HTC announces The Touch Diamond 2 & Touch Pro 2........SMH

Touch Pro 2 looks nice, but I wish the specs were upgraded more over the Touch Pro other than just the nicer screen.

Samsung Omnia HD looks to be the device right now.
I saw this today too. Real talk you will go broke trying to keep up with all the new phones that are coming out.
I have my eye on the Palm Pre though, that will be copped as soon as it drops.
I was returning my Touch Pro anyways
for all those that just copped now you know how the G1 users felt when there were rumors about the G2 a few days after the G1 came out hahaha
i've been holding out on getting the pro, now i've got another reason to hold out a lil bit longer

joint looks
but the keyboard needs to be flat. i never understood the purpose of a tilting screen, all you have to do is bend your wrists like 1 inch.
Damn, these phones look hot but they are WinMo which sucks IMO. Slow and sluggish.
i hope TP price drops when TP2/D2 comes out.
1st Gen TP looks better. If only they kept the diamond design on the back for the CDMI version.
Two things I like just looking at it. No d-pad and the keys are spaced. Oh and the screen is larger. Looks good.

Palm Pre or this...
i've always been adamant on having a keyboard, but i don't like the round tips of the touch pro 2.

might have to go for the diamond 2 here.

luckily, i have insurance, so i can get a new OG touch pro right before these come to the US, then i'll sell it brand new and almost pay for the new one
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