J23 - Jordan iPhone/Android app I'm working on **UPDATE: FINALLY RELEASED!**

Originally Posted by airberg

android is really really close, but since i added the Favorites to the iPhone version i wanted to make sure that was in Android as well. hopefully release it this week.
Great update with the signature and favorites option....still missing a few releases tho.
^ thanks man. yeah i will update those tonight. just was so busy with updating the software, and trying to get this android version out. got about 6 i think i am adding tonight.
Blackberry App?
That being said, I just bought the app. It's not killing my pocket and I don't mind supporting a fellow NT'er. Plus, I need a quick reference guide for kicks I don't remember. Good looking out airberg!
Very nice app airberg. Still missing a few here and there, but I know you're working hard. Keep up the good work man!
does this app let you set reminders for release dates? I thought I saw that somewhere but I can't figure out how to do it
Blackberry probably would only be support if the tool I am using makes it available for Blackberry also. Right now it only supports iOS and Android. Sorry man.
Berg, I've always wondered.. The app is .99, how much of that does iTunes actually give you, if any? How does that work? 
^ Apple takes 30% so for the $.99 apps I get $.70. Kinda sucks they take so much, but you can't beat their distribution platform.
This is a real asset to the sneaker community as long as it is updated frequently and with information gathered from reputable sources. Keep up the good work and keep us posted!
now that i am doing less development on it i can focus on it being up-to-date. thanks everyone for their support.
Copped. nice.

Though I feel slightly bamboozled on the "History" section.

Any chance you can add a gallery with pics of all the (relevant) shoes for each model? I kind of thought thats what it was gonna be. Seems like you used the official pics from jb seeing as the katrina 3s were on there, but it would be cool to have a mobile "Bible" like that sole collector issue from 2008 that had all the models and is now outdated.
Just a thought.
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