GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

Nope this is all BS.

I'm reading the script for episode 3, how is Jon talking to Howland Reed when he was a fatality in episode 2 apparently? naw man this is all bad lol
Currently reading these.

They seem like bad fan fiction. While they seem legitimate i'm gonna take them with a very, very big grain of salt. I've seen full blown Star Wars leaks that had like 4-5 pages of detail outlines that turned out to be all fake.

Plus if any of this does pan out, i'll probably forget by 2019 or maybe have met the lord of light by then.

I'm hesitant to throw these out as fan written since they seem to be almost on par with the original leak of S7. Given that filming isn't scheduled for another month and a half, i'll figure the writers may change up a lot of things.

As of August, the script has been complete according to the program president
I'm not buying an of this ****!! :rofl:

so first Euron becomes king? what?! nah especially when from the finale leak that dude tucks his tale and leaves after seeing the wight.

Also aside from the other part i mentioned of Howland Reed talking to Jon in the episode AFTER he died, there's a note in the episode 6 script that Davos has no lines however continue reading and he has a great deal of lines in a pivotal scene.

Dany's body "hanging" naked? Naaaaaaaaaaah son not even GoT would do that.

These scripts are 1000% speculation and fan fiction. While they may contain a story element that would be cool and nice
Dany pregnant and giving birth
, it's way to out there. Some stuff is just too ridiculous.

I'm gonna print and save these for posterity then when the season is go back and read them to see if anything in them was true.
As of August, the script has been complete according to the program president

Yeah but given they've prepped the public for a 2019 debut they can make a ton of changes. It's just way too far fetched in some aspects of it.
Greyjoys are known for L's. I don't believe Euron is eating like that.
That's what would seriously piss ppl off.

People hate Cersi and LF for good reason. This new dude swoops in and gets these Ws and villain role by default.
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awwwww **** im reading this thread
like why the hell is all these spoilers floating around
clicking on all of em
and heated
and JUST NOW realizing I'm in the spoiler thread:smh:
awwwww **** im reading this thread
like why the hell is all these spoilers floating around
clicking on all of em
and heated
and JUST NOW realizing I'm in the spoiler thread:smh:

Hold your head b, you're one of us now
Yeah there's NO way a 3rd rate character who was just introduced gets power like in the last season no less.

The ending these leaks has is a definitely bittersweet one that does satisfy most fans. Out of all that nonsense that's in these leakse, these things are what I do see as being "plausble", and yes i'll spoiler tag it.
Dany will get pregnant and MAYBE have a kid by the end. They've heavily emphasized that she cannot have children so maybe she can't unless she get's that Targaryen seed. I don't think we'll see her give birth and if she does that flash forward won't happen.
Many deaths will occur. The body count is ridiculously high in that script but it's not to say they won't amass bodies in the last season. I figure:Tormund, Grey Worm, Berric, Brienne, Podrick and some northern lords, Cersei for sure maybe Jaime at the same time Cersei does, Theon's been deserving it so he's dead too and Ghost as well. i don't see all the dragons biting the dust but maybe 1 more.
John or Dany will die.

That's all i can think of that makes ANY sense of that BS script. There's other things i read in that script that were buggy, like NK was hurt my dragon fire but elsewhere white walkers weren't? lol.
I said it before but its still crazy to me based off of this season's spoiler leaks that Cersi doesn't die.

Writers really think a weak as LF death will be enough? Then ice dragon burning down the wall?

C'mon now.
Her death needs to get biggest attention and main focus.

I feel like she'll be overshadowed all next season by NK. She can't compete. So unless she wins in the end Indont see how she gets done justice.
i would've killed her off this season. she's already beat the odds too many times and gone from nothing to queen. there's nowhere left for her to go but down. there's not much left for Mountain to do either except get killed again.

NK is enough of a villain for season 8. Cersei is just going to look petty. Qyburn's toys look petty versus what the NK did with a javelin.

if they had done a better job setting things up, LF and Varys could've been manipulators/behind-the-scenes villains in season 8. but it's too late for that now, so they're going to have to recycle Cersei.
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