If this was not part of your childhood....

Originally Posted by Skateboard

I barely remember this place. Went once a loooooong time ago when I was 2, right around the time they were filing for bankruptcy. I wish I could back, such a fun place. Nowadays, moms are afraid of their kid's eyes being put out by anything that moves.

how do you even know it was fun when you were 2 when you went?

I was pushed into the ball pit and bruised my ankle. That's the last memory I have of that place

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Chuck E Cheese pizza was nasty, and this slime wants to bring that circle of mediocrity home to his family

dukes have some b-level taste buds in here

ahhhh I remember DZ!!! Funny because not to long ago I was trying to remember what that place was called! I remembered it and for a second I thought I had just imagined it because I could not remember the name for the life of me! Never got the chance to go to the FoamFactory but man I would have had a BLAST there.

Has anyone ever been to the Imagination Station!??!?! Or remember it? I'm not sure if it was a national thing or through the state parks but it was a HUGE wooden play structure that had all sorts of secret doors, and moving walls, and all sorts of other stuff. I remember there was one really close to my house and we always use to go there as kids but they built over it, with a Costco if I remember correctly. That was another one of my favs.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

the hell is this rich kid stuff? I played with used tires and beer cans when i was little

Truestory... I only went to DZ once and that was because it was somebody else's birthday.
Moms said it was too expensive 

I remember I use to imagine playing there every time we drove past it 
Had my 5th birthday party at DZ. I remember that *### like it was yesterday. LOVED that place
Never went to DZ, it always looked wack. /fatkid

Chuck >>>> Fiesta Freddies in Paramount >> Skate Depot >> DZ
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