Interracial Dating... need I say more ?!

dudes claim they're attracted to "all races js gotta be cute" but every person has thir preference and I think race does play a part . not even saying it plays a major part but a part none the less .

I'm twenty , fairly young compared to many of you , so my dating albeit a good amount are all black girls because living in Los Angeles and finding a white chick whose down to date you is hard , especially if you chill with all black people . now tht I'm expanding my social spectrum it might be a bit easier but saying tht i won't have to adjust my approach to a different race is hard to believe .

with a black chick we most likely like the same:
places to chill
social/political issues
etc. and I understand tht finding the differences is wat makes a relationship fun but it are the similarities tht you build on first.

how ima do tht white a snow bunny tht likes nothing tht I do ... leaving clobs of her hair in my sink and bath tub and ****
Stop calling white women "snow bunnies"...

:lol: no wonder it's hard for him to find a white woman down to date him
I got a date with a blonde haired Italian chick. Never actually took a white chick out before.
I've always dated white/latin men. I've dabbled with some Haitians. I've become more open to African American men but I think I have a preference.
Current lover is Dominican
I'm Filipino and I've only dated a variety of asians and a black chick.. I'm over asians tho. I can't get enough of Latinas now..
Latina's my dude...
I want a black babe but I can't relate to one at all. I was neighbors with one and we would hang out a bit, the way the crips and bloods dogged me out at school :lol: :nerd:  
asian babes stick to themselves mostly where I live, macking one down is the most I've done with asians.
I macked a middle eastern babe down on the back to the future ride at universal studios when I was like 14-15.
maybe bc of where I live but the white babes are always for the most part super chill and dope.
mexican babes where I live act like their **** don't stink, the fattest torta in the city is walking around with a kardashian swag thinking she's bomb.

Why can't you obtain one?
Relate? In what way?
i was gonna contribute to this thread as im currently in a three year interracial relationship, but ummm.... misleading title is misleading. :rofl:

ill just read. lol.
If there's one thing I've noticed during my interaction with white women...

If you aren't 1 of the first 3 black dudes to hit best believe she goes and don't be surprised if you're talking and out in public you get hit with the, "Oh you talking to ________ now? Head/P is bomb."

It's like after their first black body they go on a one man mission to make amends for slavery or something.
cute is cute for me…. however I've never had an asian or latino

the latino as aspect is probably cuz i haven't been to the right bar/club scene for them. but for asians i feel as if the always block me off. why i have no clue. i don't come off as aggressive as i use to living back home in the south but they just aint havin it. I'm black and i do get a fair dose of the poon from other nationalities but those twoive been lacking in. Aslo with latinos especially my age, mid 20's these chicks be like 2-3 kids in the hole and that blows my mind. lol
Had the whole lot. My daughters mom is black. Nothing really phases me I just come at them all the same way. There is no difference on my approach for me. Trying to jam this girl who is asian X white now. I have no preference.

I have two deal breakers though.
1. No blondes
2. Religious girls

Anything else I'll give it a try.
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Ive been reading through this thread a little and I have a question. those of you who are black and say you would never date a black woman, why is that?

I know alot of dudes be like "black women have an attitude, or they make you work too hard." To me that sounds like a weak man.

Im a light skinned black man, and my whole life all I have dated are black women and latin women. Ive been approached by a few white women but I always play them to the left. They just have never been all that attractive to me.

I know some brothas who will walk over the finest black women to get to a average looking white woman. Its sad.
I'm Asian and I used to date asian girls when I was younger but now I've only dated Latinas. Been with multiple Latinas and haven't been with an Asian girl for a while now.
I'm white. My wife is Mexican American. Been married almost 14 years.
Before her there was the United Nations it seems like.
White/Mexican (multiple)
Puerto Rican/Mexican
I love L.A.
Ya gotta taste all the flavors before you find the one you like.
Just like someone else said, "if she's bad, she's bad"

Smashed my share of chalk bunnies. Never dated outside my race. (I'm black) I'll date any reca as long as we relate and have a lot in common. Its all about compatibility. Living in the country makes it kinda hard to find women of different races. Its 95% black and white where I live.
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