"I'm from New York City"

I was born in Cali and mine starts with a "0" too.

Looks like I was just destined to be bout that NY life.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

When we moved to Cleveland when I was 5 - when people in school like my teacher asked me where I was from I would say New York; cause that's where I was from.

Fast forward 15-18 years later, when I moved to California and people asked where I was from I would say Cleveland; cause that's where I was from.

So to this day, some people from elementary school know me as the kid from NYC, or that man from Cleveland lol. When I realized that recently, I went
. But still, I always rep Cleveland when someone asks unless they ask where I was born. But my families roots are all NYC. My uncles, cousins, aunts, etc..

But you know you were born in NYC when your Social Security Number starts with '0'

WORD!!! I never noticed that. All my friends have socials that start with "0"
why do you know all your friends socials begin with 0... ?
Lowkey I've always wanted to go to high school in NYC just to ride the subways every morning.
I just felt like it had to be fun to do that every morning until I found out about the people that get on those trains.
Originally Posted by DatRealBalla12

Ask them if they know about the Halal spot

i got a bunch of dudes out here in cali that know about the halal spot.

i would say ask them to prounounce houston st and grennwich village.   i went to a mets game with a member on here and a few friends and everyone gave him that look when he pronounced houston st  like the way you would say the name of the city the rockets and astros play in.
You'll know is someone is from NYC (or atleast BK) if they can tell you what the old Atlantic Ave Terminal used to look like.
or if they from the BX, what supermarket and project buildings do you have to walk by to get to the Bronx Zoo
Very simple... ask them where's Houston St and see how they pronounce Houston. NYers are the only people that pronounce Houston different from everyone else
Very simple... ask them where's Houston St and see how they pronounce Houston. NYers are the only people that pronounce Houston different from everyone else
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Very simple... ask them where's Houston St and see how they pronounce Houston. NYers are the only people that pronounce Houston different from everyone else
How do you people say it?
I'm wondering because a dude came down here claiming he was from NY said Houston like everyone else.
xX LeGod Xx wrote:
NostrandAve68 wrote:
Very simple... ask them where's Houston St and see how they pronounce Houston. NYers are the only people that pronounce Houston different from everyone else
How do you people say it?
I'm wondering because a dude came down here claiming he was from NY said Houston like everyone else.

I believe it's pronounced as 'HOUSE-THEN'.

I remember my folks talking about this a couple years back...

And it's not how people in NY pronounce Houston that way, it's just that specific street.
To tell a real authentic BK dude [since that's the boro cats always false claim] ask em where their parents took them for school supplies growing up if they don't say Bobby's or Conway 9/10 their not an authentic BK head!
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

To tell a real authentic BK dude [since that's the boro cats always false claim] ask em where their parents took them for school supplies growing up if they don't say Bobby's or Conway 9/10 their not an authentic BK head!
I used to go to Caldor on the top floor of the Atlantic Center before it shut down. Went to Rite Aid ever since. Bobby's was too far and Conway was always a mad house.
I hate cats who pose to be Los Angelians and NY-ers

Had this girl from the South Bay saying he was from LA. People constantly think just because they're from the LA county that they're from LA

My idea of living at a set location is when it's in your damn address. If it doesn't say LA or NY, you ain't from there.

SMH @ liars.
ask them if they going to the african american day parade....if they answer yes then their not from NY no one goes to that if u want to see your next bday
Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

To tell a real authentic BK dude [since that's the boro cats always false claim] ask em where their parents took them for school supplies growing up if they don't say Bobby's or Conway 9/10 their not an authentic BK head!
I used to go to Caldor on the top floor of the Atlantic Center before it shut down. Went to Rite Aid ever since. Bobby's was too far and Conway was always a mad house.
 bobby's woooooooooow...ya took it back when i lived in flatbush my moms used to stay sending me to the one on church for pink lotion......if u never got your school uniform from cookies or young world you're not from NY IDGAF what anyone says...also anyone remember flatbush pavilion? we used to call it the batcave
@ AA Day ParadeI

I used to go to Caldor on the top floor of the Atlantic Center before it shut down. Went to Rite Aid ever since. Bobby's was too far and Conway was always a mad house.

Damn forgot all about Caldror my aunt would get my lil cousin supplies outta there. 
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Ask them if they know what a Dollar Van is

Thats more of a Brooklyn and maybe Queens thing. Dudes dont know much about that in the BX/Uptown Manhattan.

Ya dudes mustve been ballin with Caldor school supplies.

What ya know about that Brown loose leaf paper from the 99 cent store lookin like toilet paper?
I used to be mad ashamed when anybody when normal white paper would put theirs next to my brown loose leaf.
Originally Posted by Diego

What ya know about that Brown loose leaf paper from the 99 cent store lookin like toilet paper?
I used to be mad ashamed when anybody when normal white paper would put theirs next to my brown loose leaf.


+@%# was garbage you would try to erase something with your equally terrible pencil/eraser and +@%# would +*%* around and rip the page. or leave a big black smudge on ya paper hahahahahahahahahaha
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