Any ideas on who management wants if and when MJax is fired? With all the turnovers and possibly more, I don't think there's enough quality to fill up those spots
There's certainly something weird going on because Jax is denying ever disallowing Jerry West anywhere.

i don't know if these type of stories are coming out to build a public perception and move people's backing of Jax or not, but something is off.
^^ yeah, more and more people are gonna start to say 'he can't even control his coaches/practices/meetings/etc , how's he gonna control his players and the game?"
My issue is, regardless of keeping Jackson one more year or firing him is, if ANY of this leaks from the top and they get caught, it's going to screw us come free agency and our own ability to re-sign our own players.
dude you're so right.

nobody's gonna trust management and we're gonna end up at the bottom of the barrel AGAIN.

Why would lacob and co even do that though? do they NOT trus Jax that much to have one of his assistants spy on him??
We're not as far removed from the dysfunction as a lot of us would like to believe.

That being said - I will be in the house tonight. Bringing my 2-0 playoff record (2007).
bring in a veteran asst that mark jackson respects

i hate to see jackson go, but if mgmt decides to go in another direction i would love to see someone like stan van gundy
Anyone know where to get the grey warm-up jackets that the Warriors have been wearing in the playoffs?
if the warriors get rid of mjax and start losing again, i don't think the warriors move to SF. no way lacob parts with a coach that's winning and getting his team to the playoffs, even if they're bounced out of the first round.

it'd be insane to fire jackson based on this series against the clippers. if we lose, i wouldn't say that i was exactly surprised (disappointed, yes.) i mean, would i be incorrect to say that the clippers' roster, at almost every position including the bench, has a more "talented" player? CP3 vs. steph is debatable, and klay might be the best SG in this series, but the depth of the clippers is crazy.

i agree that having bogut would go a long way in neutralizing their advantage, but unfortunately we cant live in hypotheticals.
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i love that dude draymond green. my type of player.
 second game 7 this week for the bay. 
 hopefully dubs can seal the deal!
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:pimp: Great victory. Speights and Iggy were huge in the 4th quarter. Warriors played great defense on Blake.

I like their chances at Game 7; I can't help but think the officiating will tilt heavily in favor of the Clippers but if Curry/Thompson can get into a shooting groove (which they weren't in today one bit) the Dubs can definitely take it.
Either he has TERRIBLE balance for a professional athlete, or he was trying to dive at my legs.

-Jermaine O'Neal
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