Is it Just Me...How do Your Friends Have Fun? (Alcohol)


May 1, 2012
Is it just me and my group of friends or has 90% of things you've done in a group setting since like 16 involved drinking? 
  I don't confuse things like tailgating or going to the bar or a horse race as events where alcohol will not be involved but sheesh, sometimes I wonder if we know how to have fun without alcohol.  Anything from fishing to bowling to hitting the most random sporting event such as someone's kids softball game; everyone wants to somehow involve alcohol.  My buddy's little brother graduated the other day and I'll be damned if we weren't in the parking lot beforehand playing cornhole (no funnies) with a cooler full of beer.  Personally I think it's pretty standard to hit, say, a baseball game with your pops or a few friends and have 4-5 beers but I'm talking about my folks want to turn everything into a pre game, main-event, and after party 
 I was cooling out earlier having a few beers with one of my friends since like 1st grade and he asked me 'man do we ever do anything without drinking?'  I've wondered the same thing at times but it's just been the 'norm' for so long I suppose? Discuss
I know a ton of people who won't do anything without alcohol or weed... I don't have any problems with either, except I don't do either. We can't even sit at a table at someone's house before someone has to try and smoke or go somewhere with alcohol.
In American society, most things center around alcohol or food or both.
when everyone's busy with work and family, most of the time people will meet and have a drink or eat. what are they gona do, meet up and play video games?
My friends are the same way.

I often find myself alone at night, wondering why I'm so different. A lot of the times I don't go to parties I get invited to anymore because it's usually just the same thing: Girls acting a lot more intoxicated than they actually are, guys acting tough to flex in front of other dudes, and drunk people coming up to me saying ignorant stuff. Aside from one of my bruhs spiking some tea without telling me, I made it 6 months without a drink because I was tired of it. Still
quite frequently, but I usually only do that when I'm at home.
Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

when everyone's busy with work and family, most of the time people will meet and have a drink or eat. what are they gona do, meet up and play video games?

 you missing the point.  We don't play video games but if we did I'd bet the farm that drinking would somehow be involved.  Talking about have 'a drink' nah it'd be like 15 drinks.  I have quite a few groups of friends b/w work, college, childhood, etc. etc. and it's the same with us all for the most part.  I'm not complaining or acting like I'm not as guilty as the rest of them...just asking if ya'll friends are the same. 
I get that feeling,, I hate people who can't just sit around and chill they have to be smoking or something. It really is just kindof an accessory though
yea same here.

My little cousin had a birthday party yesterday, after the kids went to sleep we all got drunk
I dont even hang out with some of my friends most of the time because its just awkward when everyone is drunk and im sober
we dont have to. i think its the culture. my friends and i have fun without drugs/alcohol all the time but i know plenty of people who are incapable of doing so. sad.
Never cared for any alcohol, I find people who can only do stuff inebriated extra-lame. What happened to just chilling? 
One of my "friends" was like "oh, let's get drunk and just walk around carrying beers for your birthday" 
I can't hang with some friends because every activity they do or anything they do consists of smoking. I'm good off that man
sports, play video games, smoke weed, work out, watch tv, go to concerts, gamble, hunting/fishing, camping.

yeah, most of em include alcohol.
$*#@ it, lifes boring sober.
I had friends who were like that. Had friends.

Life is fun enough without getting drunk at 80% of social events.
Never gave much of a damn about alcohol. Started when I was about 18 and had some fun times but never found it so good that I had to constantly do it. I'm only 21 now and haven't drank for a year. Basketball on the other hand makes me so much happier.
Yeah if you don't realize that its easy to get swept up in a life of drinking as you're only form of enjoying life.

I knew if i kept going down that life it would eventually be really hard to reverse it.

I still hang out with my friends, who allll drink but I keep mindful of how much I do and most nights only drink5 beers total when I hang out with them...

down the road I see a lot of the people i hang out with miserable alcoholics... but if I was to ever give em life advice they would shun it. I cant help people who dont want help
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