Men who brag about dating very young women

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I never get the point of your threads.

I am ranting.

I said , I don't understand why men feel the need to brag about "smashing" women who are much younger than them. I then included why I feel that way. It's not a question. Just a rant.

Why NT tho? Why not lipstick alley or some other female centric forum?

Because OP is a dude

Nah, troll dudes pretend to be attractive. This right here is female logic on steroids.
I'm 31 and my daughters mother is 25 and so is my son's mother. My other sons mother is 26 so its all about younger women
Why date if you never ****?
 Because it's not something I have to have. I'm not saying I don't get aroused, I just control it very easily. Was dancing with this guy the other night who was getting hot. Started grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. I did get hot too but I could walk away and I did. I've always been that way and have done it to boyfriends. I actually have better relationships not doing anything.

I date for company and even then I don't NEED it. I can take myself out to eat, see a movie...and actually most of the time, I enjoy it better alone.
Exactly how long do these "better relationships" last? Cuz ain't no man with a modicum of self-respect gonna put up with that if he ain't getting it from somewhere else. I'm just being honest.
s a pretty long story. I started walking up around the presidential suites so I could climb up all those stairs and get a good glute workout. I didnt have any success there so I headed back over to main campus. I was wearing my Come At Me Bro tanktop and I was looking pretty thick,solid, and tight. I walked past a group of girls that were mirin' hard. I kept walking because I know those sloots will remember me next time they see me somewhere. No need to be nice to sloots or else they will get too much confidence and lose interest. I was walking towards the middle of campus and there was this 8/10 walking with her boyfriend. I asked the girl if she was mirin' and smiled at her. Her boyfriend said excuse me. I said Im not talking to you ******* talk to me when you lift. She started laughing and I asked for her number right there in front of him. He said no way you are doing this and started swinging at me. I laughed at him because he missed both times. His gf got in the way and calmed him down. I didnt feel like hitting him lol its not worth my time. Plus I just got off probation for my driving record. I ended up just telling the girl to add me on facebook and walked back to my car. One of my friends that knows my mom I guess saw what happened and texted my mom saying I got into a fight.... I get this call like 5 minutes later and my mom starts yelling at me. Started saying I better not drive my car home or else I'll have to move in with my aunt and uncle. I ended up just getting on this cab that comes onto campus. I looked at the license plate and it read fresh prince. I got in and it had the fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror. I yelled at the cab driver yo holmes to bel air. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and she said you're moving in with your aunt and uncle in bel air. It was a pretty crazy situation. I can't say that I've ever been in that situation before. It was a pretty cool story that I will be able to tell ppl though. Hopefully the girl adds me on facebook.

:rofl: repped bro...i dont even know what to say, but thanks for this :lol:
btw whoever this troll is, is pretty lame...idk how yall believe the **** she be saying in her threads :smh:
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Why date if you never ****?

 Because it's not something I have to have. I'm not saying I don't get aroused, I just control it very easily. Was dancing with this guy the other night who was getting hot. Started grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. I did get hot too but I could walk away and I did. I've always been that way and have done it to boyfriends. I actually have better relationships not doing anything.

I date for company and even then I don't NEED it. I can take myself out to eat, see a movie...and actually most of the time, I enjoy it better alone.

Exactly how long do these "better relationships" last? Cuz ain't no man with a modicum of self-respect gonna put up with that if he ain't getting it from somewhere else. I'm just being honest.
its clear that she likes being spoiled by multiple men
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Exactly how long do these "better relationships" last? Cuz ain't no man with a modicum of self-respect gonna put up with that if he ain't getting it from somewhere else. I'm just being honest.
This is the thing. It works in my favor.

I don't have feelings about it either way. If they cheat, at least I didn't sleep with them. No sleep lost.

If he doesn't cheat, maybe, just maybe he's about something. Either way, I can't become bitter in the end. I gave up nothing besides a bit of time.

Exactly how long do these "better relationships" last? Cuz ain't no man with a modicum of self-respect gonna put up with that if he ain't getting it from somewhere else. I'm just being honest.

This is the thing. It works in my favor.

I don't have feelings about it either way. If they cheat, at least I didn't sleep with them. No sleep lost.

If he doesn't cheat, maybe, just maybe he's about something. Either way, I can't become bitter in the end. I gave up nothing besides a bit of time.

Yeah you can't become bitter in the end because you already started out bitter
Nah, troll dudes pretend to be attractive. This right here is female logic on steroids.
I've long resolved that I wasn't  going to argue about being a female. Guys just want to argue for no reason or they think I'm going to pull a pic out of the box if I keep getting badgered. I'm not trying to date anyone since being here. There's no reason to troll.

Exactly how long do these "better relationships" last? Cuz ain't no man with a modicum of self-respect gonna put up with that if he ain't getting it from somewhere else. I'm just being honest.

This is the thing. It works in my favor.

I don't have feelings about it either way. If they cheat, at least I didn't sleep with them. No sleep lost.

If he doesn't cheat, maybe, just maybe he's about something. Either way, I can't become bitter in the end. I gave up nothing besides a bit of time.
let me ask you, what do you bring to the table in a relationship?
Yeah you can't become bitter in the end because you already started out bitter
Can't become bitter when you don't sleep with the guy. I don't feel taken advantage of, lied to, bored with,  betrayed, none of that unless I give it up. It's a win win.  More women should do it.

I literally walk away in tact. I do get disappointed but that's it. If a guy acts out, I just thank my lucky stars I didn't give it up. It would be ten times worse if I shared my body with a loser. Then I'd certainly be a bitter woman.
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Pretty sure older men have desired younger women since the beginning of time...this is why it's important for women to have skills and qualities beyond their beauty, because beauty is temporary.  Most women are in their prime of beauty from 18-21.
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Yap yap yap yap yap yap

why ask a question then dismiss every answer given to you? Its like you created this thread just to argue
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Yap yap yap yap yap yap

why ask a question then dismiss every answer given to you? Its like you created this thread just to argue
Doesn't she do this all the time? If OP makes any of you NT fam get riled up, she won.
my old boss dated a 20 yo. he was 62 and recently divorced though
it's funny cause dude was starting to get into fashion and dressing up after yrs of not caring
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High school chicks stay getting rammed by 25+ year olds. This has always gone on...

I can't eem front. Some of these 15-17 year olds be looking right. :wow:
:x :x

let me ask you, what do you bring to the table in a relationship?

There's more to a relationship than just sex

A very hard question to answer because liking someone is subjective.  Some guys just happen to like me.

so you have no idea what you bring to the table. Lets just leave it at that. Good luck to any man that gets involved with you.

Brah you better back up off Kelly like that. She brought Draya and rest of my queens back to me, I will not tolerated disrespect towards her.

Any man would be lucky to have Kelly and her struggle yambs by his side :smokin
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