Keith Olbermann Get Emotional After Prop. 8 Vol. I'm Speechless.

Olbermann's right.

That's why they should fight against marriage as a state sanctioned institution and the move towards state recognized civil unions for all. That way thereligious folks get to keep what they believe is theirs.

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets tohave it. Problem solved.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Olbermann's right.

That's why they should fight against marriage as a state sanctioned institution and the move towards state recognized civil unions for all. That way the religious folks get to keep what they believe is theirs.

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets to have it. Problem solved.


I thought I was alone.

I have been trying to say this from jump.

Marriage is a religious term.

Take away state sanctioned marriage = Separation of state & religion
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets to have it. Problem solved.
Not exactly...

More like Kid A (no Radiohead) has the toy, and won't let Kid B play with it.

Kid B doesn't want to take the toy away, just have the same fun Kid A is.
He broke it down like it's suppose to.

Really saddening how people ignore the history of our country.
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets to have it. Problem solved.
Not exactly...

More like Kid A (no Radiohead) has the toy, and won't let Kid B play with it.

Kid B doesn't want to take the toy away, just have the same fun Kid A is.


Saw this live, honestly... Olbermann brought a tear to my eye. This dude is right, why people are so strung up on taking peoples rights away as a fellow humanbeing is beyond me. Society FTL. I discussed this earlier, so i'm not getting into this on NT again...
What in the hell was that video before the actual clip? Anyways, I've got to agree with Keith (as usual)... prop 8 is ridiculous. Luckily, the Supremecourt will most likely deem it unconstitutional and reverse it.
Word. I don't know why people feel the need to impose their religious beliefs on others.
In all honesty people being gay in the privacy of their own home has no effect on anyone's life
but theirs!
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Word. I don't know why people feel the need to impose their religious beliefs on others.
In all honesty people being gay in the privacy of their own home has no effect on anyone's life
but theirs!
First time I agree with you.
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets to have it. Problem solved.
Not exactly...

More like Kid A (no Radiohead) has the toy, and won't let Kid B play with it.

Kid B doesn't want to take the toy away, just have the same fun Kid A is.
Well technically Kid A (religious folks) had the toy first.

This is why separation of Church and State was mandated. Marriage is a religious institution with fancy ceremonies that promoted social structure and order.Let the religious folks have it.
This became a problem when the states and feds started tacking on all these "rights' unto marriage.

The less private matters that the state is involved in the better.
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

A thread in which i agree with wawawewe and daytona 5000.

same here amigo, good to see people from opposite sides of the political spectrum can agree on something powerful
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's akin to kids fighting over some toy and not willing to share it. What's the best way to solve that problem? Just take the toy away. No one gets to have it. Problem solved.
Not exactly...

More like Kid A (no Radiohead) has the toy, and won't let Kid B play with it.

Kid B doesn't want to take the toy away, just have the same fun Kid A is.
Dividing an estate, paying alimony and child support is fun? j/k

Some of the people I know that were glad prop 8 passed are the same catholics that have premarital sex yet oppose abortion...go figure.
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Hmmm not only wont this end well but it'll go at least 8 pages.

It's gonna end with gays being able to marry.
Nobody is talking about that. I'm talking about the arguing that will occur. And I'm pretty sure they will too someday.

Looking for a argument huh? Grab a Snicker
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