to be a champ at some point, everything the league could ever hope for. I guarantee you that if Bron screws up with a hotel nanny, Stern is takin the charge for him. Stern gettin charged with rape this time.

Maybe Kobe has issues with that. Maybe he's mad that he doesn't get this treatment anymore.

And to me, that's why it would be truly special to see those two go at in the finals. Kobe the one time future face of the league, vs the current face of the league. Both of them would be locked in. Both of them would not back down. And NBA fans would be given a true gift to witness it all.

I hope it happens. I hope both teams make it and we get to see it.

I don't, because I don't think it will bode well for us. The league is definitely more LeBron's right now than it is anyoneelse's, and most of us readily admit that one of the major problems with the NBA is that things are too obviously 'scripted' (for lack of a betterword) sometimes. Like, if Stern thinks that a Cavs/Lakers Finals would be a ratings wet dream, then... well... things can happen to make sure a Cavs/LakersFinals happens. With that in mind, I think a Cavs (LeBron) championship is what Stern wants... errrr, 'would like'... to see.
Good thing Bron made the thread because he's about as fake as Kobe is. Dude is not the nice guy you see on TV. But that's fine because he hasn'tdone anything to mess up his image at this point in time. The way I feel about it is...I care about what he does on the court. Period. If he is or isn'tsome nice guy off court , doesn't nor will it ever affect my life. Yes he does seem like he forces things in interviews, but I'd attributethat to the fact that media always asks the same questions (is he better than MJ, Shaq, team, etc.) trying to find if he's this reformed man. Let him live,attack his game, and maybe just maybe then we'll see the real Kobe. If it's really is THAT big of a deal
^ It's really not that big of a deal.

It's worth discussing, which is all people are doing.

Considering this is a discussion board, that's really making anything a big deal.

It's so annoying when people run to the 'Oh my gosh! Y'all got nothing better to do than analyze this man's life?' argument, because...again... this is a discussion board. All we do on here is discuss things.

Not that big if a deal.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I think a big issue that we all over look is the rape case.

That DESTROYED Kobe Bryant's image.

Please remember, Kobe WAS the NBA posterchild for tomorrow. He WAS the future. He was everything Stern could want.

A gifted athlete. Well spoken. No tatoos. A champion. Mega watt smile. Endorser. McDonalds, Addidas, Upper Deck, all of it.

He played like Mike, acted like Mike, wanted to be like Mike. He played in LA for Christ sakes.
He was Stern's wet dream.

And then it was gone.

And then Kobe had to figure out what to do. He got tats. He got an edge. He chose his words carefully. Some interviews he tried to play it off, other interviews he talked about how much he was hated. He went this way and that way. He was moody, he was fake. And we'll NEVER know who he truly is.

We've heard stories FOR YEARS about how introverted he is. Wasn't it Brandy who said all he wanted to do was watch tape of himself?

The guy LIVES basketball. He's obviously cocky and spoiled. He had a red carpet in front of him from his junior year on, and then he messed up. Part of him prolly wants to get it back to where he was before the case, part of him prolly wants to be who he is AFTER the case. We have no idea.
On point with the synopsis of how it all crumbled. My only contention would be that before the rape case, I don't remember the league being Kobe's; I remember people talking about whether the league 'belonged' to Iverson, T-Mac, or Kobe, with Duncan and Garnett being outside possibilities limited by lack of playoff success (Garnett) and lack of flash (Duncan).

Eh, at the time, Iverson was heart and soul, but he was a problem child and certainly not the guy Stern wanted the face of the league to be. TMacwas just barely one or two years in with ORL, and hadn't done jack other then look smooth in the regular season. Duncan had a title and a
on his face all the time, league wasn't supportin that. And KG wasdef up and coming.

What I was tryin to say in a round about way was that they tried with Stackhouse, then Grant Hill to get that Michael clone to carry the league. Flyin thruthe air, knockin down clutch shots, drive and dish, all those type plays. Then be solid off the court as well. Stack and Hill had part of all that, butcertainly not the whole package. Kobe had it. 2004 comes, he's got 3 rings already, 30 points a game, clutch shots, slam dunk championship, Sprite,McD's, he was on his way. Then poof.

The guy is headstrong to the nth. I remember in Phil's book, they heard about the case and Phil sat Kobe down and said, "hey, go ahead and sit for awhile, get your life straight, we'll hold the ship."
Kobe ain't even blink. "Naw, I'll play thru it."
Hey, i work hard. I work a ton of OT. But if I stub my toe I'm lookin for a day off. This dude in the middle of a rape case, and he wanna playbasketball?

But damn it, he flies to Colorado to be judged and followed by day, flies back to LA to sink game winners at night. That takes something special right there. Lunatic something special, but hey, we work with what we're given.

Here's a small prediction. If, they make the finals vs the Cavs. Straight business Kobe. No yellin at the fans, no yellin at the players, he will be TimDuncan clone for sure. He knows damn well, his final legacy could very well ride on this showdown with Bron. He is not tryna rile Bron up, or get himselflookin foolish on camera. Watch.
And I guarantee, someone will think that is scripted. And it may very well be. But that is how he is gonna be.
I think a big issue that we all over look is the rape case.

That DESTROYED Kobe Bryant's image.

Please remember, Kobe WAS the NBA posterchild for tomorrow. He WAS the future. He was everything Stern could want.

A gifted athlete. Well spoken. No tatoos. A champion. Mega watt smile. Endorser. McDonalds, Addidas, Upper Deck, all of it.

He played like Mike, acted like Mike, wanted to be like Mike. He played in LA for Christ sakes.
He was Stern's wet dream.

And then it was gone.

And then Kobe had to figure out what to do. He got tats. He got an edge. He chose his words carefully. Some interviews he tried to play it off, other interviews he talked about how much he was hated. He went this way and that way. He was moody, he was fake. And we'll NEVER know who he truly is.

We've heard stories FOR YEARS about how introverted he is. Wasn't it Brandy who said all he wanted to do was watch tape of himself?

The guy LIVES basketball. He's obviously cocky and spoiled. He had a red carpet in front of him from his junior year on, and then he messed up. Part of him prolly wants to get it back to where he was before the case, part of him prolly wants to be who he is AFTER the case. We have no idea.
On point with the synopsis of how it all crumbled. My only contention would be that before the rape case, I don't remember the league being Kobe's; I remember people talking about whether the league 'belonged' to Iverson, T-Mac, or Kobe, with Duncan and Garnett being outside possibilities limited by lack of playoff success (Garnett) and lack of flash (Duncan).

Eh, at the time, Iverson was heart and soul, but he was a problem child and certainly not the guy Stern wanted the face of the league to be. TMac was just barely one or two years in with ORL, and hadn't done jack other then look smooth in the regular season. Duncan had a title and a
on his face all the time, league wasn't supportin that. And KG was def up and coming.

What I was tryin to say in a round about way was that they tried with Stackhouse, then Grant Hill to get that Michael clone to carry the league. Flyin thru the air, knockin down clutch shots, drive and dish, all those type plays. Then be solid off the court as well. Stack and Hill had part of all that, but certainly not the whole package. Kobe had it. 2004 comes, he's got 3 rings already, 30 points a game, clutch shots, slam dunk championship, Sprite, McD's, he was on his way. Then poof.
O.K., gotcha. You're saying that... yeah, there was a race to be the face of the league, but there was a serious problem with everyone in therace. Duncan had no flash (making him extremely unmarketable), Iverson was all kinds of talented but definitely too hood for the league to make him 'theone', T-Mac was too inexperienced at the beginning of the decade and certainly didn't have any real accomplishments for the league to be throwing himto the front line of marketability, and the same went for KG (lots of talent and flash, but no real accomplishments). And the league tried to make Stack andHill 'the one' at different times before all of them, but Stack lacked the staying power and success, and Hill got injured 43 different ways. And alongwith that whole crowd was Kobe, who was too introverted to already be 'the one', but around '03 and '04, he was starting to open up, meaning hewould be available to the fans, talented and successful on the court with his individual games and 3 rings... and then before the opportunity to be 'theone' really came to fruition, Colorado happened.

I agree. Had that never happened, he definitely would have fallen right into Stern's graces, and the torch we're talking about being handed to LeBronnow and in the next couple years, we'd be talking about that torch being in Kobe's hands for the last 5 years instead of the last couple years or so.
Here's a small prediction. If, they make the finals vs the Cavs. Straight business Kobe. No yellin at the fans, no yellin at the players, he will be Tim Duncan clone for sure. He knows damn well, his final legacy could very well ride on this showdown with Bron. He is not tryna rile Bron up, or get himself lookin foolish on camera. Watch.
And I guarantee, someone will think that is scripted. And it may very well be. But that is how he is gonna be.
I definitely disagree. I've always contended that circumstances and environment only contribute to personalities; they don't define them.You are who you are, regardless of what's going on around you. If have a depressive personality, I have it when I receive terrible news, when I'mplaying ball, whenever. Certain situations will enhance or suppress the ways my depression reveals itself, but no situation will make it completely go away.

Kobe is who he is, and he isn't who he isn't. And I definitely think that he is no stoic (Tim Duncan).

I thought he was great in last year's Finals, and I would expect him to be like that again. He was still fired up, competitive, talking a little trash, butmore focused on the championship than on maintaining a persona. I said after and during the Finals that the problem was that the team's intensitywasn't there; I had no problems with #24.
I am suprised no writer hasnt said anything about garnett this postseason I think he would be the person that they should have made this artice about he runshis mouth more than anyone in the league and drops way more F bombs and I think he is just as fake as people make kobe out to be.
^ You're missing the point entirely. The point isn't 'Kobe runs his mouth', so people responding with 'Hey, Jordan ran his mouth, Garnettruns his mouth, LeBron runs his mouth! Why pick on just Kobe?!' are missing the point.

The point is that Kobe runs his mouth to teammates, then gives interviews talking about how important those teammates are; he'll talk the biggest trash toopponents, then do a PC interview showing nothing but respect and candor for the opponent.

The point isn't about being a prick; the point of this discussion is about duality (I saw you throw that word in there earlier, haze, and it'sperfect).
Originally Posted by TWISTA

I am suprised no writer hasnt said anything about garnett this postseason I think he would be the person that they should have made this artice about he runs his mouth more than anyone in the league and drops way more F bombs and I think he is just as fake as people make kobe out to be.

In a word: no. KG has been the same since he stepped foot in the league. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Some people like him for it; a lot of peopledon't. But there's nothing fabricated or contrived about it. He doesn't spend time trying to portray a certain image. He just is who he is.
I was thinking about this after Kobe got the T...He does always do things like this, and Lebron doesn't...Yes Lebron might do a stance or a littleshimmy...but it isn't directed to a certain person like Kobe...Also it isn't like Kobe was putting up amazing numbers or anything...I mean ya if he putup 60+ and Battier REALLY couldn't guard him, then alright say it...But that wasn't the case..It was just a normal game, maybe not even par...YesLebron can have a cocky side to him, but it only usually comes out after his 3rd dunk in 5 minutes, or a half court Jumper at the buzzer...
Not after a one of your few 15 -ft jumpers....
Keown and Simmons are on point.

They're saying what objective basketball fans have thought for some time.

Forget liking or disliking Kobe/LA, this is about "What is the DEAL with this guy?"
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

I will Never...ever....ever....ever...ever....ever...ever understanding why you people look at these dudes more than athletes. Even in my younger days...I never look at an athlete and was interested in what type of individual he was or questioned anything that didn't directly relate to the game. All of this supposed "phony" or "who is he?" stuff is SOOO irrelevant to me

i just thought about it..u really HAVE to look past these dudes as athletes when it comes to liking/disliking them..because they're a person first beforean athlete..same reason we like/dislike super heroes or villians/bad guys...its about their personality
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