Interracial dating vol. Yes, this thread again.

How is this even a topic anymore like people really have issues with interracial dating? I say that sarcastically but race doesn't even matter if anything I have enjoyed dating outside my race more because you learn more about different cultures.  You don't know what you're missing til you try different flavors, confining yourself to one race is ignorant I feel.
I've seriously dated one Laotian girl and my current girl is White; I'm a Black male. I tend to articulate myself well, so fellow black people usually hit me with the, "You talk white, so it explains why you like white/asian girls," or something along those lines. To be honest, I think the baddest black girl is >>>>> the baddest asian or white girl... I just don't seem to have much in common with the black females in my area (Flint, MI), and I like having girls with long hair. Just a preference really.

Doing stuff like hanging out in public places, going to the mall, etc. was always interesting with the asian girl and I'd say almost more so with the white girl. We were standing in line for Starbucks at my school on Monday and she put her head on my shoulder. I'm just kinda glancing around and I see a black woman behind the counter just staring... mouth open, eyes wide, frozen in place. A second later she breaks out of it and goes about her business. I don't give a care in the world, but my girl has said that it's weird for her sometimes because she's never felt weird about being white. In the end, it doesn't really have any significant effect on our relationship, we just see it and #kanyeshrug it off.
I'm Mexican dating the most beautiful Vietnamese girl , and the hardest part is that our two cultures are so different.
The Buddhist Asian community do weddings certain ways, as where Christians/Catholics do theirs different.
Not to mention the fact that we communicate to each others families in English, a language both our sets of parents didn't start learning until their 20's.

To add to that, Asian views on Hispanics (and Blacks for that matter) are not in the best light, but I've done what I can to show them their stereotyping is wrong.
IMO, Black/White relationships have it easier in that at least the families can communicate in their native language, English, and I believe people are becoming more open minded.

Just gotta roll with the punches sometimes, because in the end, the only thing that matters is her.

You won't be going to bed with the critics and close-minded people every night afterall.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Peep Game

What Jesus Shuttlesworth said.

I'm black, and my current gf of 2.5 years is white & indian. I've dated more black girls than hispanic girls, and more hispanic
girls than white girls. Seems like the only people who have a problem with interracial dating are the ones who aren't in those
types of relationships. And if you are in one, I guess it would depend on how different you two are to point to how compatible
you'll be. I honestly get a kick out of the black girls who hate on either one of us, and the white guys who think I'm "taking one
of theirs". Oh well.

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Peep Game

What Jesus Shuttlesworth said.

I'm black, and my current gf of 2.5 years is white & indian. I've dated more black girls than hispanic girls, and more hispanic
girls than white girls. Seems like the only people who have a problem with interracial dating are the ones who aren't in those
types of relationships. And if you are in one, I guess it would depend on how different you two are to point to how compatible
you'll be. I honestly get a kick out of the black girls who hate on either one of us, and the white guys who think I'm "taking one
of theirs". Oh well. src="">



PERFECT! gif. use
Originally Posted by bruce negro

I've seriously dated one Laotian girl and my current girl is White; I'm a Black male. I tend to articulate myself well, so fellow black people usually hit me with the, "You talk white, so it explains why you like white/asian girls," or something along those lines. To be honest, I think the baddest black girl is >>>>> the baddest asian or white girl... I just don't seem to have much in common with the black females in my area (Flint, MI), and I like having girls with long hair. Just a preference really.
This!! Almost every black chick I've dated gave me the "you sound white"(hate this line its so racist or prejudice) line, except for my ex who was black. In my area which is middle/middle class you just don't find many blacks chicks around here, and you cant relate that well with the ones that you do run into. I live in one of the better parts of San Antonio!!
I'm pretty much free game to any female I think is cute. But I cant honesty say I sway more towards hispanic females, some how I connect with them better. My longest relationship was with a black female, but she was special, and it's hard to find a black chick like that who related to my background that well, and I only mess with white females for fun because we relate well but i've never dated one (id wife Jessica Biel with a quickness). Funny thing is, one of my best friends is mexican and he only dates black chicks, and im black and I mostly date mexican chicks. He has two black girls he's messing with right now, and I have one mexican female im messing with. His parents are traditional mexicans, and mine dont really care. 

Im down with the no matter where your from or what skin color you have doesnt matter if you'll like each other, but the truth is people with similar background relate more naturally. 
I'm half black/half Hawaiian, so it would be wrong for me to NOT be down with the Swirlington Coat Factory.
Originally Posted by iBlink

What mixture of couples do you think get more of a raw deal?
I would have to say I think black women get more of the raw deal when it comes to dating outside of our race. I've actually had grown men approach me and tell me I was a let down, but at the same time...they themselves have or are dating white women. I've also been told that they don't like the thought of white men being with me. I think people talk so much about how women act when they see a black man with a woman of another race...but there's not much talk, especially on here about the reaction black women get from black men when we date outside our race.
Been dating outside my race for about 12 years now. Ive been through all the ups and downs of it too. Ive been hated by parents and relatives without them knowing a damn thing about me. A couple of my own relatives giving me @@%@%#*@ for not dating black girls. Meh. Im use to it. I've dated Black, White, Spanish, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Armenian and a bunch of mixed race IE: White x Spanish, Spanish x Black, White x Black etc. So when I met a new girl I know what the hell Im up for when meeting the parents, lol. Im not a thug, a gangbanger, sell drugs or dress in baggy clothes or XXXL white tees, but that's what they assume when they hear "I'm black". Ive been lucky enough to meet a few parents that are really really nice, feels good.

The general public is a different story, in most parts of LA nobody cares because they are use to seeing it, but in other parts it's 'the stare from hell'. Just this past weekend doing some Christmas shopping and came out of H&M with my girl and this older black guy had thee most baffle look on his face when my girl grabbed my hand. BTW, my girl is Spanish x Italian. Again, Im use to it. My girl gets stared at hard by black girls, she's use to it. Ive been with her for almost 3 years and im sure shes the one so Im glad I dont have to go back out on the dating scene again, it is HELL.

P.S. I do whatever makes me happy, not what society thinks.
my ex told me on the night of our one year that we could never get married because i am not italian. Then she deaded me a week later. Im not !%$!%#% with white girls for a long time/ probably never again.
My mom used to not be down with it at all.

As I grew, I made myself into a reasonable and respectable person with good rational, and she respects my individual religious and dating decisions.

Outside of my family's perception, I dont care. Not one bit.  

Originally Posted by INS

my ex told me on the night of our one year that we could never get married because i am not italian. Then she deaded me a week later. Im not !%$!%#% with white girls for a long time/ probably never again.

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I'm attracted to beautiful ladies regardless of race..


F!!! who? I F!!!S um all? jk

edit: this thread has me wanting to make a list of all the girls i had the opportunity to enjoy...last time my gf at the time found the list smh lol
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I'm attracted to beautiful ladies regardless of race..

Same. But also I'm European and all my family members married people from my country. If I was the first one to break it that would be odd, although my parents don't really care. 
Some families children gotta marry in the bloodline though. One of my boys is an only child and his parents basically gonna arrange a marriage for him to keep the kids in the bloodline and not mess it up. Even though he like white women, family would never approve.  
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

I'm half black/half Hawaiian, so it would be wrong for me to NOT be down with the Swirlington Coat Factory.

I just don't understand how a man can honestly not be attracted at all to women from a different race
Originally Posted by rtdix214

I just don't understand how a man can honestly not be attracted at all to women from a different race

they are they just don't admit it...
I'm a product of interracial dating yet my parents seem to want me to date their members of their race(Idk whats the deal with that one).

I don't really care the girls race, I'm more interested in her mindset and beliefs in worldly matters. Not going to lie, I like prefer women with color to them.
man date who attracts you to them to hell with their race come to think of it ve hardly date inside my race when it come to serious relationships ive had and didnt give @#$% what ppl thought
Well im white ,native american , and other stuff....

My moms is the brown one , my dad is 1/4 native American . But we were raised like a white family...

Ill have a latina baby moms im pretty sure thats all i really talk to is latin girls.

This is how i look at the black folks , Black cats will date pretty much any chick outside there race , While da bad black chicks are harder to step outside the box....

I been told abunch of times that i was a sexy,cute,wavy white boy but thats where it stops at........

Ill be in NYC 2morrow , and ima run threw a couple of my uptown Dominican chicks with a furry.
Originally Posted by Weekz
... This is the dilemma I'm in right now, as a matter of fact.

The girl I'm about to make it official with is white. She makes me happy when she's not getting on my nerves, so I'm with it. I just know that if things get that far, the whole "meeting the parents" thing will be a tough bridge t cross. For me at least. My mom's family is white/hispanic and they're open to anyone (seeing as I'm the product of my mom dating a black guy). But her family's white southerners. I dunno. I guess I'm over thinking it. I'll cross that bridge if I get there.
I'm all for dating whoever makes you happy and forget what anyone else says! I'm white and I find myself more attracted to other white girls and also hispanic girls though. However, I would never count any girls out because of their race.
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