I never knew that......

-About 165,000 cars are produced each day.

-Average car has 30,000 parts.

-75% of cars that Rolls Royce are still on the road today.

-Volkswagen owns Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducatti, and Porshe.

Strange Fruit, most notably sung by Billie Holiday, was written and recorded by a Jewish man named Abel Meeropol. He wrote it after seeing the dead bodies of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith.

Abel Meeropol would later adopt the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were accused and executed for espionage.

Sam Jackson was supposed to have an afro in pulp fiction but the prop guy didn't know the difference and they stuck with the jheri curl.

The earliest known figurative piece of art is a lion man carved 40000 years ago
. http://www.theartnewspaper.com/arti...is-worlds-earliest-figurative-sculpture/28595

Charleton heston got the part in true lies because james cameron needed someone who could plausibly intimidate arnold schwarzenegger
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i dont believe you guys at all lol

Hahah try it
Walk away from your car like at the mall or something. Get far enough away where you're convinced you're out of range. Try re-locking your doors. If the lights don't flash, touch your key FOB to your chin and try again.
Your car lights will flash.
:lol: the real photos are floating around here somewhere. Quite unflattering actually.
The word jay used to mean stupid.
It was given to country folks by city folks because they deemed them unworldly.
Wen the country folk or jays came to the city they did not understand crosswalk signs or traffic signals hence the term jaywalking.

. http://www.english-for-students.com/Jaywalking.html

The first road runner/wile e coyote short was called "fast and furry-ous"
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