I know Jacob kinda knew Jack was gonna smash the mirrors and not "dial up" 108, but I still think Wallace is somebody, unless like I think someone said it was scratched out. Then possibly not.

And not to turn this into a Lost vs Wire thing, I thing they are def the 2 best shoes EVER, but Lost > Wire.
^ I know they are totally different shows, but how can you say lost is better when the show doesn't have an ending yet? (btw i think that lost is gonna have the same type of ending as the wire)

EBW if you like lost there is a great chance you wil like the wire because the character development is astounding. just watch the first season.
I crumbled and looked at the Spoiler for the Richard episode and I must say, it's gonna be BANANAS! Can't wait for it...
I need those Richard spoilers STAT!

Let's not forget this....

The 14 Most Important Un-Answered Questions About 'Lost'

1. What's the deal with the paintings that Aaron's father Thomas painted at his and Claire's Apartment that end up in Widmore's office?
2. What did Widmore do with the Black Rock captain's log—and for Xmass-sake, where is he?
3. Who is Penny's mom?
4. How did Eloise Hawking leave The Island?
5. What was the deal with "The Judge" who came to judge Juliet and knew about Jack's tattoos?
7. We know the actor that played Walt got old and had to be written off the show, but can they please explain why he had powers?
8. Was "the incident" caused by the bomb or the drilling?
9. What is the deal with the psychic who told Claire to get on the plane and his daughter???? 
10. Locke as a kid—why did he have that smoke monster drawing if he didn't remember the compass?
11. Why did Ben brainwash Alex's boyfriend with videos that said stuff like "God loves you as he loves Jacob"?
12. How are Mr. Paik and Widmore connected?
13. What the F is "Geronimo Jones"?
14. Where are The Tailies?
^^I've watched every episode and have no ideas where some of those questions came from. I think I literally need to sit down and watch all 6 seasons in a row to fully understand @!% is going on.
Real talk, those spoilers are the last i'm looking at.

I already knew parts, but not the whole thing. I did forget them.
Most of those questions don't matter and definitely aren't the most important.

Geronimo Jackson is just a hippie 70s band in the LOST universe.
EBW - you'll never be done with spoilers

Wasn't it a rumor a few years ago that Sawyer was somehow on the cover of the G Jackson album cover. Then last year he actually went to the 70's....

And I can say Lost > Wire, the same way I could say Jordan was the greatest player ever before he retired. But, I see what your saying. If Lost has a really dumb ending I'm sure I'll change, I just don't see it happening.

i don't care about most of those questions

walt, claire, numbers was all i really cared about. and how people have visions
I just caught up on last week's episode and
.  Keeps getting better and better.  I def think once this season is done, I'll be going through the entire series eventually in case I missed anything.
Where has nyc been? Is he not welcome in these parts anymore? I also hate how ben is not in this season as much. He used to be my favorite character
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Don't worry about the spoilers. Stay in the dark, trust!

nah man.. i prefer knowing, cause i'm going watch it a TON of times anyways
anyone ever watched enhanced episodes? i'm watching the substitute and it's weird they really dumb it down and specify things

they said straight up that a candidate is someone who is a candidate to replace jacob.
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