Last time i checked pizza isnt made with water breh
Our education system. 
@SneakerHeathen @bjamez20 @CertifiedFlyBoi23

All the AZ NTers in here :wow:

Venezia's in Tempe is a usual spot I hit up for lunch when I'm at work.

Slice's is aite to me. Haven't been there in forever though. Hated going there (the one on Mill) b/c the place was so damn small and always packed :smh:

I went to NY for work last year and had a pizza at this place my boss said had great reviews. I thought it was good and it was cool eating authentic NY pizza but idk if it lived up to that hype that NY anything usually gets though to be honest.

Brooklyn Pizza Company and Mamas Pizza in Tucson >>>
i was watchin Man V Food and dude was in new york at a pizza place and he ask the chef why there pizza was the best in the country

and the chef was like "its the water"

never been to ny. just ate a digiorno too.
You've clearly never had Dominos before they switched errthang up. **** was trash juice breh.
Y'all crazy. Lil Caesar's is bangin'.

Papa Gino's the king, doe.
Lil Caesars is edible cardboard with tomato sauce.

and the same phrase keeps getting repeated, one guy made it up and keeps repeating it even when its not true.

LC is actually decent-good. like ive said 100 different times. you must have really bad franchises in your area for them to be that bad.
and the same phrase keeps getting repeated, one guy made it up and keeps repeating it even when its not true.

LC is actually decent-good. like ive said 100 different times. you must have really bad franchises in your area for them to be that bad.
It's trash B. It's cheap food. Food to get for parties and when you broke.
Lil Caesars is only edible when its fresh out of the oven and it's too hot to tell what it tastes like
Trash? Hell no.

Good enough to be consistently eaten because of its convenience? Most definitely.

And I don't get the whole, good water equals amazing pizza. NY pizza isn't GENERALLY amazing. Most spots are trash and just exploit famous NY in the name.

NY has good spots just like every big city.

[CONTENTEMBED=/t/591847/ive-never-had-a-bad-pizza/50_50#post_20493569 layout=inline] [/thread]


[QUOTE name="Rico x Hood" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/591847/ive-never-had-a-bad-pizza/50_50#post_20493569[/URL]"]
OnE of the reasons NY has the world's greatest pizza is due in part to the water. It is the best water systems in the world. Which is why NY also has the best bagels.[/thread]

dudes out here don't believe me when i tell them this :lol:


i was watchin Man V Food and dude was in new york at a pizza place and he ask the chef why there pizza was the best in the country

and the chef was like "its the water"

never been to ny. just ate a digiorno too.

There is another ep on food network where Robert Irvine was comparing the Pizza dough made with water from NYC and Texas and there was a difference. Can't find the ep and youtube tho...

Here's another dude from a dude from youtube that did a test if the NY tap water makes a difference in the dough. Using the waters from CA & NY
Kinda long but Start at 2:30.....smell test around 8:45 :lol:

NY water is dirty, what are you guys talking about :x

same goes for CA

all dat water pollution, its the chemicals in the water affecting the dough

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