girls girls girls(blaze) vs girls girls girls (kanye)

Depends on the mood but Blaze's version is the one I could keep on repeat for 5+ listens. Don't get me wrong tho, When I heard Kanye's I was like
cause the sample was just too hot
I prefer Just Blaze's beat but I prefer the verse that Jay spits over the Kanye version.
Just's version gets better with each listen

Plus now that I know it was originally for Ghostface whenever I listen I imagine Ghost ripping it as well


After the first few listen of the Kanye version, it never got played again. I had to refresh my memory just now that there was even another version of thattrack.

and that Ghostface info had me tripping as well when I read that.
Justin Blaze made a beautiful beat.

I'm sorry 'Ye....Imma let you finish...

BUT JUST BLAZE HAD THE BEST "Girls Girls Girls" beat of all time. Of all time.

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