thanks for spoiling that if walt is really in the episode this week
Originally Posted by hockeyboy20

damnitzdom wrote:
I think they mentioned answering Kate and the horse. They better answer why Walt would appear dripping wet too.

I honestly think and hope when it's all said and done.... theyre going to have a discussion panel and answer everything that was left out. That Jimmy Kimmel show that plays after will be crucial and epic.
Not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but I was listening to Carlton and Damon's most recent podcast and they made it very apparent that they were not interested in doing that.  They said they felt it would take away from the show to give all the faithful viewers every single answer. They like the fact the show draws so many thoughts out of people and they feel it would be best for people to continue that dialogue after the show is done. They did say they feel the finale is good, not surprising, and they stand by it and feel the viewers will be pleased. I personally think that having give all the answers would not be in sync with the show as a whole. The show was based out of mystery and keeping people guessing and that's how the show should end. Don't get me wrong if they decided to answer some questions, I would not be opposed, but I just don't see it happening.

hockeyboy I was going to post the same thing regarting Carlton and Damon's most recent podcasts....and I am fine with how they want to leave the show.  I think we are going to get a majority of things answered but some wont and I accept that.  I think the things that don't get answered are the things that wont matter in being applied to the theme of the show.  I am sure some people ridiculously will expect every single question to be answered and when it is not they will be disappointed but it is what it is.  As long as the story is told and has a good ending I am cool with that...as I have said before I have faith in the writers that they will execute what needs to be executed.
Originally Posted by DubA169

the only shows that i have got invested in like that and finished perfectly are the wire and to a lesser extent arrested development. Those British shows that are only like 12 episodes long always seem to start and end perfectly. (the show spaced with simon pegg from shawn of the dead, the british office)

i have heard that 6 feet under is pretty much perfect from top to bottom it's actually on my next to watch list.

i am hoping big love and dexter finish perfect. if dexter ended the way it did last season i would say it's near perfect. I am nervous about what theyw ill do next season. both of those shows are about at the same level for me.

i hope madmen finishes perfect too. true blood already went in a different direction than i was hoping for but i still like it alot.

i thought my name is earl had the most potential to finish perfect but they messed that up baaaad
I like the ending of The Wire, but I really wanted a season between 4 & 5 about the health care system. Then it coulda been perfect to me. [But that's small #%!@] It not even getting nominated for an Emmy...that's big #%!@.

For me, Lost this season so far ain't up there with Dexter, Mad Men, Breaking Bad can't miss ... and hopefully Walking Dead too. Some shows are just really good or damn near perfect for what they are like Californication, Supernatural and Southland.

I really got into Arrested right before the last season so...
but I could never throw all-in on British shows. Office US Season 2 > Office UK

Comedies are weird though. Even when they get bad, they're still kinda watchable like The Office and Weeds. 2x on My Name is Earl...like how do you mess that up? At least Modern Family is crack. I'm kinda mad about it though, cuz ABC is %+@%+%! terrible besides that, Lost and maybe Castle.

I kinda hope Kate gets a show like Penny and Juliet did, so it can get cancelled after a month. Somehow, I don't think one chick from that show is gonna turn out too good, I mean Alex Rousseau is dating Jeff Goldblum. There's no hope. That's the real Lost curse right there.
you should go all in on spaced

it's hilarious and not dry humor. has a very american feel to it. has some actors and actresses from shawn of the dead too. it's only about 12 eps

the office US is funnier than the british one. by far. but it also fell off super hard and went away from the whole point of the show. it's a documentary! the british office actually finished great because they had a whole special addressing the fact that the documentary showed on air. plus they finished their whole jim pam thing much better.

i just love when a show is planned ahead from start to finish i guess. then you can watch season 1 to the last and pick up many things. (arrested development is the most rewatchable show i've ever seen)
Originally Posted by MrONegative

The only long narrative show I can think of with a great ending was Six Feet Under. It fell in line with the themes of the show and the expectations they built up and reinforced in the big twists near the end of the show.
Truth. To this day, it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen, beginning to end.
Originally Posted by DubA169

the only shows that i have got invested in like that and finished perfectly are the wire and to a lesser extent arrested development. Those British shows that are only like 12 episodes long always seem to start and end perfectly. (the show spaced with simon pegg from shawn of the dead, the british office)

i have heard that 6 feet under is pretty much perfect from top to bottom it's actually on my next to watch list.

i am hoping big love and dexter finish perfect. if dexter ended the way it did last season i would say it's near perfect. I am nervous about what theyw ill do next season. both of those shows are about at the same level for me.

i hope madmen finishes perfect too. true blood already went in a different direction than i was hoping for but i still like it alot.

i thought my name is earl had the most potential to finish perfect but they messed that up baaaad

I really like MadMen, can't wait for the new season.
Christina Hendricks
as someone whos been in it since 04 I dont care how it ends Dame and Cuse have given me something i will never forget...with that being said i think the finale is going to piss a lot of people off A LOT , you cannot end this show pleasing everyone and their will be errors and loose ends just as long as they tell me who the skeletons are i will be ok.
Originally Posted by bud dink

as someone whos been in it since 04 I dont care how it ends Dame and Cuse have given me something i will never forget...with that being said i think the finale is going to piss a lot of people off A LOT , you cannot end this show pleasing everyone and their will be errors and loose ends just as long as they tell me who the skeletons are i will be ok.
I need to know more than the identity of the skeletons
 but co-sign on the rest of what you said. There's no way everyone will be happy with the ending because there is just wayyyy too much that would have to be covered, and we already know that's not gonna happen.

okay well at least the writers will take care of that. it would have been unforgivable if they didn't.

I'm very happy about it.
Originally Posted by DubA169

you should go all in on spaced

it's hilarious and not dry humor. has a very american feel to it. has some actors and actresses from shawn of the dead too. it's only about 12 eps

the office US is funnier than the british one. by far. but it also fell off super hard and went away from the whole point of the show. it's a documentary! the british office actually finished great because they had a whole special addressing the fact that the documentary showed on air. plus they finished their whole jim pam thing much better.

i just love when a show is planned ahead from start to finish i guess. then you can watch season 1 to the last and pick up many things. (arrested development is the most rewatchable show i've ever seen)

ok. I gotta check on Spaced then...after Sports Night and the last season of Mad Men. And all of Alias. 
Anyways...a lot of my friends just found Arrested Development on Instant Netflix. Which means I'm half catching up on it with them. Then there's the playoffs. Maybe I'll check on Spaced over the summer.

Personally one of my underrated favorites this year is Community. I think people write it off because it looks like *@*$$@ Parks and Recreations and it's stacked with on and off 30 Rock and dying The Office, but it's real good. Like almost up there with Earl.Crazy EBW wrote:

So if Hugo dies, you automatically write off the show?

I...am not...currently capable of processing the emotions that would come with that event...But...I have every faith, that I will be raging like a maniac.

Originally Posted by bud dink

as someone whos been in it since 04 I dont care how it ends Dame and Cuse have given me something i will never forget...with that being said i think the finale is going to piss a lot of people off A LOT , you cannot end this show pleasing everyone and their will be errors and loose ends just as long as they tell me who the skeletons are i will be ok.

some of you dudes need to use the spoilers tag god damn

this may be the last week ill come in until its over you dudes are on some other $$+@
One of my friends who has seen a couple of epidsodes this season with me asked me how i thought this season would end.

I couldnt give him an asnwer because after watching for these 6 seasons and knowing lost, I really have no idea how this series will end

Better be
Been trying to catch up and just finished Season 5. Where can I watch episodes of Season 6?
PM? thanks
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