How fun is Mardi Gras?


Oct 22, 2004
My boy just called me up about going over to New Orleans this weekend for Mardi Gras, and I've always heard it's pretty fun. Who can pass up alcohol and ****? But this weekend is also valentines day and I was thinking about going back home for the weekend to see my girl back there. To make things clear we're not technically dating because I didn't want to keep a long distance relationship going through college, but she's still important to me. I'm thinking of going back the following weekend to see her instead, but I know she'd kill me if she found out I passed up valentines day for this.
I just wanted to know how fun Mardi Gras really is from someone who's been there before. If I don't go visit her this weekend I want it to be something that'll make it worth it. Also, who else from here is going?
Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

Mardi Gras in N.O. is fun!
and the Saints just won... OMG!
Yea exactly, I figure its gonna be even more crazy this year
i never went but i can imagine it being really good this year just cuz the saints won and all
Stupid Wild x9000 since the Saints won.

Enjoy your visit there and be safe.  I would like to go to NO again someday this time to celebrate Mardi Gras.
Originally Posted by Jabawokee

Protect your wallet...

This.  Also, don't get arrested for peeing in public like everyone else.  Don't get arrested for showing your junk either.
You'll experience it from a tourist POV. But being from near New Orleans, Mardi Gras for us is way different. Go to Bourbon Street once, enjoy it, soak it up, and don't go back. Beer is overpriced, and since we have no open-container laws, you can either buy a 9 dollar beer on Bourbon Street, or a 12 pack at the convenience store two blocks away for $14.

Also, a ton of thieves and troublemakers just hang out there looking for drunk tourists and such. I hate to say it because I love New Orleans with all my heart, but be careful. Not everyone is out for a good time.
*hurricane gator* when you tourists come for madi gras we hungry...buffet time *hurricane gator*
excusemy ignorance but i never really clearly understood mardi gras. so itsjust an area or street where everyone parades and gets drunk and girls get toflash there ******* left and right in exchange for beads? but if a guy shows his parts he gets arrested? .. not like i condone that tho
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