Got ROBBED in Downtown Oakland by some goons on Saturday Night...

My boy used the find my iPhone app like a month ago to find his iPhone 5. Idk if it works if the phone is shut off because I use android lost
Downtown oakland is being gentrified, but don't be fooled, robberies still happen often there. Time of day does not matter either...
Something similar happened to me in 08 i was walking in east oakland around e14th(or internatinal) which ever u wanna call it and 92nd ave going to catch the bus to go have a overnighter with this female. So im walking and just hang up letting the girl know im coming and 3 or 4 dudes run across the street. Now i had deodorant, sweats, my iphone charger, and some boxers in my backpack. My id was also in my in my back pack. Idk but as i saw them crossing something just said put ur phone in ur back pocket. When they crossed one said whats up u need trees im like naw im cool then one pulls out a pistol points at me and like what u got. Now im not even scared im actully kinda mad like damn im not gonna **** this girl cause imtelling you the ***** was bad and till this day i haveng had another chance to **** her. But anyway im like maaaaaaaan i aint got nothing u can have my back pack and hand it to em. Then dude like what u got in ur pockets i pat my pockets lightly and like i aint got nothing and pull out a 20 and like here this all i got. Then they like follow me. THEN i start trippin like hell naw i cant do that. I see cars coming down the street so we walk down e14 and they tryna turn up 91st but i hop off the curb into the street of an upcoming car cause i know they aint gonna shoot with witnessess. So im in the middle of traffic and they run off. I go home then about 40 minutes later i leave out my house with a bb gun that looked like a real gun to find the dudes. I walked up the street that they were on. I didnt see them but found my back pack and id and stuff thrown on the floor picked it up and went home.
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sorry to hear that homie...just be grateful to God you're alive to write these posts and cuz didn't let the burner off on you or your friends.  Material things can be replaced life can't.
Oh man, the fox theater?!?!

Crap, I go to Somar Bar all the time, and those two are close!

Funny thing is, I work at City Hall , and i spend most of my time around that area....

Guess I can't get too comfortable.

There are some nice spots in Oakland though, but people be all like 'you gotta go to the Oakland hills, or piedmont or rockridge area..."
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That is sad news. My friend lives around the corner from where you were robbed and I work down the street in West Oakland.

Robberies in Oakland are heavy in the summer. It is wild what some of these kids are doing out here. All the warehouses in my neighborhood have been getting broken into. Just the other day I saw a van some kids had stolen and driven into a building. They knocked out the wall and looted the warehouse.

I'm always taking a look at this website and am appalled by what I see.

Stay safe and I'm glad no one was physically hurt in the altercation.
Seriously that locate app thing is crap and useless. Usually once it's gone it's gone
Not true, one woman got her car stolen and it had her iphone in it. They tracked it and boom they found all the stuff and the robber.

But srs Downtown Fredericksburg is the best hipster walk around place I know and love. No thugs lurking around here, I can walk around historical virginia and have a pleasurable experience shopping or simply walking around or riding on a buggy. 

I do frequent DC though, I like to walk around and go to the Museums. I won't get that same sense of security in a DC metro 

Hope the police grabs your stuff. Head to your phone carrier and see if they can help you track your phone.
This thread means a lot to me as a bay area resident. First off OP, glad to hear you weren't physically harmed.

The Bay Area is beautiful place, and is regarded by many as the BEST PLACE to live in America when considering quality of life, economic opportunity, etc. Having said that, the Bay Area is one of the Most EXPENSIVE places to live........and it kills me sometimes.

Not trying to turn this into an SF vs Oakland thread but......everyone wants to live in SF these days....EVERYONE. The rich yuppies, the hipsters, the artistic people, the banking professionals, pretty much, SF is the place to be. The rent prices definitely reflect that, and the rent prices are the highest I've ever seen in the city.

Considering the above, a lot of people have logically considered Oakland a good alternative to SF. Oakland is great because:

1) You can get to SF in 15 minutes via public trans (BART) or driving. 

2) The weather is better than SF. It's always 10 degrees warmer and clearer skies. 

3) Oakland is beautiful. 

A lot of the artistically talented people who don't make much money off their craft have moved to Oakland because the cost of SF is so high. As a result, a lot of the real talent that made SF so cool in the early 2000's has left and gone to Oakland. In many ways Oakland now has a lot of the vibrancy and talent that SF has lost replaced by a bunch of rich yuppies and finance people. 

But there has always been these kind of things holding Oakland back. Oakland has the POTENTIAL to be a Brooklyn, it really does, but things like this keep holding it back. I love Oakland and the East Bay in general but I just can't see myself moving back there until these types of things don't happen as frequently. 
have you been to bk..? things like this happen as well. i don't get how robberies could hold oakland back from being like bk. not trying to be funny.
you can tell who lives in the burbs with a hammer . ive been robbed to OP im from the real miami and you catch people slippin and you get caught slippin while growing up in our type of cities with so many uneducated / hungry people around . 
have you been to bk..? things like this happen as well. i don't get how robberies could hold oakland back from being like bk. not trying to be funny.
Not even that, but dudes want more gentrification? You know that means those poor people are forced out and end up turning another city into a poor place? How is that a good thing for THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THE CITY WHAT IT IS?
Well thanks for the kind words everyone, you never know what could have happened.

So does anyone got an Iphone 5 to sell me, for say, $300? :lol:
I can't wait until the government bans guns so that things like this won't happen anymore.
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What's up brajes, I just need to vent.

I've lived in Oakland for almost 30 years now and have never had anything like this happen to me or anyone I really know. I will try to keep it short.

Me, my girl, and 4 friends ( we are all white, average age 28 yrs old) were walking from our to car to the Fox Theatre area in Downtown Oakland Sat night about 7:30pm. Well lit area, we are around there all the time.

We get approached by 4 young black males (ages probably 18-25) on the sidewalk, they kind of flank and surround us. One taller, light skinned skinny dude, flashes the handgun in his waistband and pulls it out. Tells all the girls to hand over their purses, money, and cell phones.

At this point I'm in shock and don't move, the girls hand over their stuff. I don't hand over anything, it looks like they are in a rush to bounce but before they go the leader dude walks over to me, reaches in my front left pocket and snatches my new IPhone 5.

They sprint up the street hit the corner and they're gone. Cops show up 5 min later, we talk to them for 2 hrs and make statements.

Such a shame, I really thought my city was turning the corner in turns of a downtown-hipster-foody renaissance but the thugs will always be lurking. Thank god no one was hurt and it's all material stuff, but it just makes you lose that sense of security.

Anyone know any good reputable sites to get cheap smartphones or refurbished IPhones? Thanks for reading...
sorry to hear that bro

did they get any licenses or anything like that? that would suck if they hit up your house to reup
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