Is Martin Scorsese the greatest director ever?

Originally Posted by A Thrilla

Eyes wide shut is 100%. All his movies are pure cinema. You are a sheep because you need constant entertainment. Matter a fact you may bed a Pig.
You mad?


You're mad.
No one has had a consistent career. As much as he has made good movies, he has made some terrible ones as well. But they all have a similar career...likeSpielberg, Lucas, Bruckheimer, Singleton, Burton, etc. I love Burton to death but Big Fish was horrible!
He's great no doubt. but it depends on who u ask. I like Spike Lee best but also love copla. he's def my #2 tho, i think hes great.
Originally Posted by A Thrilla

Yeah im mad. Cornball

I'm the cornball? Who dropped the fornicating with pigs line?

His movies are 100% cinema? What are movies if not to entertain people? You are arguing for the sake of arguing and you know it.
Kubrick is overrated.
Scorsese's catalog is much deeper.

Raging Bull
Taxi Driver
The Departed
Mean Streets
Cape Fear
The King of Comedy
Gangs of New York
The Aviator

Coppola and James Cameron deserve more credit. Idk how any of y'all could put Tim Burton or Spike Jones ahead of them.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@naming eyes wide shut.....

full metal jacket and clockwork orange %#%* on any other directors entire catalouge

I agree with both those films. Great movies... but you are really thinking that those two stand up to James Cameron (just an example)?

I am not saying Kubrick is a bad director... just not on this pedestal everyone seems to put him on.
Yes. Kubrick is that good. You are mixing entertainment with quality of films. There are a lot of directors who can make entertaining movies, butmost of them are completely vapid. James Cameron is a perfect example of this. Great at special effects, great at blockbusters, but that's it.

Also, a lot of people are forgetting some great directors from Hollywood's classic era: John Ford, Orson Welles, Billy Wilder, etc. These guys pioneeredthe techniques seen today.
It goes:

1.Hitch (best Director of Old Hollywood)
2.Kurick (that bridge from Old to New Hollywood)
3.Marty (Best director of New Hollywood)
Kubrick has had more of a impact on my life than any of these directors you named. Scorses is no bumb by any stretch. Oh and I meant to say be a pig not bed apig, carry on.
He is top 5 for sure.......Coppola, Kubrick, Hitchcock, and Lucas are all up there
Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

It goes:

1.Hitch Bay (best Director of Old Hollywood)
2.Kurick Bay (that bridge from Old to New Hollywood)
3.Marty Bay (Best director of New Hollywood)
Michael Bay is Hollywood
spike jones really? he directs a buncha skate films and them gets a shot at a hipster film and now hes considered one of the best?? he def has talent butshould not be mentioned with the above.
Scorsese is def an underated hollywood director nominated for 50+ oscars but think he won less than 10. He's up there along with Hitchcock, Kurosawa,Kubrick, Speilberg, and i hesitate to put this up there but orson welles (not my favorite by any means but one of the most influential directors, besides hisfilms rank up there top 10 films in almost any list) Good post
really, nobody has any love for speilberg? i want to know why. he arguably had the best high concept films ever (jaws & jurassic park, which are suchrevolutionary movies given when they are made), and oh...that's right, he also made Schindler's List AND Saving Private Ryan. Not to mention moviesthat we and our family have watched and are popular within today's pop culture (Indiana Jones, Hook, ET).

@ someone naming godard...i was, then youmentioned Spike Jones (which i'm not sure if you meant Spike Lee or Spike Jonze), and then it was ehhhh.

for me at least, speilberg, coppola, scorcese are up there. then you have the old timers wells, godards, eisensteins just for their impact on filmmaking.i'm not a kubrick fan but i can understand the hype.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

really, nobody has any love for speilberg? i want to know why. he arguably had the best high concept films ever (jaws & jurassic park, which are such revolutionary movies given when they are made), and oh...that's right, he also made Schindler's List AND Saving Private Ryan. Not to mention movies that we and our family have watched and are popular within today's pop culture (Indiana Jones, Hook, ET).

@ someone naming godard...i was, then you mentioned Spike Jones (which i'm not sure if you meant Spike Lee or Spike Jonze), and then it was ehhhh.

for me at least, speilberg, coppola, scorcese are up there. then you have the old timers wells, godards, eisensteins just for their impact on filmmaking. i'm not a kubrick fan but i can understand the hype.

I liked Saving Private Ryan, but his directing has always been overrated to me. Nice producer though.
spielberg is the best at what he does, and what he does is not for every film lover. He can make the epic summer movie probably better than anyone, and alsohas a great mind for the family dynamic in his films

i agree with whoever said Kubrick is a little overrated. I LOVE Dr. Strangelove, The Shining, Full Metal, Clockwork, but for me personally they don't havethe lasting appeal of Scorsese's work. Scorsese makes the kind of movies that never get old, that are always fun in different ways everytime you watch. Healso does some of the greatest camera work of modern directors and yes Kubrick's camera is also incredible (especially his frames and shots) I preferScorsese's as it relates to the stories he tells in his films (the way he pans, the colors). Not to mention Scorsese's music cues which are alwaysamazing.

Basically Scorsese has made some of my all time favorite films and is without a doubt top 3 director for me. Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, The ColorOf Money, Goodfellas, Casino, The Departed, Gangs of New York (ceratin scenes mainly) can all be watched by me at any time any place however many times in arow. I love them that much.

and now, one of my favorite scenes of all time
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Tarantino > All save all that "stealing" far as actual directing goes, Tarantino !+@%+ on everybody

I knew it was coming. I cant believe i overlooked your silly @*$
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