How Do You Feel about the HB2 law? VOL....NORTH CAROLINA

I love how ninjahood keeps plucking these random groups/persons out to prove his point.

Top level troll I swear.

Top $#%&ing level.

And yet..

One of the biggest supporters and founders of the bill is Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber president Chad Severance-Turner, who is actually a registered sex offender himself – he was convicted and served jail time for sexually assaulting a 15 year-old.
Before taking office, Charlotte’s new mayor promised Chad that she would do whatever it took to get the bill passed.

[emoji]129300[/emoji] another molestor NAMBLA coincidence? Hmmm..



*plays Nas Daughters*
Btw, google "chad sevealance"...and see who's NOT covering his history by da results list... Its a teachable moment in bias media coverage.

" da more u know [emoji]127776[/emoji]"
What point are you even trying to make Ninja? Are you suggesting the LGBT community supports pedophilia?
By da lack of outrage from da LGBT of chad sevealance? Idk..what u think? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
I think the actions of a few bad apples in the high ranks of society don't speak for an entire community. That's ridiculous.

Google his name and see how little information you can find. The LGBT's elite hold powerful positions, especially in the media.

It's clear to me that this was covered up. Society's elite is no stranger to corruption and cover-ups and this is just another example of that. The LGBT community are people just like us. There's good and bad people.

There's a lack of outrage because there's a lack of media coverage on this. I was not able to find any major news outlet reporting on Chad Severance so how would the regular LGBT folks even know? You can only find the information when you deliberately search for it.

Do you honestly think the LGBT community is on board with pedophilia?

What you're suggesting is the same thing as trying to argument that christians as a whole support pedophilia because the elite members of the church support it and cover it up.
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What point are you even trying to make Ninja? Are you suggesting the LGBT community supports pedophilia?

By da lack of outrage from da LGBT of chad sevealance? Idk..what u think? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
This is pathetic :lol: Why won't you answer a direct question?

End of da day ya posts coming off like a lot of hot air if you can't even stand by your stance.
Im comin across like hotair, meanwhile da dude responsible for da bathroom bill is convicted sex offender :lol:

Lemme re-quote everything so you can aim your
animosity to da correct target..


I love how ninjahood keeps plucking these random groups/persons out to prove his point.

Top level troll I swear.

Top $#%&ing level.

And yet..

One of the biggest supporters and founders of the bill is Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber president Chad Severance-Turner, who is actually a registered sex offender himself – he was convicted and served jail time for sexually assaulting a 15 year-old.
Before taking office, Charlotte’s new mayor promised Chad that she would do whatever it took to get the bill passed.

[emoji]129300[/emoji] another molestor NAMBLA coincidence? Hmmm..



*plays Nas Daughters*
Still aint answer da question b :lol: :smh:

Ill use Colombia's quote since u straight LOST this one champ.

The LGBT's elite hold powerful positions, especially in the media.
It's clear to me that this was covered up

And last time i checked, when u aid a criminal it makes you culpable so...ONE TOP of da original Advocacy groups supporting NAMBLA (which i also cited) What u think?
Large Organizations aren't just "anecdotal bad apples".

*remembers what rusty said about how supporting white supremacy is as simple
As showing acquiescent indifference to blatant atrocious behavior*

*ahem* requote.
I love how ninjahood keeps plucking these random groups/persons out to prove his point.

Top level troll I swear.

Top $#%&ing level.

And yet..

One of the biggest supporters and founders of the bill is Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber president Chad Severance-Turner, who is actually a registered sex offender himself – he was convicted and served jail time for sexually assaulting a 15 year-old.
Before taking office, Charlotte’s new mayor promised Chad that she would do whatever it took to get the bill passed.

[emoji]129300[/emoji] another molestor NAMBLA coincidence? Hmmm..



*plays Nas Daughters*
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Oh, ok then.

So since Zoe saldana, a person of Dominican descent, identifies herself as a black woman, that makes you a black male, right?

I mean if one person thinks so that means the whole group thinks the same, right?
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Oh, ok then.

So since Zoe saldana, a person of Dominican descent, identifies herself as a black woman, that makes you a black male, right?

I mean if one person thinks so that means the whole group thinks the same, right?

Now who's da top troll :lol:

Go to da correct thread & get schooled there.
You're trying to paint the picture that this goes for the LGBT community as a whole though. I explicitly asked if that's what you were suggesting and you didn't answer me directly but that's what your response implied.

It's ridiculous to think the community as a whole supports pedophilia because of Chad's crime and its cover-up. Again, corruption and cover-ups are nothing new to the upper echelon of society.
You can't be outraged about something you haven't heard of.
Just like not all christians as a whole support pedophilia, neither does the LGBT community.

In fact, I'm sure high ranking heterosexual individuals have done and covered up much worse. Does that mean you and I support pedophilia, murder, extortion, ... ?
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Still aint answer da question b :lol: :smh:

Ill use Colombia's quote since u straight LOST this one champ.

You been spewing so much bull **** you aint even know what question I'm talking about anymore.

Talking about losing this one. I say why can't you answer a direct question with a direct answer and as expected it more other **** you bring up to hide from the fact you don't want to own up to what you're saying.

I get it though, you just want to talk about something else and you don't mind if you gotta troll to do it.
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I feel like alot of you guys would agree with Ninja hood if it was somebody else posting it

Notice da lack of outrage in this thread once da author of this bathroom bill & da media spin of "civil rights" has been unmasked? :lol:

Notice da lack of outrage in this thread once da author of this bathroom bill & da media spin of "civil rights" has been unmasked? :lol:

The bill itself is still a valid idea to accomodate transgender individuals.
The author's intent or character doesn't necessarily detract from that.
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It's ridiculous to think the community as a whole supports pedophilia because of Chad's crime and its cover-up. Again, corruption and cover-ups are nothing new to the upper echelon of society.

Im just joe shmoe juan papi shampoo from da heights & i went directly to da source to find da information..and you're telling me an entire organization that is 1st line of offense of ANY perception of discrimination all of sudden is completely aloof of this?
They're STILL advocating da Boycott of N.C.

:lol: who are we tryin to kidd.. pun intended.
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2009 Human Rights Report: Dominican Republic

Trafficking, sexual exploitation of children, and child sex tourism remained serious problems, particularly in major urban areas and popular tourist destinations. Child prostitution often was based on economic need, and the government conducted several programs to combat the sexual exploitation of minors, including notices in airports and targeted programs in popular tourist locations.

So Dominicans are all pedophiles
Name callin instead of castigation for da pedophile N.C. agitator?

Oh, i see ya circle wagons when it runs counter to ya narrative. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Adios, ill leave ya to find ya own morality.

I love how ninjahood keeps plucking these random groups/persons out to prove his point.

Top level troll I swear.

Top $#%&ing level.

And yet..

One of the biggest supporters and founders of the bill is Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber president Chad Severance-Turner, who is actually a registered sex offender himself – he was convicted and served jail time for sexually assaulting a 15 year-old.
Before taking office, Charlotte’s new mayor promised Chad that she would do whatever it took to get the bill passed.

[emoji]129300[/emoji] another molestor NAMBLA coincidence? Hmmm..



*plays Nas Daughters*
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The author was convicted for sexual crimes with a boy. What's stopping him from molesting little boys in the male restroom/locker rooms? Nothing. The bill wouldn't have changed that.
Let's ban men from entering male restrooms. After all, Chad's molestation of a young boy is proof that there is a safety concern for young boys in male restrooms. Right?
That's the logic opposers of the bill are using after all.
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I mean, since we want to correlate a few people who like children and happen to be gay with the whole LGBT team,

Why not correlate your Dominican people with it too, since Dominicans are obviously sponsoring child prostitution so that means they MUST be cool with NAMBLA too, right?
Name callin instead of castigation for da pedophile N.C. agitator?

Oh, i see ya circle wagons when it runs counter to ya narrative. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Adios, ill leave ya to find ya own morality.



"I can't retort because the fallacies in my argument have been discovered over and over again, but yet I still post the same BS because I can't do any better, so here is another repost of the same fallacy"
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