How do i get rid of pimples (warning: pics)

try a change in your diet. less fried food? less meat? less dairy? etc. work on it from the inside out.
edit: btw smoking/drinking is turrble for your skin.
Originally Posted by im self abs0rbed

try a change in your diet. less fried food? less meat? less dairy? etc. work on it from the inside out.
edit: btw smoking/drinking is turrble for your skin.
Probably second best response in this thread aside from seeing a dermatologist. When I actually started giving a damb about what I ate I noticed my skin, especially my face got clearer.
Acne is hormonal, but it looks like you're experiencing shaving irritation.

Cleaning your blade, washing your face/towels/pillow cases/sheets often, drinking more water, changing your diet, using a good (not oily) moisturizer, etc. definitely helps too.
try eating oreos


-The Juice
I'm tellin you OP, start the doxycycline and topical application, update with pics in a month or so. This is what a dermatologist is going to tell you to do, minus the $500 consult.
God damn lol

My lil bro used to get them like that but worse it looked like a rash. They gave him some benzoyl peroxide and Idk the name of the other cream, it was hydro something, burns like a mofo.
They're probably ingrown hair bumps. Skin is irritated because the hair is growing underneath it.

I bet you've never tried to stop shaving? Try it and it will go away. Magic.
i feel like it probably is shaving irritation..thats the only explanation as to why it only happens around that area..(literally not a single blemish on the rest of my face). i doubt i have acne.
wish i could jsut grow out my moustache but boss doesn't allow it...fuarrk
any tips on blades or ways to shave as to not irritate the skin?
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by StillIn729

go to Bloomingdales and buy yourself something nice and use the Big Brown Bag for your head

got me too

dude stop shaving your mustache. looks funny anyway.

how your boss not allow you to have a mustache? what the hell do you do that you cant have one?
 aint no one suggesting having a Ron jeremy or nothing. 
whatever you use to shave (whether it is electronic or not), make sure you clean the blades with alcohol. Always apply benzoyl peroxide to the places you shave (even if you don't have pimples)
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