I feel bad for today's youth... (Vol. #80sBaby, #TechnologyTakeover)

The funny thing is there were pedos back then, there just wasnt a TV show about it.

If you are old enough, you remember watching that episode with Different Strokes with the bike shop owner taking pics of Dudley with his shirt off. That episode was crazy.


You sholl right!

I forgot all about that.

Those "Message" episodes. :lol:
Trust, I have NO problems with that. I already notice it with my kids. I want them to have it better.

I didn't touch a computer in my home until our first PC in 1994. I was 12 at that time. My girls have been navigating through websites on our laptop for a few years now... they're 9 and 8. So they're already ahead of me and my wife at this point. I have no issues with them being provided with the technology that's available now.

My thing is I want them to get out and have fun. Enjoy being under the sun. Come home with a bruise or scab. Kids don't need an iPad, iPod Touch, video games, etc. to have fun. Those are just luxuries parents try to accomodate their kids with because "they never had those when they were growing up".
balance it out with sports and kids clubs. It will get them out and socialize.
Born in 91. I have had conversations with my buddies before about how lucky we are that we got to experience our childhood before and after the Internet and today's technology. Not even just my generation, but all of us live in a very interesting time in the history of humans existence. Like our grandparents were alive when actual technology began. Before 1900 there was nothing outside of the telephone and a speaker in the late 1800's. Since 1900 the first car, plane, radio, TV, computer, video game, antibiotics ect. was created. Then in 2000 the Internet was created and the entire world took off probably making more advances in one decade than an entire century. From when our grandparents were born we went from the model T to cars that drive themselves. We went from first flight, to fighter jets, to landing on the moon, to landing in the mars. We went from telephones, to telephones connected to satellites and the internet, with cameras, live face to face video, television, games and it can fit in your pocket. Even more recently can be put in front of your eyes as you walk through life. We've successfully erased diseases from the globe due to antibiotics and vaccines. We've repaired hearing loss, ability to see, those who were paralyzed. Recreated limbs and organs. We've doubled life expectancy. Eventually it will be a few hundred years later and we will be the generations that were at the start of it all and witnessed it take off. Like, that's pretty cool to think about.

Childhood before the Internet though :smokin
- consecutive pick up games of ball up to 100 until you couldn't see the hoop anymore.
- entire neighborhood games of capture the flag
- wake up, gather buddies, take off on bikes, getting lost in forests, breaking things, returning home at dawn.
- blowing **** up
- then runescape happened :smh:

The Internet though :smokin
I couldn't have been more lucky being born when I was. Experienced my childhood before the Internet, and once I became too old for doing what I did as a kid, I had the Internet.
I'm an 90s baby, so I don't remember that. But I do remember the episode of "Smart Guy" when that guy had that surfing video game in his basement and tried to get them to take their clothes off.

That smart guy episode, marky412 lol.

Got a friend til this day that I still call Moe from smart guy.
'78 here..

-Playing games for a quarter at the arcade..Pole Position and Elevator Action were my favs..
-Watching the debut episode of He-Man and Transformers..
-Playing pickle..
-Bikes without rotors/freewheel..Actually pushing the pedals back to brake (hand brakes were only on 10 speeds back then)..
-KFC's had a buffet bar..
-Having splash-dive contests at the local swimming pool..
-Getting them OG Sky Jordan 1's in white/grey..
-Hypercolors t-shirts..
-Slush Puppies..Getting that old lady behind the counter to give you an extra couple flavor squirts cause you were courteous was the best..
-Cashing in Pepsi Free bottles for a nickel each..
-Chico Sticks and seeing the over-sized Sweet Tarts for the first time.. :wow:
Anyone that knows what DUNKAROOS are is :smokin .

cues the Monta.gif and the Denzel.gif
In my smoking session last night we started trippin over age and ****. 

We're almost 30 years old...crazy!

Still single with no kids. I dodged so many bullets out here man. 
Hide and go get it
haha classic!! that moment where the girl you like is chasing you and you trip on purpose
Hands turning damn near black from dust and dirt when you hooped on blacktop.
Mobbin on bikes 5, maybe 10 deep while you had someone on the pegs or sitting on the handlebar, trying to control that g-thang.
Super soakers was the business with a pack of water balloons in your pocket just in case.
Kids robbing one another for Pokemon cards.
Playing night tag and "accidentally" tag a girls chesticle or booty, on purpose.
Taking turns smashing around someone's RC car.
Doing the "dirty bird" during a TD celebration.
Water ballon fight.

Water gun fights.


Pokemon cards/Yugi-oh cards (pinoy version was card is smaller and printed were movies converted to comic strips.)

Family computer (SNES in PI)

Bball till dusk.

Agawan Base (Pinoy version of Cops and Robbers)

Boxing(We instigated the little kids that didnt like each other to box:lol: :smh: ) i even made a replica of a championship belt. :D

Dodgeball:smokin :smokin (Juking right in front of you8) )

Chilling at the park doing nothing on a nice day8) :frown:

Patentero, Luksong Baka, etc.. (Pinoy NTers who were an 80s kid can relate with me)

there was even a time in the PI were we had power shortage i think that was around 92-93 and this was a great time to play hide & seek.

Props to Guzzy! quoted and edited his post.

this made my childhood my freinds... :smokin
i totally agree, but it's just the sign of the times. age of aquarius. just try to have a balanced structure for the kids. physical and spiritual if you will.
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