Kanye West helped an unknown brand sell out overnight with 1 picture.

Kanye had grown men wearing leather skirts/T-skirts, I'm not that surprised he got people to cop a sweatshirt.
I dont understand all the hate

Yeezy is no doubt the biggest inspiration in the fashion world today 

Without him we wouldnt even have fashion 

He is like a fashion God 

Anything he touches turns to gold 

He cant be touched 

I don't care if you are kidding or being sarcastic. I hate you for typing this

Hey there fella. That's my friend you are talking to...leave him be :frown:
It's scary since if he has this influence, why isn't he using it to change the world for the better instead of using it to sell junk to people?

All he did was a take a picture with a dude in a sweatshirt, highly doubt he knew or did it to help homie sell his shirts, so I dont know where youre getting the "selling his junk" part from.

His influnce at the moment is through his voice and music which inspires people to go outside of their own boundaries to conquer ish.

So pretty much you had the dumbest reply in this whole thread. Congrats.
its funny seeing all these frail dudes that are built like kylie jenner trying to pull off these outfits yeezy wears.

dudes rockin timbs with leggings and pyrex shorts over em.
It's so dumb man, if I had that influence I wouldn't care about fashion, I'd be using my power to wake people up and help usher in a new, better, more positive world.

Eff outta here... kanye is human just like everyone else. All he did was take a picture and you are talking about changing the world.
What if I told you that everyone who dresses like kanye was really dressing like Don C.....................
This isn't a new phenomenon. People have always had their influences, especially kids. Hell, in 1983 school districts across the country had to keep kids from wearing single white gloves to school. Why?
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Because of this cat :lol:
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