George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person

I respect george for this. No one is going to touch him and George is a martial expert. Im sure he will knock whoever fights him out. George aint got no worries

You respect him?!

Well it's obvious your not a man of respect to begin with anyway.
Chance of that being sarcasm with Superb is .03%.
If game gets in an organized fight with this moron he'll be setting our people back big time.

If he's gonna do it. Make it a bare knuckle brawl.
Dark, Twisted Fantasy! George Zimmerman Wants To Fight Yeezus In Celebrity Boxing Match (DETAILS)

Now what kind of “dark, twisted fantasy” is this?

Last week, we learned that George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer acquitted in the murder of Trayvon Martin, agreed to participate in a celebrity boxing match for charity. Now, promoters for the match are telling the media Zimmerman has chosen his dream opponent — Kanye West.

Why? According to promoters, Zimmerman believes Yeezus beats up on defenseless people and should be handled accordingly.

According to TMZ:

We’re told George’s beef with Kanye is not just that he attacks paparazzi … but the innocents as well — like the 18-year-old who allegedly called Kim an “N***** lover.”

The promoters say if Kanye takes Zimmerman up on the offer … they’re willing to move the fight to L.A.

Dat irony tho... :smh:
 let trayvon's dad have a shot at em hell at least one of his family members if Game fights dude i have feeling this wont last long..
That's the thing, Zimmerman got his butt kicked by a 17 year old skinny kid hence the reason he shot him. What makes him think he'll be able to handle a grown damn man? smh
I have never in my life really wished death on someone but on Zimmerman i do... This guy is parading around pretty much taunting to the world how he killed in cold blood, let the system work the way it was designed, and is going to make a profit off of killing someone and throwing it in the face of the public.

This dude Zimmerman is a straight up troll.. he's really trying to stay in the spotlight as long as he can.

He knows everything he says and does will rustle a whole lotta jimmies
That's the thing, Zimmerman got his butt kicked by a 17 year old skinny kid hence the reason he shot him. What makes him think he'll be able to handle a grown damn man? smh


or was that a question so dumb you didn't bother to think about it?
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