return it...

ive returned a heap of %!%+ in the past. feels good too see/hear the response of the person.
Ok question, they charge money to release info at the dmv. If I take the number to the cops will they do something? I'm not gonna pay for the informationwhen I'm not totally sure it's theirs. I might just have to put an ad on craigslist or the paper.
nope cause people dont really report lost cameras they consider it gone with no chance of finding it. just flip it.
if it was a phone thats another story. it could be a random car they took a pic of.
f that , Keep it!

Have you ever lost something and somebody happens to find it and gives it back???????????????????????????????

Never happened to me. So if I lose something I consider it gone for good.
are the pix on a memory card? keep the camera and tell the family you found the memory card on the ground. i'd think the family would want the picturesback, more than the camera.
if you gotta pay then $%#* it

8.1 a throwaway by todays standards. they aint gonna be too mad.
What goes around,comes around....-Karma
Turn it in and get that warm feeling you get when you do something good...
Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

I'd honestly probably return it at this point.

Me being me, I would've never thought to return it in the 1st place though.

My feelings excatly! If you have the time to make this thread then you have the time & heart to return that camera. Keep it real
Print the photos and when u find their address mail it to them and keep the camera
If you return it, there is a small chance that they may give you money for returning it to them.
%%*@ that! Do that *!!#! Shoot that **@+*!
Can you afford to blow this *!!#? Are you that rich?
Why you give a %%*@ if she dies? Are you that **@+*?
Do you really think she gives a %%*@ if you have kids?
Try to return it but don't sweat about it or lose some sleep over it. If its too much work, I'd just keep it until someone comes forward looking for itor something.
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