Originally Posted by tecca nena

I would have loved to see ecko stay on the show and become the smoke monster instead of Locke... We've seen him play really nice and evil, and he could use these traits to manipulate the island better than locke could

Did I fall asleep?
Originally Posted by tecca nena

I would have loved to see ecko stay on the show and become the smoke monster instead of Locke... We've seen him play really nice and evil, and he could use these traits to manipulate the island better than locke could



... Naw, Eko was THAT dude on LOST. I wish he would have stayed also, but Locke is doing his thing as Smokie.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Vozekk's Write Up: http://darkufo.blogspot.c...hthouse-by-vozzek69.html

I've Been Training My Whole Life For This!

Did you see Richard's face when he looked into Illana's satchel? That was some sweaty, nappy, nasty-looking dynamite! I should've realized what was going to happen here but I'm glad I didn't, because Illana's demise startled the hell out of me almost as bad as what happened to poor Arzt. Fool me once, shame on ABC. Fool me twice... I really should've seen that %$#+ coming.
- how gullible can LOST fans really be? i mean how can you NOT see those 2 events coming from MILES away?? the zoomed out angles, the extra loud talking (from a character that rarely talks)........its a dead give away. apparently not for some people. i guess that explains the undying love for this show trash like its attached to your soul or some life changing event.
- i kept seeing people say LOST was better than The Wire. so.....me not wanting to be a hater i gave it a shot. added all the seasons to my netflix and watched every episode in a few months time, and have now come the conclusion the next clown that declares LOST better than The Wire should be tarred and feathered. for one thing, the formats are comletely different and have no business being compared. anyway......
- however, i did see someone’s comment that watching it season by season regularly and having a break between episodes versus watching it all at once may have something to do with it. but still, im sticking to my guns with this one.
- the first 3 seasons. it was interesting. but thats just because you had NO IDEA what was going on and why. but even then there was still some pretty cheesy things going on.
- around season 4 it just got more and more stupid and soap operaish. Sawyer jumping out of a helicopter and swimming all the way back to the island like it was nothing? the insane accuracy of the pistols from long distances and yet somehow machine gun fire at close range hits nothing? the list goes on….
- season 5 and 6
  life changing eh? dont know what you're going to do after its gone huh?? 

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- how gullible can LOST fans really be? i mean how can you NOT see those 2 events coming from MILES away?? the zoomed out angles, the extra loud talking (from a character that rarely talks)........its a dead give away. apparently not for some people. i guess that explains the undying love for this show trash like its attached to your soul or some life changing event.
So lemme get this straight...you mad cuz people didn't see a plot twist coming ... that only got set up 3 minutes before it happened. How hard can you troll?
- i kept seeing people say LOST was better than The Wire. so.....me not wanting to be a hater i gave it a shot. added all the seasons to my netflix and watched every episode in a few months time, and have now come the conclusion the next clown that declares LOST better than The Wire should be tarred and feathered. for one thing, the formats are comletely different and have no business being compared. anyway......
You mad cuz two shows, you admit are apples and oranges to each other get compared one better than the other...the wrong way...

- however, i did see someone’s comment that watching it season by season regularly and having a break between episodes versus watching it all at once may have something to do with it. but still, im sticking to my guns with this one.

This is why I stopped trying to get people to watch it after season 3. Because if you weren't a part of it when everyone was going crazy every week, then what's the point?

The show was genius those first 2 seasons, because it was crazy that something that smart and that demanding was able to get so many people on board. There's 5 episodes left of a 120 episode series that people have watched since day one and you're trying to convince them to fall off and get over it.
i'm with him on saying the 1st 3 seasons were great because of all the mystery and the rest of the show fell off and seem disconnected with the first three seasons and became way more corny.

it isnt the wire but it's still a great show.
MrONegative wrote:

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- how gullible can LOST fans really be? i mean how can you NOT see those 2 events coming from MILES away?? the zoomed out angles, the extra loud talking (from a character that rarely talks)........its a dead give away. apparently not for some people. i guess that explains the undying love for this show trash like its attached to your soul or some life changing event.
So lemme get this straight...you mad cuz people didn't see a plot twist coming ... that only got set up 3 minutes before it happened. How hard can you troll?
- i kept seeing people say LOST was better than The Wire. so.....me not wanting to be a hater i gave it a shot. added all the seasons to my netflix and watched every episode in a few months time, and have now come the conclusion the next clown that declares LOST better than The Wire should be tarred and feathered. for one thing, the formats are comletely different and have no business being compared. anyway......
You mad cuz two shows, you admit are apples and oranges to each other get compared one better than the other...the wrong way...

- however, i did see someone’s comment that watching it season by season regularly and having a break between episodes versus watching it all at once may have something to do with it. but still, im sticking to my guns with this one.

This is why I stopped trying to get people to watch it after season 3. Because if you weren't a part of it when everyone was going crazy every week, then what's the point?

The show was genius those first 2 seasons, because it was crazy that something that smart and that demanding was able to get so many people on board. There's 5 episodes left of a 120 episode series that people have watched since day one and you're trying to convince them to fall off and get over it.

- mad?? thats what you got from that......mad?? 

- na man, the show and peoples alliance to it like its the greatest thing on earth is hilarious to me. so i guess, if that means im mad.........
- genius for the first 2 seasons? or just a bunch of gullible viewers?
 not saying the first 2-3 seasons werent good but genius?
- exacly....5 episodes left and they are still answering questions...with more questions
, with the sheep on the edge of their seats.
.....here, ill tell you everything about the next 5 episodes right now. it was all a ploy to get a bunch of suckers to tune in like clockwork to help ABC pay the bills.....and it worked
- but hey yall have fun with that life changing/dont know what to do after thing. yeah, um good luck with that.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

MrONegative wrote:

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- how gullible can LOST fans really be? i mean how can you NOT see those 2 events coming from MILES away?? the zoomed out angles, the extra loud talking (from a character that rarely talks)........its a dead give away. apparently not for some people. i guess that explains the undying love for this show trash like its attached to your soul or some life changing event.
So lemme get this straight...you mad cuz people didn't see a plot twist coming ... that only got set up 3 minutes before it happened. How hard can you troll?
- i kept seeing people say LOST was better than The Wire. so.....me not wanting to be a hater i gave it a shot. added all the seasons to my netflix and watched every episode in a few months time, and have now come the conclusion the next clown that declares LOST better than The Wire should be tarred and feathered. for one thing, the formats are comletely different and have no business being compared. anyway......
You mad cuz two shows, you admit are apples and oranges to each other get compared one better than the other...the wrong way...

- however, i did see someone’s comment that watching it season by season regularly and having a break between episodes versus watching it all at once may have something to do with it. but still, im sticking to my guns with this one.

This is why I stopped trying to get people to watch it after season 3. Because if you weren't a part of it when everyone was going crazy every week, then what's the point?

The show was genius those first 2 seasons, because it was crazy that something that smart and that demanding was able to get so many people on board. There's 5 episodes left of a 120 episode series that people have watched since day one and you're trying to convince them to fall off and get over it.

- mad?? thats what you got from that......mad?? 

- na man, the show and peoples alliance to it like its the greatest thing on earth is hilarious to me. so i guess, if that means im mad.........
- genius for the first 2 seasons? or just a bunch of gullible viewers?
 not saying the first 2-3 seasons werent good but genius?
- exacly....5 episodes left and they are still answering questions...with more questions
, with the sheep on the edge of their seats.
.....here, ill tell you everything about the next 5 episodes right now. it was all a ploy to get a bunch of suckers to tune in like clockwork to help ABC pay the bills.....and it worked
- but hey yall have fun with that life changing/dont know what to do after thing. yeah, um good luck with that.


MrONegaitve I agree with you that seasoned vet's analysis is a bit over the top.  Both The Wire and LOST are my two favorite shows with the Wire being the best show on Television ever IMO. However, LOST is a very close second for me but I really hate to see both shows compared and debated on here.  Both series have all the elements of a great show in that there is great writing, great shooting, great editing, and great character development across multiple season that progresses the story.  
While I do believe that The Wire is a slightly better show (probably because of the realism conveyed) I think some Wire "fans" tend to not like LOST or give it a chance because it is fantastical.  With that being said I think just because something is fantastical and not as realistic as another show like "The Wire" doesn't mean that it is not good.  I believe that those that criticize LOST for not being realistic totally miss out on what actually is brilliant in the show with the writings and themes that have been pervasive in the show since day one.  What I love about LOST is that all the mysteries and supernatural that we tried to figure out and were interesting and well placed work well with the broader theme of the show and how it is applicable to the world we live in.

For the writers to be able to do that for six seasons while adding intrigue, romance and mystery is actually amazing and they should be commended. I think those who believe ABC and writers of the show are "pulling the wool over the viewers eyes" obviously have not been watching the same show..... one of the great show's in television history.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

MrONegaitve I agree with you that seasoned vet's analysis is a bit over the top.  Both The Wire and LOST are my two favorite shows with the Wire being the best show on Television ever IMO. However, LOST is a very close second for me but I really hate to see both shows compared and debated on here.  Both series have all the elements of a great show in that there is great writing, great shooting, great editing, and great character development across multiple season that progresses the story.  
While I do believe that The Wire is a slightly better show (probably because of the realism conveyed) I think some Wire "fans" tend to not like LOST or give it a chance because it is fantastical.  With that being said I think just because something is fantastical and not as realistic as another show like "The Wire" doesn't mean that it is not good.  I believe that those that criticize LOST for not being realistic totally miss out on what actually is brilliant in the show with the writings and themes that have been pervasive in the show since day one.  What I love about LOST is that all the mysteries and supernatural that we tried to figure out and were interesting and well placed work well with the broader theme of the show and how it is applicable to the world we live in.

For the writers to be able to do that for six seasons while adding intrigue, romance and mystery is actually amazing and they should be commended. I think those who believe ABC and writers of the show are "pulling the wool over the viewers eyes" obviously have not been watching the same show..... one of the great show's in television history.

- i dont know about other people but i love Fantasy just as much as i love shows based off realism. im just giving my honest opinion when i say this show really isnt what its all cracked up to be.
- and i hate that The Wire is being thrown around after i said it. i was never comparing the two, but it was the LOST fans on here constanly saying LOST>The Wire that made me give it a shot....and that was the ONLY point i was trying to make, it went no deeper than that. which is why i say you cant even compare the two.
- thing is all this genius talk. all this amazing writing talk. it all means nothing until we find out what it all means. and i doubt they'll be able to do that in 5 episodes. lets be real how hard is it to do everything you say the writers done with this show with the numbers, mystery, and intrigue (i could really do without the cheesy relationships besides Sun and Jin).
- dont get me wrong im by no means saying its easy, but if someone gave you millions of dollars and all you had to do was tell a story incorporating a set of numbers to a bunch of misc stuff going on semi-related to one another until the last 5 episodes what could you come up with.
....the writers commended? laughable.
......one of the greatest shows in television history?? stop kidding yourselves.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

MrONegaitve I agree with you that seasoned vet's analysis is a bit over the top.  Both The Wire and LOST are my two favorite shows with the Wire being the best show on Television ever IMO. However, LOST is a very close second for me but I really hate to see both shows compared and debated on here.  Both series have all the elements of a great show in that there is great writing, great shooting, great editing, and great character development across multiple season that progresses the story.  
While I do believe that The Wire is a slightly better show (probably because of the realism conveyed) I think some Wire "fans" tend to not like LOST or give it a chance because it is fantastical.  With that being said I think just because something is fantastical and not as realistic as another show like "The Wire" doesn't mean that it is not good.  I believe that those that criticize LOST for not being realistic totally miss out on what actually is brilliant in the show with the writings and themes that have been pervasive in the show since day one.  What I love about LOST is that all the mysteries and supernatural that we tried to figure out and were interesting and well placed work well with the broader theme of the show and how it is applicable to the world we live in.

For the writers to be able to do that for six seasons while adding intrigue, romance and mystery is actually amazing and they should be commended. I think those who believe ABC and writers of the show are "pulling the wool over the viewers eyes" obviously have not been watching the same show..... one of the great show's in television history.

- i dont know about other people but i love Fantasy just as much as i love shows based off realism. im just giving my honest opinion when i say this show really isnt what its all cracked up to be.
- and i hate that The Wire is being thrown around after i said it. i was never comparing the two, but it was the LOST fans on here constanly saying LOST>The Wire that made me give it a shot....and that was the ONLY point i was trying to make, it went no deeper than that. which is why i say you cant even compare the two.
- thing is all this genius talk. all this amazing writing talk. it all means nothing until we find out what it all means. and i doubt they'll be able to do that in 5 episodes. lets be real how hard is it to do everything you say the writers done with this show with the numbers, mystery, and intrigue (i could really do without the cheesy relationships besides Sun and Jin).
- dont get me wrong im by no means saying its easy, but if someone gave you millions of dollars and all you had to do was tell a story incorporating a set of numbers to a bunch of misc stuff going on semi-related to one another until the last 5 episodes what could you come up with.
....the writers commended? laughable.
......one of the greatest shows in television history?? stop kidding yourselves.
We are probably not going to agree and you feel the way that you feel and thats cool man but the fact that you simply think the show is just "incorporating a set of numbers to a bunch of misc stuff going on semi-related to one another until the last five episodes" is totally inaccurate and shows that you are not seeing the bigger picture in the theme of the show.  The show is so much more than that what you are saying it is and as I said earlier and THAT is what makes it great. 
Only reason I can say ppl have the opinion that show fell off after S3 is because of the writer strike which limited S4. They were gonna flesh out a lot more story lines, answer a couple of mysteries, and more character development among other things.

If you've watched the show all the way till now and think it's sucks or it isn't as good as the fans says it is oh well, when it comes to opinions on LOST you're in the minority and it doesn't matter that much anyway.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Only reason I can say ppl have the opinion that show fell off after S3 is because of the writer strike which limited S4. They were gonna flesh out a lot more story lines, answer a couple of mysteries, and more character development among other things.

If you've watched the show all the way till now and think it's sucks or it isn't as good as the fans says it is oh well, when it comes to opinions on LOST you're in the minority and it doesn't matter that much anyway.

well said. I mean everything isn't for everyone. Sorry you don't like the show.
you guys have to admit lost is a pretty easy show to hate on.

there are some very corny parts and massive amounts of inconsistency. story arcs that lead to nowhere... it's very easy to create mysteries. connecting the dots and keeping everyone happy is hard to do.

i still want to discuss if michael was the MIB. michael said he was trapped because of the bad things that he did.i don't understand how richards wife would be trapped on the island and talk to hugo.
Wow. I'm about ready to quit this thread. Everything in here is now about comparing episodes, comparing shows, etc.

Really, if you weren't here through it all and you don't get it now, then don't complain or comment on it. By "it," I mean why some of us are so drawn to the show.

And who gives a damn if the answer they give us in a month is satisfying or not. Who gives a *@!@ if they've just been pulling the wool over our eyes this whole time. Who gives a @%$+ if we don't find out every answer. The fact is this: when you distill it down, no one gives a rat's !+# how Lost ends. It's not like our lives are going to change because Lost will unveil some mystery of life in the final episode. The appeal is that we've gone on this ride for 6 years, constantly intrigued by the characters and the plot lines, constantly trying to put together clues to figure out what's going on, constantly revising theories and predictions about the show.

Just like love isn't about who you end up with but with what you've lived, Lost isn't about the answers we'll get in the finale but about the questions it made us ask. Fate, free will, love, regret, redemption, etc.... It's universal stuff. People may have problems with the techniques used to tell these stories -- time travel, alternate realities, atomic bombs, smoke monsters, etc. And sometimes it does get cheesy. But if you can't put up with these things then Lost isn't for you. For the rest of us, don't go around trying to tell us why we shouldn't like the show.

I'll agree on one thing. We shouldn't be comparing this show to the Wire. That's like comparing the Matrix to Dumb and Dumber to Casablanca.

And if you're sick of the hyperbole in this thread (i.e. saying Lost > * and I don't know what to do with my life after Lost ends), it's because we're %%@%%*$ fans. That's what fans do.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Wow. I'm about ready to quit this thread. Everything in here is now about comparing episodes, comparing shows, etc.


Originally Posted by Master Zik

Only reason I can say ppl have the opinion that show fell off after S3 is because of the writer strike which limited S4. They were gonna flesh out a lot more story lines, answer a couple of mysteries, and more character development among other things.

If you've watched the show all the way till now and think it's sucks or it isn't as good as the fans says it is oh well, when it comes to opinions on LOST you're in the minority and it doesn't matter that much anyway.

I agree....and whywesteppin good points as well.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Wow. I'm about ready to quit this thread. Everything in here is now about comparing episodes, comparing shows, etc.

Really, if you weren't here through it all and you don't get it now, then don't complain or comment on it. By "it," I mean why some of us are so drawn to the show.

And who gives a damn if the answer they give us in a month is satisfying or not. Who gives a *@!@ if they've just been pulling the wool over our eyes this whole time. Who gives a @%$+ if we don't find out every answer. The fact is this: when you distill it down, no one gives a rat's !+# how Lost ends. It's not like our lives are going to change because Lost will unveil some mystery of life in the final episode. The appeal is that we've gone on this ride for 6 years, constantly intrigued by the characters and the plot lines, constantly trying to put together clues to figure out what's going on, constantly revising theories and predictions about the show.

Just like love isn't about who you end up with but with what you've lived, Lost isn't about the answers we'll get in the finale but about the questions it made us ask. Fate, free will, love, regret, redemption, etc.... It's universal stuff. People may have problems with the techniques used to tell these stories -- time travel, alternate realities, atomic bombs, smoke monsters, etc. And sometimes it does get cheesy. But if you can't put up with these things then Lost isn't for you. For the rest of us, don't go around trying to tell us why we shouldn't like the show.

I'll agree on one thing. We shouldn't be comparing this show to the Wire. That's like comparing the Matrix to Dumb and Dumber to Casablanca.

And if you're sick of the hyperbole in this thread (i.e. saying Lost > * and I don't know what to do with my life after Lost ends), it's because we're %%@%%*$ fans. That's what fans do.
that was awesome

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

MrONegaitve I agree with you that seasoned vet's analysis is a bit over the top.  Both The Wire and LOST are my two favorite shows with the Wire being the best show on Television ever IMO. However, LOST is a very close second for me but I really hate to see both shows compared and debated on here.  Both series have all the elements of a great show in that there is great writing, great shooting, great editing, and great character development across multiple season that progresses the story.  
While I do believe that The Wire is a slightly better show (probably because of the realism conveyed) I think some Wire "fans" tend to not like LOST or give it a chance because it is fantastical.  With that being said I think just because something is fantastical and not as realistic as another show like "The Wire" doesn't mean that it is not good.  I believe that those that criticize LOST for not being realistic totally miss out on what actually is brilliant in the show with the writings and themes that have been pervasive in the show since day one.  What I love about LOST is that all the mysteries and supernatural that we tried to figure out and were interesting and well placed work well with the broader theme of the show and how it is applicable to the world we live in.

For the writers to be able to do that for six seasons while adding intrigue, romance and mystery is actually amazing and they should be commended. I think those who believe ABC and writers of the show are "pulling the wool over the viewers eyes" obviously have not been watching the same show..... one of the great show's in television history.

- i dont know about other people but i love Fantasy just as much as i love shows based off realism. im just giving my honest opinion when i say this show really isnt what its all cracked up to be.
- and i hate that The Wire is being thrown around after i said it. i was never comparing the two, but it was the LOST fans on here constanly saying LOST>The Wire that made me give it a shot....and that was the ONLY point i was trying to make, it went no deeper than that. which is why i say you cant even compare the two.
- thing is all this genius talk. all this amazing writing talk. it all means nothing until we find out what it all means. and i doubt they'll be able to do that in 5 episodes. lets be real how hard is it to do everything you say the writers done with this show with the numbers, mystery, and intrigue (i could really do without the cheesy relationships besides Sun and Jin).
- dont get me wrong im by no means saying its easy, but if someone gave you millions of dollars and all you had to do was tell a story incorporating a set of numbers to a bunch of misc stuff going on semi-related to one another until the last 5 episodes what could you come up with.
....the writers commended? laughable.
......one of the greatest shows in television history?? stop kidding yourselves.

That's an argument they had for Battlestar Galactica, that nothing mattered until the ending, and yeah, once the ending happened, it rippled all the way to the beginning. To me, I hated the ending and it ruined the show for me.

But I think Lost is different. Maybe the momentum you got from stacking the whole series into short time gives a different effect, but to me it's about the sum of the parts. There were enough, 'a show should only be able to hit this stride once or twice' moments in the first half of the series, that I'm fine with whatever comes. The parts are greater than the sum. The show is just good storytelling when you don't exactly expect it. The dialogue gets cheesy, the acting's not always there and there will always be times when they stretch scenes and information, because they're running low on both and that's OK.

There's this episode called Walkabout in the first season. I think it's the second one. If the pilot and that episode didn't get you, then what on this planet possessed you to watch 100 hours of it?

It's true that a lot now feels like leftover fandom. It's respect paid forward for what the show has done and maybe not necessarily what it's doing now. The people who take it very seriously are the ones who demand to get out of the show now, what they got out of it 5 years ago.

Thing is people got used to taking network TV in a really passive way, until Lost made them pay more attention and try to stay ahead of the writers. We hype the writers, because who thinks of the smoke monster or the Others or the Hatch, the way the Dharma Initiative came to be, the Tailies, Mr. Eko, The Russian, Mr. Smiley, Rousseau and all these other little nuggets of pop culture that mean something to us. It's not always what they thought of but how they showed it, it wasn't always whether we saw it coming or not, but that they could make us care so much once these things happen. I put the season 3 finale up against almost any 2 hours of TV I've seen, but that's just me.

If that's not you, you don't have very long to care that we do.

And as far as narrative and continuity go, I think The Wire had a lot of help, since it's based on things that happened. I'm pretty sure most of us don't really think they had all of this planned before the show started.
So you watched LOST and think its only about numbers and some misc stuff.... interesting. I think you may need to do a rewatch.

Like others said you like the Wire, great. No need knock what anyone else likes. Most people in this thread have the Wire as their #1 or #2 all time show also. Not gonna address the hate anymore, Im going to enjoy the last few newepisodes of one of the GREATEST SHOWS EVER.
I don't get how people who are not fans of something, feel the need to bash "it" and the fans.

If you don't like it or don't get it, then it's not for you. Say "I hate this show", and move on.
Can we leave this alone now? Theres been more talk about what people don't like about this season than there has about the episodes. We get it. Let's move on.
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