I never knew that......

Dr seuss cheated on his wife for 13 years when she had cancer..after she died from cancer he married his mistress.

His wifes suicide note

What has happened to us? I don't know. I feel myself in a spiral, going down down down, into a black hole from which there is no escape, no brightness. And loud in my ears from every side I hear, 'failure, failure, failure... I love you so much ... I am too old and enmeshed in everything you do and are, that I cannot conceive of life without you ... My going will leave quite a rumor but you can say I was overworked and overwrought. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be harmed ... Sometimes think of the fun we had all through the years ..."

A coyote can run 2x as fast as a road runner
"Here's her suicide note.... BTW a coyote can run...."
Re: Kent State shootings, Nixon called protestors bums before shooting, and even said afterwards "when a sin turns to violence, it Invites tragedy." His VP Agnoo said "it was predictable."

10% Cinnamon oil concentration has been shown to kill staph, E.coli, MRSA, strep. Those are some big time players in making you sick. MRSA! It's apparently been found that at 10% dillusion it can kill other kinds of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

How did royalty come about? Up until 9000-10,000 years ago, humans were hunters and gatherers. Then, the Neolithic Revolution. Then people figured out the stability in plant consumption. Surplus of plants brought power, which brings dynasty, which brings royalty.

Oscar Grant/Fruitvale Station shooting: At Fruitvale Station, gov. officials learned in Aug. 2011 there was going to be demonstrations going on so they shut off cell phone service at the subway station so people couldn't organize. That's San Francisco we're talking about. The government has the power and capability to turn off power and internet in entire cities if it deems it necessary. Who can make these decisions? - It can come from a state homeland security adviser, their designees or representatives of the DHS Homeland Security Operation Center. Not the President. Then there's a sub-agency called the National Coordinating Center for Communications and they are the ones who are tasked with a series of questions to determine if a shutdown is necessary. Who are these people? What are the 'questions'?
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There is no a..b...c or d in the spelling of 1 through 99

There is no a...b...c in the spelling of 1 through 999

There is no b or c in the spelling of 1 through 999,999,999

There is no c in the spelling of any english number

That's not true, centillions, 10^600.
Oscar Grant/Fruitvale Station shooting: At Fruitvale Station, gov. officials learned in Aug. 2011 there was going to be demonstrations going on so they shut off cell phone service at the subway station so people couldn't organize. That's San Francisco we're talking about. The government has the power and capability to turn off power and internet in entire cities if it deems it necessary. Who can make these decisions? - It can come from a state homeland security adviser, their designees or representatives of the DHS Homeland Security Operation Center. Not the President. Then there's a sub-agency called the National Coordinating Center for Communications and they are the ones who are tasked with a series of questions to determine if a shutdown is necessary. Who are these people? What are the 'questions'?
All will be answered on the next Dragon Ball Z
The reason you sometimes have an erection when yawning is because they're both controlled by a chemical called nitric oxide. Released in the brain, it can either travel to the neurons that control mouth opening and breathing, or go down the spinal cord to the blood vessels that feed the penis. Sometimes it does both.

This mess happens far to often for me. I mean it's cool when needed, but not in public.

Every nba finals team since 1984 has had someone who has been on a roster with shaq....the 83 sixers were the last who didnt.

The japanese have a practice called kintsukuroi where they repair cracks in pottery with gold understanding that something Is still beautiful after being broken.
View media item 1562274

Salvador dali made a painting for the prisoners at rikers island.
It was stolen by a warden and some guards.

*** giraffes sleep
View media item 1562276
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