Jay-z wouldn't have had a career if Biggie and Pac didn't die - snoop

this can be said about damn near every rapper who has released an album after their deaths.
dudes will find any reason to hate on Jay, but the game needs his presence more than anyone.
Snoop is an OG, but he has one of thee worst catalogs of all the iconic rappers.
he has no place to comment on anyone's career lol. if he stopped making music, no one would care.


Lol at Jays career was built on hype! Smh people say the craziest things that aren't even remotely factual on NT.
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no one bought that ****....da bottom says summer 1996 aka that **** came out 4 times a year
if that.

jay-z was NEVER as big as pac while pac was alive..you DEAD wrong saying that.

All Eyez on Me is the fourth studio album by American rapper 2Pac, released February 13, 1996 on Death Row Records and distributed by Interscope Records.

The album is frequently recognized as one of the crowning achievements of 1990s rap music.[sup][3][/sup] AMG stated that "despite some undeniable filler, it is easily the best production 2Pac's ever had on record".[sup][4][/sup]It was certified 5× Platinum after just 2 months in April 1996


Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life is the third studio album by American rapper Jay-Z, released on September 29, 1998, on Roc-A-Fella Records in the United States. The album propelled Jay-Z into superstar status and cemented him as a household name in the post Biggie/Tupac Shakur era of hip hop. It is Jay-Z's best selling album as of 2013 and was certified 5X Platinum by the RIAA in 2000


so if you're keeping score at home folks, it took jay-z 2 years to do what tupac WHILE ALIVE did in 2 MONTHS.

jay-z as big as pac while pac was alive..preposterous
Jay was not touching Pac. 


matter of fact jay was like meek mills (2012) back then...if that. 
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Ya'll confusing Popular with Loved.. there is no rapper more universally loved than Snoop.. by the fans and his felllow peers.. everyone loves Snoop.. white folks.. white children..black folks.. everyone.
What does he doing on the mag cover in his first year have to do with anything? I said after his 3rd year, which he put out Vol 2 Hard Knock he was as big as Biggie and Pac before they got killed.[/QUOTE]

Incredible. Even Jay don't believe that **** :lol:

I went to the Hard Knock Life Tour, you wildin if you think people weren't there to see DMX :lol:

How you gonna post a Documentary PRODUCED BY DAMN DASH as evidence of Jay-z popularity over everyone else on the Tour?
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I can't really disagree with Mr. Lion.


There was a lost BIG interview in XXL in like '04 (if i'm not mistaken) that a few of you may remember where BIG stated that he had planned to get his bread up and step away from it. I mean we'll obviously never TRULY know what would've become of him but I just thought i'd put that out there for cats who like to speculate on what BIG would be doing if he was here now.
I had this conversation with my friends last night and I came to the conclusion that if for some odd reason Jay-Z would have faded into obscurity if Big and Pac were still alive like people are suggesting then I can accept the ways things really played out. Before people fly off the handle, no I am not saying that I am fine with the fact that they died, cause I'm not, pointless deaths are not ok, I would have much preferred if they stayed alive and faded into irrelevance thus opening up the lane for Jay, but if this was really the only reason that it happened, and the only reason why he vaulted into stardom and thus made more music then what can I say? I wouldn't want Jay-Z to not have an avenue to make more music in order to keep two others around, one of which I only casually listened to and another I don't listen to at all cause I don't think hes good at all.
Jay-Z is only NOW as big as Pac and Big were back then.

Hov ain't have child soldiers in Africa singin Hard Knock Life and Big Pimpin'.

Wasn't no Rocafella Army fighting in Liberia.
LOOB at you.

NOW? Are you kidding me? U r overrating the hell out of Biggie, are you telling before his death he was known worldwide?

Was there a Tupac vs Biggie Smalls war in Liberia before their deaths? Tell me that.
Used to be a Jay stan but the more I think about it, the truer it rings.

Jay would be a second tier cat with a cult following like Rae or AZ if BIG and Pac was still alive.

His career was built on hype. He's really a no frills type MC.

His flash and marketing propelled him to superstar status.
no he wouldn't 

Jay-Z became bigger because he started making poppy records, AZ and Rae never did that. 
Let it go. Pac would have eventually gotten killed anyway or become a real life wheel chair jimmy because of his mouth and Big would be on some Nas status right now. :rolleyes
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So if Biggie or Pac were alive would Dame & Jay say **** rocafella?

Would jay suddenly had lost his skill at rhyming? Would he not have done more work with Biggie?

ya'll ****** actin like we aint talkin bout a rapper who is indisputably top 5 ever. This is music fans can be fans of more than one person.

Nas ain't die and has constantly been putting out music for the past two decades and Jay has ran circles around him as far as "being Big"
Alot of folks are failing to realize that just because your large at one point in time in your career doesn't mean you stay that way forever.  Case in point with 50 Cent.  You can be large one year and pretty much be a non-************* factor a year or two later, especially as a rapper.  With that being said, yeah Pac and Biggie were running the rap game at certain point in time, but something can be said about Biggie not having a second half of a career/album if Pac didn't die, so on and so forth. 

At the end of the day, Jay Z was not running the rap game when Big and Pac were alive.  We all know that, but he did Takeover the rap game and really hasn't given it up since.  While other rappers have came and went, Jay is still around and still pretty much at the top.  You can't say that about too many other rappers, it's a very small list with him being on it. 
snoop has just as many or MORE accolades then jay-z.

and snoop is international, jay-z aint messing with snoop globally.

if anyone is in a position to criticize hov its DEFINITELY snoop.
Well at least you tried champ, I'll give you that much credit.  Your dead wrong, make no mistake about that but at least you tried. 
Snoop > Jay

he's more humble, and liked upon everybody. Jay is more of a cocky dude who ******* on alot of people on his way to the top. both are legends tho.
So if Biggie or Pac were alive would Dame & Jay say **** rocafella?

Would jay suddenly had lost his skill at rhyming? Would he not have done more work with Biggie?

ya'll ****** actin like we aint talkin bout a rapper who is indisputably top 5 ever. This is music fans can be fans of more than one person.

Nas ain't die and has constantly been putting out music for the past two decades and Jay has ran circles around him as far as "being Big"
This too but the topic at hand wants to basically rule this out as an opinion it seems. If they were alive Jay would have no lane is what I've been reading.
Jay-Z is only NOW as big as Pac and Big were back then.

Hov ain't have child soldiers in Africa singin Hard Knock Life and Big Pimpin'.

Wasn't no Rocafella Army fighting in Liberia.

LOOB at you.

NOW? Are you kidding me? U r overrating the hell out of Biggie, are you telling before his death he was known worldwide?

Was there a Tupac vs Biggie Smalls war in Liberia before their deaths? Tell me that.


By Chris Parachini & Peter Cushing

With the recent and totally unexplained attention of the Bush administration on war-torn Liberia, the world’s eyes are once again on the happy sands of West Africa. The scramble to make heads or tails of a situation that has neither heads nor tails has left us with the familiar confusion of information glut, conflicting reports, and amorphous Bushisms. We have heard about illegal uranium purchases, rebel armies, warlords, drugs, diamonds and even slavery, but in the center of all this mayhem one question keeps popping up that no one can seem to answer: What are they wearing? Well, you’ll be happy to hear we went down there and had our minds so blown that we look like the invisible guy from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. West Africa is a place where death and war are the hot new looks and mortality is an irrelevant accessory.

You see, just because Americans have gotten used to our own military storming through the desert in rigidly uniform dress doesn’t mean all wars are fought in a fashion vacuum. Hello, people! In Liberia and neighboring Sierra Leone, two countries stuck in seemingly endless civil wars, combatants have pushed the military look to the edge of the envelope and then put a land mine into the envelope and mailed it to God.

In the late 90s, Sierra Leone (considered by the UN to be the worst place to inhabit in the world) took “thug life” to a new level, and in so doing showed us what humongous ******* our rappers are. This isn’t a place where you get mugged for your $200 Jordans; it’s a country where you get shot in the head for your hand-me-down Notorious B.I.G. shirt so someone can use it as a uniform (in the B.I.G. Army—no joke). It’s a place that just capped off a ten-year civil war, establishing a tenuous peace that will probably last for only a few days. There’s just too many ******g armies for any kind of peace to last.

The indigenous rebel army, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), began as a loose confederation of quasi-communists looking to liberate the enormous wealth of the local diamond trade and put it back in the hands of the common people. Their seemingly redeemable political agenda went out the ******g window, however, once they started handling piles of uncut ice. A “real ****** do real things” aesthetic took over, helpfully illustrated by the mid-90s American rap music that was filtering into West Africa thanks to the arrival of the Internet.

RUF members became easily recognized. They identified themselves as the Tupac Army by only wearing Tupac shirts. They smoked Philly blunts, sported gold hoops, and were often trailed by boombox-toting lackeys (children who’d been press-ganged into service). As “California Love” played in the background, villages were sacked and looted, women were forced into slavery, and the arms of would-be foes were hacked off to prevent them from exacting revenge. All the Kiss Army ever did was elbow their way to the front of the stage and go “yeaaaah!” Pshaw.

If Sierra Leone’s soldiers can be said to be analogous to Bloomingdale’s shoppers (safe, proven fashions), then the warriors of next-door-neighbor Liberia are strictly Lower East Side boutique habitués (willing to take tasteful risks). The most notorious and fashion-daring Liberian faction was the Butt Naked Gang [Ed. note: This is not a joke. We know you don’t believe us but we swear to God this is serious], headed by the Vivienne Westwood of West Africa, Gen. Butt Naked. According to a phone call he says he received from Satan as a teenager [again, this is ******g TRUE], Butt and his boys would be invincible in battle so long as they fought nude. Understandably emboldened, the general and his followers waged a campaign of gruesome combat. Some chose the undeniably timeless look of birthday suit, fake Chuck Taylors, and rifle. Others went for more chaste ensembles of powdered wigs, purses, and floral dresses. It takes a real man to wear a blouse into combat, but as Butt Naked has said, “We were nude, fearless, drunk, and homicidal.” Today reformed, he pastors a congregation in Monrovia. Can we shoot the words “ooooooh kaaaye” out of a rocket launcher so our reaction can do this guy’s life justice?

Left: This Kamajor wears a rare, magical headdress that not only makes him bulletproof but also ensures that every shot he fires makes it to his enemy. Top: A weird drag-queen branch of the Kamajors juxtaposes cute art-school chick with rocket-propelled grenade launchers. Though he doesn’t have a silly hat or a headdress to make him impervious to bullets, he assures us his wig has the same effect. Below: A huge shipment of Titanic shirts led to an army picking it up as their uniform (oooooh kaaaaye).

Left: Photo by AP Photos
Top-Right: Photo by AP Photos
Bottom right: Photo by Getty Images

Actually, we know of a group that would happily oblige. On the more traditional side of Liberian warlord fashion we have our favorites, the Kamajors. A loosely knit bush society of tribal hunters, they pluck their style directly from their favorite film, Conan the Barbarian. Animal skins and loincloths go surprisingly well with AKs and British-supplied FN rifles, but you haven’t lived until you’ve seen an ancestral face-mask accessorized with a rocket launcher. Quel sauvage! If you were ever in the neighborhood while the Kamajors were getting ready to fight, you’d have been treated to copious amounts of ganja, animal sacrifice, and chants in the native tongue offering immunity to enemy bullets. If you weren’t, sucks for you. You missed a killer party and the chance to have your very own invisible forcefield.

Additionally, a mysterious, unnamed group of fashion mavericks was often seen around the capital city of Monrovia with tennis racket cases slung sportily over their shoulders. This would seem harmless enough had tennis not fallen out of favor during the popular ascendance of killing. It was a great look for concealing AKs with collapsible stocks, though––very jaunty and Dynasty. These soldiers always had a spring in their step.

In fact, the only faction that seemed down in the dumps during VICE’s time visiting West Africa was a large contingent of Nigerian soldiers who fought on behalf of the officialgovernment—booorrrrriiiiiiinnng. Broke from not being paid in several months away from home, they never smiled and worestandard military uniforms. You could make a case that it was their drab look that led to their unpopularity with the locals and not the endless rape, extortion, and civil rights abuses exacted by them and so widely reported in the media––because, after all, everyone does that.

In light of recent developments in the Iraqi occupation (growing underground resistance and mass resentment), perhaps there’s a message here for our own boys in uniform. Loosen up and have some fun with it. Death is out this season, so it’s time to go out in a blaze of colorful glory. Express yourself! It’s a soldier who believes in his mission that’ll patrol the streets of Baghdad in a strapless Gucci number, or perhaps even nude, carrying only an As Four bag and an M-16. It may not change the outcome of the conflict or the posture of the locals, but it seems a nice break from the monotony of droning lulls and endless desert vortices. Come on, troops. Live a little.


so.....yea....there was no Rocafella Army fighting in Liberia....but there was a Tupac army and a Biggie Army


what does LOOB mean?
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Bunch of sensitive dudes in here. Acting like he really dissed Jay. AAll he said was Pac and Biggie was so big it would've been hard for other rappers to really pop off.

This is all this discussion is about.

Those 2's popularity would've made it harder for other rappers to shine, and Jay was def a victim of that.

no one bought that ****...da bottom says summer 1996 aka that **** came out 4 times a year if that.
I did. Still have it too.
Stress was a cool mag. But it wasn't an A list publication. There were a ton of great mags back then. Ego Trip. On The Go. etc.

If you weren't on the Source, Vibe, and later XXL, it wasn't a BIG deal.

As far as the top, it's somewhat valid. Jay fans fail to really look at his history.

Dude struggled, for a LONG time before he got on. And that's also a credit to him that he stayed with it and came through.

But dude had some terrible solo records out. Cameo on "Can I Get Open". And still wasn't moving the needle.

He actually got on with a lot of help. From Dame. From BIG.

He basically changed his whole style from what he was to resemble what those dudes were.

Which then allowed him to fill BIG's lane after he passed.
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Alot of folks are failing to realize that just because your large at one point in time in your career doesn't mean you stay that way forever.  Case in point with 50 Cent.  You can be large one year and pretty much be a non-************* factor a year or two later, especially as a rapper.  With that being said, yeah Pac and Biggie were running the rap game at certain point in time, but something can be said about Biggie not having a second half of a career/album if Pac didn't die, so on and so forth. 

At the end of the day, Jay Z was not running the rap game when Big and Pac were alive.  We all know that, but he did Takeover the rap game and really hasn't given it up since.  While other rappers have came and went, Jay is still around and still pretty much at the top.  You can't say that about too many other rappers, it's a very small list with him being on it. 
snoop has just as many or MORE accolades then jay-z.

and snoop is international, jay-z aint messing with snoop globally.

if anyone is in a position to criticize hov its DEFINITELY snoop.
Well at least you tried champ, I'll give you that much credit.  Your dead wrong, make no mistake about that but at least you tried. 
jay-z spent nearly his whole career to get to da level that snoop was since he started rapping.
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This is true. Jay struggled MUCH longer than Snoop, BIG or Pac to get on.

The right circumstances and partnerships helped a lot.

The dude was on "Hawaiian Sophie" for ***** sake.....
great job OP, snoop aint saying nothing no other 90's rapper has said about people who rapping after they died.

styles p interview has a clearly view on the subject, its with combat jack, check that out.
thanks. the point is its snoop saying it not any other 90s rapper. might check that interview out if i got time
I had this conversation with my friends last night and I came to the conclusion that if for some odd reason Jay-Z would have faded into obscurity if Big and Pac were still alive like people are suggesting then I can accept the ways things really played out. Before people fly off the handle, no I am not saying that I am fine with the fact that they died, cause I'm not, pointless deaths are not ok, I would have much preferred if they stayed alive and faded into irrelevance thus opening up the lane for Jay, but if this was really the only reason that it happened, and the only reason why he vaulted into stardom and thus made more music then what can I say? I wouldn't want Jay-Z to not have an avenue to make more music in order to keep two others around, one of which I only casually listened to and another I don't listen to at all cause I don't think hes good at all.
is ur government name stan? naw i think its two reasons why ur boy woulda never really blew because 1 Biggie was the undisputed king of new york and as we kno there can only be one king at a time and Jay-z was his lil man. He wasn't escaping that shadow. Thats why after Big died he still felt he had to say that "Im the best to ever come around excluding nobody" an Nas said that ish was foul "first Biggies ya man then u got the nerve to say u better than Big?" then 2. Pac woulda put his foot on his neck. he sent him a lil shot on troublesome "i was all about my ends f**k friends an foes" if he dissed him directly it woulda been hard as hell for him to recover being that he wasn't established yet e.g. chino xl
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